Fertilizing the soil when planting garlic: features of dressings for spring and summer garlic

Garlic in our family is consumed in large quantities, so I always plant a lot of it. However, last year the harvest was meager - the heads are small, moreover, they quickly began to deteriorate and did not last until spring. A neighbor advised me to fertilize when planting. Tell me what fertilizer is better to use for garlic when planting?
planting garlic To grow quality garlic, and at the same time keep it until next season, you need to provide the crop with a supply of nutrients. As you know, the root system of garlic is poorly developed, so it needs additional feeding. It is important to carry them out not only during the growing season, but also at the very first stages - during planting cloves.
The choice of fertilizer for garlic when planting depends on its variety, and therefore directly and on the time of planting. Many gardeners practice the parallel cultivation of two varieties of garlic:

  1. Yarovoy... The variety is planted in early spring for human consumption.
  2. Winter... Planting is carried out before winter (autumn), the variety is intended for long-term storage.

Regardless of the variety of garlic, for planting a crop, it is necessary to select a well-lit area where moisture does not stagnate. It is good to plant garlic after legumes, cucumbers, pumpkins and squash. You can't - after potatoes and onions (they have common diseases).

Fertilizing when planting spring garlic

dressing for spring garlic

It is recommended to prepare a plot for planting summer garlic in the fall. To do this, in October, after harvesting, fertilize and dig up the beds. The composition of the top dressing depends on the type of soil:

  1. For clay soil: 1 tsp urea, 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate. And also sand, peat and humus in equal amounts (5 kg each).
  2. For sandy soil: a mixture of clay soil humus (1: 2) and carbamide with superphosphate in a ratio of 1: 3.
  3. For loamy soil: 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate, 0.5 tbsp. l. urea and 3 kg of humus.
  4. For peat land: urea and superphosphate in the same amount as for loam, as well as 8 kg of sand.

Garlic loves wood ash very much - scatter it over the soil surface at the rate of 1 liter can per 1 sq. m. and close up with a rake. In early spring, the site must be dug up again or deeply loosened.

To protect against pests, immediately before planting, spill the beds with saline (3 tablespoons per bucket of water).

Fertilizing when planting winter garlic

fertilization in autumn

You can start planting a winter variety from October. At least two weeks, or better a month before this time, the soil must be dug up, at the same time adding 1 sq. m. plot:

  • 15 g of potassium salt;
  • 7 kg of humus;
  • 20 g superphosphate;
  • ash (about 2 tbsp.).

Immediately before planting, fertilize the beds with rotted manure.

Preparing a garden for garlic - video


