Posts tagged "lavender"

How to grow lavender from seeds: the secrets of germination and subtleties of sowing
How to grow lavender from seeds: the secrets of germination and subtleties of sowing
Tell us how to grow lavender from seeds. I got a very interesting variety with a beautiful color. In the store, the seller said that the seeds need to be kept in the refrigerator, otherwise they will not ...
Reproduction of lavender: simple and productive
Reproduction of lavender: simple and productive
When a variety of a favorite flower plant is very expensive, then housewives resort to various tricks. One of them is the propagation of lavender by self-seeding, cuttings and cuttings. ...
Gardener's Barber - Spring Pruning Lavender
Gardener's Barber - Spring Pruning Lavender
The end of March, the snow begins to gradually melt from the flower bed, and the solar circle rises higher and higher above the horizon. It is for this kind of weather that spring pruning of lavender is intended. It is carried out, ...
Preparing lavender for winter consists of a haircut and dusting powder.
Preparing lavender for winter consists of a haircut and dusting powder.
Fear deprives many gardeners of the opportunity to admire such colored grass (as the culture is called by the people). Therefore, preparing the lavender for winter will help keep the plant in good condition. Carry out the procedure ...
Gardeners tell you how to sow lavender seeds before winter
Gardeners tell you how to sow lavender seeds before winter
In mid-October / November, when the temperature is between 10-15 ° C, it is just time to take care of your flower bed. Sowing lavender seeds before winter is carried out in dry weather, after the season ...
Features of planting and caring for lavender in the open field in different regions
Features of planting and caring for lavender in the open field in different regions
A flower like lavender, which is easy to plant and care for in the open field, is very popular among summer residents. This plant is known all over the world. The bush got its popularity thanks to ...
Introduce seed-grown lavender to your garden
Introduce seed-grown lavender to your garden
Growing lavender from seeds at home is usually straightforward. The plant is popular with housewives. This type of flower has not only a beautiful appearance, but also many ...
The amazing benefits of lavender oil
The amazing benefits of lavender oil
Lavender oil, the properties and uses of which are known all over the world, has a unique property. It is used in perfumery, medicine and other industries. Lavender is a unique flower whose aroma ...
Her majesty, lavender: planting and caring for a plant in the country
Her majesty, lavender: planting and caring for a plant in the country
Incomparable lavender, planting and caring for which requires special knowledge and skills, brings great joy to its owners. Its amazing aroma, unique color and useful properties are not ...
Subtleties of planting and care in the open field for delicate lavender
Subtleties of planting and care in the open field for delicate lavender
In the numerous family of Yasnotkovy there are a lot of plants that have amazing decorativeness, and an extraordinary aroma, and other useful properties. If the summer resident wants his site to be decorated with lavender, planting ...


