Posts tagged "daikon"

Daikon radish - useful properties and contraindications of a sweet root vegetable
Daikon radish - useful properties and contraindications of a sweet root vegetable
What are the useful properties and contraindications of daikon radish? My nutritionist told me to use it more often to get rid of a delicate problem - constipation. I had to switch to vegetable salads, but ...
How to cook daikon - recipes for simple but delicious dishes
How to cook daikon - recipes for simple but delicious dishes
Tell me how to cook a daikon? I used to not really like this giant white radish, but my husband gradually taught me to it. Today I can happily crunch a salad, ...
Influence of useful and harmful substances of daikon on human health
Influence of useful and harmful substances of daikon on human health
The daikon radish is native to Japan, in its homeland it is an essential part of the daily diet. The culture is known to many gardeners and gardeners, it has a high yield and a long life ...


