Magnolia Garden Care

Magnolia care Most gardeners consider magnolia to be a capricious crop and are afraid to plant it on the site. In some ways they are right and she has certain whims, but competent care of the magnolia will help please her. Knowing what this beautifully flowering plant needs and what to avoid, everyone can grow it. So what does a garden magnolia need to feel good?

The magnolia family has more than 70 species. Most of them are rather tall trees with a height of 5 to 8 m, but there are also very chic varieties up to 20 m high. They grow as a bush or tree with a wide crown, but a low trunk. Magnolia blooms earlier than anyone else, in April, and some varieties - in the month of March.

Tips for choosing a seedling

For planting, it is best to purchase magnolia seedlings with a closed root system. The plant tolerates transplanting very badly and there is no need to disturb the roots once again. In addition, the seedlings must be large and old enough. A tree over 1 m in height is more hardy and has a better chance of surviving our winters. It is good if there are already several flower buds on it. This will make it possible to verify the varietal affiliation, because not all species are able to live in our area.

Where to plant magnolia in the garden

Given the southern nature of the crop, it is necessary to select a protected site for its cultivation. South, southwest and southeast are the best options, provided that there are no drafts. If the natural protection in the form of walls of buildings, fence or there are no trees, you will have to make protective structures. You should also consider drainage of the area. Stagnation of water for a plant is destructive, and it cannot be planted in a lowland.

Magnolia will not grow on calcareous alkaline soils.

The planting hole should be dug 3 times larger than the magnolia root system itself. This is necessary to fill it with nutritious light soil. Then, for the next 3 years, the plant will be provided with adequate nutrition for active development.

Magnolia care

Luxurious trees with amazing flowering are actually not particularly capricious in their care, but you just need to know some of the nuances, namely:

  1. Watering the magnolia should be abundant and regular, especially during the first 2-3 years after planting. Do not allow the root system to dry out, but at the same time, moisture stagnation. If necessary, grooves must be made to drain the water so that the excess can drain off.
  2. It is recommended to fertilize a tree from 4 years of age, if a planting pit has been filled. It is best to use special fertilizer for magnolias.
  3. Young plants must be covered for the winter without fail. Most often they are brought to us from warmer countries. And although there are varieties that can withstand 30 ° frost, at a young age they are not capable of such feats. For shelter, a non-woven material is suitable, which is carefully wrapped around the trunk and branches.
  4. Magnolia can only be formed at a young age. Up to 3 years old, pruning will help shape it into a tree or bush. At an older age, this procedure will only harm - it is difficult and long to recover the plant. In adult magnolias, only sanitary pruning is carried out.

Speaking about caring for magnolia, mulching is worth mentioning separately. It plays a double and even triple role. Firstly, it prevents the soil from drying out quickly, secondly, it insulates the roots in winter, and thirdly, it serves as an organic fertilizer.And if you use coniferous litter as mulch, it will also acidify the soil, which magnolias will really like.

How to care for garden magnolia - video


