Posts tagged "poinsettia"

What is the name of the New Year's flower with red leaves - a familiar stranger poinsettia
What is the name of the New Year's flower with red leaves - a familiar stranger poinsettia
Tell me what is the name of the New Year's flower with red leaves? I have a birthday just for Christmas and I want to order my husband a gift. I've been dreaming about this for a long time ...
Poinsettia bloom: a solution to a burning problem
Poinsettia bloom: a solution to a burning problem
Many amateur flower growers are pursued by one déjà vu: they carry out all the proper procedures in the strictest order, and the poinsettia blooms just like that. This terrible tragedy, unfortunately, is not uncommon. Reasons ...
Reproduction of poinsettia: difficult cuttings
Reproduction of poinsettia: difficult cuttings
Although the most beautiful euphorbia is a seasonal crop, many still want to have several luxurious specimens of this handsome man on their window. In this case, the reproduction of poinsettia must be carried out without ...
Poinsettia pruning: when and how it is done
Poinsettia pruning: when and how it is done
During the 3 winter months, the Christmas star blooms luxuriously, and then sheds its leaves, because seeds begin to set. During this period, trimming poinsettia becomes real for her ...
How to make poinsettia bloom for more than one season
How to make poinsettia bloom for more than one season
Christmas star, beautiful euphorbia or poinsettia. All this is about one gorgeous plant. When the culture blooms by the end of December, it pleases its owner with colorful leaves (near small buds) ...
What you need to know about poinsettia transplant?
What you need to know about poinsettia transplant?
Last year they gave me a poinsettia for my birthday, but to my great regret, the bush wilted as soon as it faded. A friend said that it was necessary to transplant him ...
Caring for the poinsettia plant at home
Caring for the poinsettia plant at home
The blooming of poinsettia in the midst of winter made it a bright attribute of the New Year and Christmas. As a tropical plant, poinsettia at home requires special care and knowledge ...
Pruning and propagating poinsettia at home
Pruning and propagating poinsettia at home
When the winter bloom of poinsettia ends, it may seem that the plant is dying, but this is not the case. Pruning and reproduction of poinsettia at home helps prolong the life of a flower. On time and correctly cut ...
What kind of poinsettia do you grow at home?
What kind of poinsettia do you grow at home?
Poinsettia, known in most of the world as the Christmas Star, is native to the dry, subtropical forests of Mexico. The triumphal procession of the flower around the world began with the USA, and today the varieties ...


