Posts tagged "hyacinths"

How to water hyacinth: watering frequency and methods
How to water hyacinth: watering frequency and methods
Tell me how to water the hyacinth? For the women's holiday, we were all given flowering bushes at work. As they later said, some employees immediately dropped them off into the garden. I left ...
How to transplant hyacinth: the nuances of the procedure in relation to indoor and garden flowers
How to transplant hyacinth: the nuances of the procedure in relation to indoor and garden flowers
Tell me how to transplant hyacinth? After the spring holidays, I still have a pot with a gift flower, all the leaves have already wilted long ago. I would like to keep it, the variety is very beautiful. ...
What to do when hyacinths are blooming?
What to do when hyacinths are blooming?
I love hyacinths very much, but I have never grown them. This year I got my first long-awaited flower - a gift for March 8th from my husband. I would like to save ...
Step-by-step instructions for forcing hyacinths at home
Step-by-step instructions for forcing hyacinths at home
Fresh flowers on the festive table will make any celebration unforgettable. But buying them in the middle of winter is expensive and impractical. It is much cheaper and more interesting to distill bulbous plants at home. ...
Forcing hyacinths at home
Forcing hyacinths at home
Hyacinths are very easy to select. Even today, new varieties of these flowers are being developed, as they are in great demand during the spring holidays. However, hyacinths are sold in the fall. ...
Propagation of hyacinths in an efficient industrial way
Propagation of hyacinths in an efficient industrial way
Hyacinths are unpretentious to the conditions of detention. These flowers, like all bulbous ones, can rot and die only with excessive watering and stagnant water. Suitable for growing hyacinths ...
How to save hyacinth bulbs until next spring
How to save hyacinth bulbs until next spring
Hyacinths are flowers from the bulbous family. Even 200 years ago, these flowers were very popular, two-color varieties of hyacinth were bred. This plant lends itself well to selection. Many ...
We create a spring blooming flower bed by planting hyacinths in open ground
We create a spring blooming flower bed by planting hyacinths in open ground
Hyacinths, which are planned to be planted and nurtured outdoors, can become the most spectacular garden decoration. A variety of bright colors of inflorescences allows you to create picturesque compositions. Hyacinths appear immediately after ...
Why don't our favorite hyacinths bloom in the garden?
Why don't our favorite hyacinths bloom in the garden?
Even the most unpretentious plants have some characteristics and have their own requirements for planting and care. The agricultural technology used in the cultivation of hyacinths in the garden is also due to the need to create comfortable ...
The right time for planting hyacinths in the garden is a guarantee of abundant flowering in spring
The right time for planting hyacinths in the garden is a guarantee of abundant flowering in spring
When hyacinths bloom in spring, they become one of the first and, obviously, the brightest decorations in the awakening garden. Despite the warmth-loving nature in the middle lane, guests from the Mediterranean and ...
Do you know when to dig up hyacinths after flowering?
Do you know when to dig up hyacinths after flowering?
To successfully grow a plant such as hyacinth, you need a correct and calculated approach. If you want your plant to be strong and produce beautiful flowers, you should stick to some ...
Fragrant hyacinths: planting and care in the open field
Fragrant hyacinths: planting and care in the open field
Natives of the Mediterranean and Southeast Asia, hyacinths bloom in early spring, striking with their aroma spreading in the air and a riot of color from white and all shades of blue to yellow ...
What to do with the bulb when the hyacinth has faded?
What to do with the bulb when the hyacinth has faded?
Spring is gradually losing its bright colors and everything around is dressed in summer pastel colors. The close arrival of summer heat is also confirmed by the faded heads of spring flowers. They've already lost ...
Planting and caring for water hyacinths - advice from a professional!
Planting and caring for water hyacinths - advice from a professional!
On the rivers and lakes of the South American continent, Asia and Africa, the water hyacinth Eichornia sometimes becomes a serious problem for the inhabitants of the surrounding villages, biologists, and all local flora and fauna. ...
Proper planting and care of hyacinths at home
Proper planting and care of hyacinths at home
Hyacinth is a bulbous plant that can be successfully grown both in the garden and at home. Therefore, many amateur flower growers want to grow this flower at home ...
Spring country flower bed of hyacinths (video)
Spring country flower bed of hyacinths (video)
A summer cottage bed should delight with flowering from the very early spring. Hyacinth, a low-growing plant that produces a cluster of inflorescences on which ...


