Posts tagged "stromant"

Stromanta leaves dry - what does it happen and how to help a flower
Stromanta leaves dry - what does it happen and how to help a flower
Help and tell me what to do if the leaves of the stromant are drying. Last year I took this long-suffering flower from work, where the bush died safely. She transplanted, nursed and cherished ...
Features of growing stromant in indoor conditions
Features of growing stromant in indoor conditions
Many growers prefer such an unusual plant as stromant, the cultivation of which has certain difficulties. Knowing about all the secrets and nuances of caring for an exotic flower, you can create conditions, ...
Description of popular types of stromant
Description of popular types of stromant
Today, many indoor floriculture lovers pay attention to exotic plants. To decorate an apartment, the types of stromant that are most suitable for growing indoors will be an excellent option. Skillful selection ...
The main causes of stromantal diseases
The main causes of stromantal diseases
A visitor to the tropical forests is a capricious plant. As a result of improper care, various stromant diseases arise, which, first of all, are reflected on the leaves. It is important to notice in time a change in their external ...


