Posts tagged "clivia"

Features of growing cinnabar clivia - a charming and whimsical African woman
Features of growing cinnabar clivia - a charming and whimsical African woman
Please tell us about the peculiarities of growing cinnabar clivia. When buying this flower, the seller immediately warned me that she was a little capricious. But the admiration for the amazing inflorescences was so great that it resisted ...
Reproduction of clivia by seeds 4 years long
Reproduction of clivia by seeds 4 years long
A majestic tropical lily bush should decorate not only one place, but also be in every part of the house. Therefore, the propagation of clivia by seeds is carried out at the right time and the right ...
Competent care of clivia is the guarantor of luxurious flowering
Competent care of clivia is the guarantor of luxurious flowering
Kaffir lily is not too demanding either on watering or on sunlight. Still, cleavage care includes several delicate nuances. By observing them, the gardener can ...
Clivia transplant: topical tips
Clivia transplant: topical tips
Clivia is transplanted when the root system has completely filled the pot and begins to "break out" out. The procedure must be completed before the beginning of the dormant period, which will fall in September. Vallot ...
When the flowering of clivia pleases the hostess twice a year
When the flowering of clivia pleases the hostess twice a year
The flowering of clivia is such a long-awaited, and most importantly, an impressive sight for a caring grower. This perennial plant has gained a reputation as an unpretentious indoor flowerpot. It is famous for its high decorativeness as in ...
We grow clivia at home - a blooming decorative perennial
We grow clivia at home - a blooming decorative perennial
Hello. Please tell me the name of the flower in the photo (the one that is larger). Long large leaves of decent size, painted in a rich green color, collected in a dense rosette and growing ...
Photo of a clivia flower and interesting facts
Photo of a clivia flower and interesting facts
Seeing a photo of a clivia flower, an indoor plant, you involuntarily begin to look for this miracle. A fan of leathery leaves up to 75 cm long and a huge cap of bells of different sizes on a long arrow ...
We propagate clivia at home
We propagate clivia at home
The tropical flower kaffir lily has long taken root on windowsills, and is loved by flower growers. Reproduction of clivia (photo) at home is carried out by root suckers and seeds. It has short fleshy rhizomes, ...
We grow clivia at home and provide proper care
We grow clivia at home and provide proper care
Once an amateur saw the winter flowering of clivia in the photo, home care of any complexity will not stop you from acquiring a miracle. A relative of hippeastrum, does not have a bulb and does not need ...


