Problems with growing boxwood

Boxwoods grow for 4-5 years within the city. Now there is a good young growth, and strange spots appeared on the old leaves - brown ones, then they dry out and the twig dies off. What to do? Thank.

boxwood For landscape design, boxwood is an almost irreplaceable and widely used culture. This evergreen shrub is capable of growing in almost any climate, and even indoors. The plant has a beautiful decorative appearance thanks to the tough small leaves that generously cover the bush and retain their color throughout the year. Of no small importance is the fact that boxwood tolerates pruning very well and quickly forms new shoots. This property of the plant allows you to give it any shape, from strict geometric shapes to pretentious abstractions.

By its nature, boxwood should be, as they say, the same color in winter and summer. However, often an unpretentious perennial presents an unpleasant surprise to its owners - the leaves begin to change color, spots may appear on them, and over time, not only the foliage, but also the branches themselves dry out.

The reason for this phenomenon may lie in one of the following factors or their combination:

  • excess lighting;
  • improper watering;
  • lack of nutrition;
  • low temperature;
  • diseases;
  • invasion of pests.

Lighting and air temperature

drying of leaves

Boxwood grows best in partial shade. If you plant a bush in a sunny place, it will quickly lose its green color, so you should avoid areas where the plant will be in the sun throughout the day.

Direct sunlight is especially dangerous for perennials in the spring, and even at the end of winter, when there is a sharp warming after cold and gloomy winter days. During this period, boxwood is just beginning to wake up, and is very sensitive to the bright sun.

Some varieties of boxwood are also sensitive to low temperatures. In a long frosty winter, their leaves turn yellow and dry from frost.

To protect the bush from the sun and frost, it is recommended to cover it with a spandbond since winter, gradually opening the shelter. In the spring, you can also install a protective screen above the plantings, which will save the leaves from burns.

The introduction of potassium-predominant preparations in the fall will help the box tree to endure the winter easier and strengthen its wood.

Errors in watering and feeding

affected boxwood shoots

Drying of the leaves and branches of boxwood can be triggered by a lack of moisture. Despite the fact that the plant loves moderate watering, it needs additional moisture after pruning. If watering is insufficient, the bush will not only be unable to recover after cutting, but will also lose the remaining leaves.

At the same time, moisture stagnation under the bush should not be allowed - it will cause rotting of the root system and wilting of the bush. You can improve the moisture permeability of the soil by adding sand to the soil during planting.

The balance must also be maintained during fertilization. A change from the green color of the leaves towards yellow-brown indicates a lack of nutrients. If the leaves turn red, the boxwood clearly lacks nitrogen.

From autumn, plantings should be fed potash-phosphorus fertilizers, and in the spring - with complex preparations, which also include nitrogen.

Pest and disease infestation

The most dangerous disease of boxwood, in which the bush dries out, is necrosis.You cannot do without radical measures - the affected branches must be cut to living tissue, and the bush itself must be treated with a fungicide at least two times.

Chemical treatment will also be needed if pests are found on shoots and leaves. There are not very many of them, since the boxwood has poisonous sap, which insects do not really like. But he does not stop boxwood gall midge, spider mites and felt mites. Against them, drugs such as Aktara or Tagor are used according to the instructions.

Video about growing boxwood


