Posts tagged "kampsis"

How to propagate Kampsis - all ways to get a new vine
How to propagate Kampsis - all ways to get a new vine
Tell me how to propagate Kampsis? We have a good high arch in our yard, there used to be grapes on it, but it gradually disappeared. There are a couple of table varieties left and that's enough for us, ...
Cultivation of kampsis: what you should know before planting an aggressive vine on the site
Cultivation of kampsis: what you should know before planting an aggressive vine on the site
If you love vines and there is a free space in the country, plant a kampsis there. Cultivation of kampsis is possible even for novice gardeners due to its absolute unpretentiousness. Curly lashes ...
Pruning kampsis: how and when to cut a vine
Pruning kampsis: how and when to cut a vine
A characteristic feature of Kampsis is that it grows rapidly and suppresses everything, because it is not for nothing that it is called an aggressive vine. Therefore, pruning the kampsis is essential, important and necessary ...
Campsis from cuttings: two ways of successful rooting
Campsis from cuttings: two ways of successful rooting
A fast-growing liana will decorate any corner with gorgeous flowering, so the question of how to propagate it is of interest to many gardeners. Growing Kampsis from cuttings is one of the easiest and fastest ways ...
Campsis Madame Galen is a popular thermophilic hybrid in your garden
Campsis Madame Galen is a popular thermophilic hybrid in your garden
Campsis grow in almost every garden, creating picturesque arches and walls with their weaving vines. The most common Madame Galen hybrid campis with its bright orange flowers. Than ...
Gardener's wise advice: how to care for Kampsis
Gardener's wise advice: how to care for Kampsis
If the summer resident knows how to care for the Kampsis during the year, he will be able to grow a shrub of unusual beauty on his site. And how pleasant it is to contemplate its bright whole summer ...
Reproduction of Kampsis - an original way to create a paradise in the country
Reproduction of Kampsis - an original way to create a paradise in the country
You can hardly find a gardener who would refuse a cozy corner on his site. For many, planting several at once has become a huge help in achieving this goal ...
Live flowering hedge of bright creeper Kampsis
Live flowering hedge of bright creeper Kampsis
In gardens along the hedge, they often like to plant a liana - kampsis. Its main advantage is abundant flowering with the dissolution of bright gramophone buds. Consider the rules of planting and caring for a plant, ...
Acquaintance with the amazing Kampsis from photos and descriptions
Acquaintance with the amazing Kampsis from photos and descriptions
The unique plant Kampsis is used mainly in the southern zones, for landscaping, decoration of gardens and estates. We will have a pleasant acquaintance with the photos of Kampsis presented in the article and his botanical ...
Preparing Kampsis for winter: when and how to cover it
Preparing Kampsis for winter: when and how to cover it
In the fall, I planted a Kampsis in my dacha, which I had dreamed of for a long time, and now I worry about how it will spend the winter. The bush is young, and we are constantly at the dacha only in the summer. ...


