Posts tagged "indian bow"

Healing tincture of Indian onions: where it comes in handy and how to make
Healing tincture of Indian onions: where it comes in handy and how to make
Tell us, what does Indian onion tincture help with? I have been growing it for a long time, but not as a medicinal plant, but for the sake of interesting flowering. The fact that the bow can also ...
The healing properties of Indian onions: application, contraindications
The healing properties of Indian onions: application, contraindications
Siberian healers paid attention to the healing properties of Indian onions in the last century. It is used to prepare infusions, decoctions, which are used for various diseases. Also Indian bow is used ...
Growing Indian onions at home
Growing Indian onions at home
In the treatment of folk methods, a large number of different medicinal herbs are used, and some are even grown on the windowsill of the house. Among them, the most popular is the Indian onion. Growing Indian Onions Is Not ...


