Finding out at what temperature to store onions so that they do not spoil

Can you tell me at what temperature to store onions? I just can't find a good place for him. I left it in the pantry (it is not heated here, but there is no freezing temperature there), so it dried up there. Last year I let it down into the basement - it generally sprouted. True, we have high humidity in the basement. But now my husband is doing this, dries him out and repairs the ventilation. Where is it better to leave the crop so that it lies for a long time and does not spoil?

at what temperature to store onions Having dug up a good harvest of onions, it is too early to rejoice. Ahead lies the second most important cultivation task - storage. To maximize the shelf life of root crops, it is important to know at what temperature to store onions. He does not like heat, especially when combined with high humidity. In such rooms, the roots simply disappear, because they begin to sprout and, worse, rot. Not only will the aroma be indescribable, but by the end of winter you can lose the entire harvest. Therefore, the correct temperature regime is the main task of every gardener who wants to preserve the result of his work until the next season.

At what temperature to store onions - ideal conditions

onion storage temperature and humidity

The average temperature for storing bulbs is 0 ° C. But depending on what type they belong to, there are some recommendations:

  1. Sweet varieties lie better at freezing temperatures. But you can slightly extend the shelf life by slightly cooling them and placing them in a room in which -1 ° C. The same applies to semi-sharp onion varieties.
  2. Sharp onions last longer under cold conditions, which protects them from rot. For them, lowering the temperature to -3 ° C is allowed. In such conditions, onions can be stored for almost a year.

The combined storage mode also "works" well. After harvesting, dried root crops are stored at room temperature no higher than 22 ° C heat. And with the onset of frost, they take it out into a cold room.

It is equally important to maintain optimal air humidity. It should not exceed 75%, otherwise the bulbs will sprout or start to rot.

Where can you store onions

where to store onionsIf the crop is small and the bulbs still have feathers and stems, you can braid them. When suspended, they are well ventilated, and it is also easy to notice decaying specimens in time and cut them off. Similar conditions will be if you put the crop in old nylon stockings and also hang it.

On large scales, the bulbs are folded into special nets. Or in boxes: cardboard, wooden or plastic - it doesn't matter, the main thing is that there are holes for ventilation. You can simply lay out the onions in one layer on the shelves.

In apartment conditions, dark and cool pantries are used to store vegetables. For almost a month, onions can lie just in an apartment, in a paper bag or box. And if there is an insulated balcony, the box can be put there. But the best and longest onion is stored in basements and cellars with ventilation.

How to store onions in winter


