Planting a chestnut seedling - what you need to pay attention to

planting chestnut More and more summer residents are planting chestnuts on their plots - majestic ornamental trees. In order for these oversized perennials to be able to show all their power and beauty, it is worth knowing how the chestnut is planted. Unlike apple trees and pears, these trees require more space, because the size and height of their crown are many times larger. So, what is the right way and where is it better to plant chestnut seedlings?

What soil does chestnut like and where to plant it

Chestnut is a generally unpretentious culture, but some nuances should be foreseen in advance. If the soil in your area is heavy, sand must be added to the hole when planting. It will increase the carrying capacity of the soil. It will be easier for the roots to "breathe", and the water will penetrate deeper faster and will not stagnate. If the site is sandy, you will need to "weigh down" the earth by adding a small amount of clay to the hole. This component, on the contrary, will help to retain moisture, and prevent rapid drying.

The place for the chestnut must be found the brightest. It is important that no other large trees grow at a distance of 5 m (on both sides). Over time, the chestnut forms a high and spreading crown and drowns them out. In the meantime, the seedling is small, large-sized neighbors will hinder its development, blocking out the sun.

Avoid areas where water stagnates. The root system of the chestnut in such conditions will hurt, and the tree may die.

When to plant chestnut seedlings

As with fruit trees, chestnuts can be planted both in spring and autumn. Some gardeners prefer spring planting. Then the seedling will have more time before frost to take root and get stronger. However, it is possible to land in early autumn.

The best seedling age is up to 3 years. Older chestnuts should only be planted in spring. Moreover, the maximum age of the tree should not exceed 10 years. The older the seedling, the harder it is to transfer the transplant.

Planting chestnuts step by step

For a chestnut, a planting hole should be dug, the size of which depends on the seedling and the size of its root system. For young small trees, a hole 50 cm wide and the same depth is enough.

The chestnut planting procedure itself is simple and consists of the following:

  1. Add sand or clay to the hole if necessary.
  2. Lay drainage in the form of pebbles at the bottom of the pit.
  3. Add humus (about 0.5-1 bucket) and 500 g each of lime and dolomite flour. Mix.
  4. It's good to spill the hole.
  5. Place the seedling in the center and cover it with earth, tamping it down.
  6. Drive in a peg at a distance of at least 15 cm from the stem. It will support the fragile sapling for the first couple of years until the trunk becomes stronger.

And one more important point - when planting, you cannot deepen the root collar. It should remain above the soil at least 8 cm high. The last step will be abundant watering of the chestnut.

Video about planting a chestnut seedling


