Posts tagged "kosmeya"

Gentle firmness named kosmeya - planting and care in the open field
Gentle firmness called "kosmeya" - planting and care in the open field
I would like to learn everything in detail about the kosmeya flower, planting and caring for this plant in the open field. The neighbor gathered her seeds and gave me some, she has ...
Growing cosmos: how to get an unpretentious flower in your garden
Growing cosmos: how to get an unpretentious flower in your garden
Growing cosmos even for inexperienced growers will be more fun than hassle. The plant is very viable and resistant. He does not care about the sun, rain, or poor soil. Despite ...
Types of cosmos - everything that real flower connoisseurs need to know
Types of cosmos - everything that real flower connoisseurs need to know
Many novice gardeners think that kosmeya are ordinary simple chamomile-shaped flowers growing on huge bushes. In general, this is correct, but breeders have bred a lot more ...
Planting cosmos - simple secrets to get lush bushes with abundant flowering
Planting cosmos - simple secrets to get lush bushes with abundant flowering
Perhaps there is no such a front garden in which cosmea does not grow. These flowers were bred by our grandmothers, because planting cosmos is within the power of any florist. The culture is propagated by seed. ...
Kosmeya flowers - the best plants for a novice florist
Kosmeya flowers - the best plants for a novice florist
Many people call the flowers of kosmeya flowers from the "grandmother's garden". Simple chamomile-like buds have really been growing in the vastness of our homeland for a long time. In fact, this culture is not at all ...
Summer beauty kosmeya terry: popular varieties, cultivation features
Summer beauty kosmeya terry: popular varieties, cultivation features
Once, visiting a neighbor, I saw very beautiful double flowers of pink cosme. I love these flowers, my grandmother always planted them, but she had a simple ...
Kosmeya Sensation - description and photos of the best varieties
Kosmeya Sensation - description and photos of the best varieties
Back in the fall, I bought the seeds of a cosme called Sensation. I am a very lazy flower grower, so I prefer those plants for which the care is minimal, and this flower was advised to me in the store ...
Three ways to grow terry cosme from seeds
Three ways to grow terry cosme from seeds
I have a kosmeya growing near my house with simple flowers. I didn't plant it on purpose, we got the bushes from the previous owners after buying the site, and since then ...
How to grow cosmeia from seeds
How to grow cosmeia from seeds
Almost everyone knows the spectacular and undemanding beauty of kosmeya, the cultivation of which is available to everyone. The main thing is to understand when to plant an unpretentious flower. This common annual can be found almost everywhere. ...
Acquaintance with cosmea by photos and descriptions
Acquaintance with cosmea by photos and descriptions
Known to everyone from childhood, a bright flower that grew in flower beds near the house or in the country is loved by many. They love her for her unpretentiousness, riot of colors and ease of planting ...


