This is possible and not at all difficult - thuja in Siberia, planting and care, photo of varieties

Tell me if thuja grows in Siberia, planting and care, photos of suitable varieties especially need to be known and seen. Moved to these cold lands quite recently, having got married. At first, I could not get used to the short summer and cold winters, but now I was already involved. So, I'm trying to improve our site and decided to plant thuja on it. These trees will remind me of my parental home. We had several of them, just huge, from afar I could easily find where I live. I just doubt whether the thuja will survive here and whether it makes sense to start it at all, because the seedlings are decent.

thuya in siberia planting and leaving photos This evergreen beauty looks gorgeous anywhere, and its unpretentious nature allows it to be grown in any region. Including thuja feels great in Siberia, planting and care (we will consider photos of suitable species later) for which they have some features due to the local climate. On the one hand, conifers only "benefit" from summer with moderate temperature values. This allows them to preserve the freshness and bright color of their needles, which in the south often "burn" from heat and sun. But do not forget about the other side of the coin - the harsh Siberian winters, which can freeze and destroy almost all living things.

For growing thuja in the Siberian expanses, it is better to choose species and varieties with increased winter hardiness.

Thuja in Siberia - planting and care, photos of the best varieties

Thuja cultivation begins with the acquisition of a seedling, and here it is important to make the right choice. The further fate of the ephedra depends on this in conditions that do not pamper with warmth, especially in winter.

Such frost-resistant thujas grow best in Siberia:

  • Smaragd is a compact tree no more than 4.5 m high with a conical dark green crown;thuja smaragd
  • Brabant - columnar fast-growing thuja 4 m high with a diameter of up to 1.5 m, the needles of which turn brown for the winter;thuya brabant
  • Columna is a tall tree up to 6 m tall with a dense column-shaped crown and dark green needles;thuja columna
  • Holmstrup is a compact tree no more than 3 m high with a dense crown in the form of a pyramid and curly needles;thuya holmstrup
  • Wagner - another low thuja with gray-green needles and an unusual crown in the form of an egg, which does not require a haircut;thuja wagner
  • Sankist is an original tree up to 5 m high with a crown diameter of up to 2 m with golden needles, which become bronze in color with age.thuya sankist

When, where and how to plant Siberian thuja

In Siberia, it is recommended to plant conifers in the spring. Then they have enough time in stock to take root, grow roots and young branches, and get stronger. For thuja, it is necessary to select a sunny area, preferably without drafts - almost all species do not like them. It is good if in the afternoon it is slightly hidden from the sun, so that moisture does not evaporate so quickly and the needles are burned. All thuja love sod soil, mixed with peat and sand.planting thuja in Siberia

In group planting, the distance between seedlings depends on the specific type of thuja. To create a hedge, it is enough to leave 1 m. Between separately growing large thujas, which in adulthood reach up to 10 m, there should be at least 5-6 m. For lower species, a distance of 2 m is enough.

When planting, it is important not to deepen the root collar. And after that it is worth mulching the trunk circle. This will avoid frequent loosening, because the thuja has a superficial root system. And besides, it will retain moisture.

How to care for thuja in Siberia

thuja in siberia planting and leaving wateringIn order for the seedlings not only to take root, but also to actively develop further, they need to pay a little attention. Caring for Siberian evergreen thuja consists of the following usual procedures:

  1. Watering 1-2 times a week from spring to autumn.
  2. Top dressing in the spring with nitrogen-containing fertilizers and in the summer with preparations containing potassium and iron. If a mineral complex was added to the hole when planting, then in the current season it is no longer necessary to fertilize the tree.
  3. Pruning. Most often this is a sanitary haircut - the removal of dry, broken and damaged branches. At the same time, most varieties lend themselves well to formation and you can give their crown any kind. It is better to carry out such a haircut in the summer.

And, finally, the main feature of thuja cultivation in Siberian regions is its wintering. Old trees from the varieties with increased frost resistance do not need shelter for the winter. But young thuja in the first few years must be protected from frost. To do this, they are covered with lutrasil or spandbond. It will be more convenient to build a frame around the tree, on which the insulation is put on.

Features of growing thuja in Siberia


