Posts tagged "wild rosemary"

Intoxicating and poisonous, but such a useful rosemary - medicinal properties and contraindications
Intoxicating and poisonous, but such a useful rosemary - medicinal properties and contraindications
Tell me, does wild rosemary really help with coughing, medicinal properties and contraindications of this plant, which diseases still spread? My husband has chronic bronchitis, suffers from bouts of dry cough, ...
How to grow a beautiful rosemary in the country
How to grow a beautiful rosemary in the country
Ledum in the country is grown by many gardeners. Its appearance is no less interesting than its origin. Scientists are still arguing about the generic affiliation of this plant. One of ...
A precious gift of nature - medicinal properties of wild rosemary
A precious gift of nature - medicinal properties of wild rosemary
It is difficult to imagine what life would be like without medicinal herbs, thanks to which people maintain health. Fortunately, there is an abundance of such plants in nature, but today we will consider medicinal ...


