Posts tagged "afelandra"

Beauty from the tropics - Afelandra, home care for a capricious flower
Beauty from the tropics - Afelandra, home care for a capricious flower
Does Afelander need a period of rest, what should be her care at home? I bought a small bush on sale, it only had a couple of leaves, yes ...
Reproduction of Afelandra - how to quickly and easily get new beautiful bushes
Reproduction of Afelandra - how to quickly and easily get new beautiful bushes
Tell me, how does Afelandra reproduce? A young bush was presented to me by employees at work and for the third year now, it pleases me with its flowering. At home I put the pot on ...
Reproduction of afelandra at home
Reproduction of afelandra at home
Many amateur flower growers want to replenish their collections with beautifully flowering bushes of home Afelandra. Although a tropical plant as a pot culture is very moody and demanding to care for, it grows quickly, blooms ...
Amazing Afelandra needs special care
Amazing Afelandra needs special care
Beautifully flowering, herbaceous and shrubby plants of the Afelandra genus - natives of the tropical regions of the South American continent. According to various estimates, there are from 40 to 190 varieties and species, but as ...


