Garden decoration - cercis tree

cercis tree The cercis tree is in great demand among gardeners. This is a unique plant with bright flowers of an unusual shape. The tree is picky, so it will be quite easy to grow it on your site.

Cercis tree: description of appearance

the scarlet blooms

Cercis or scarlet, as it is also called, belongs to the genus of deciduous trees. It grows in Asia, North America and the Mediterranean countries.

With proper care, the tree can grow for about 70 years.

In nature, the tree grows up to 18 m tall. The crown is voluminous, looks like a ball. The trunk has curves, thus giving the plant an extraordinary appearance. Leaves are round, less often ovoid. In the summer period of the year they have a deep green hue, but with the onset of autumn they acquire a yellow color. For the winter, all the plates fall off.

Main types:

  1. Cercis is European. This species very poorly tolerates severe frosts, therefore it is mainly grown in the southern regions. The flowers are bright pink. They cover all branches abundantly. The height of the tree does not exceed 10 m. The crown is spreading. The leaves are semicircular.cercis european
  2. Cercis Canadian. Differs in frost resistance. A tree grows up to 12 m tall. Deciduous plates are two-colored. Their upper part is green, and the lower one is gray. The flowers are small, light pink. All of them are collected in bunches. Each of them has 5 to 8 buds. At the end of flowering, fruits appear in the form of beans. They stay on a tree for a long time and only fall to the ground closer to frost.cercis canadian
  3. Cercis Chinese. The tree is tall, about 15 m. The leaves are large. They are heart-shaped. The flowers are purple-pink and appear in May. Cercis Chinese belongs to the group of heat-loving plants, therefore, it does not tolerate even small frosts.cercis chinese

The first bloom of purple is observed 4 years after planting. All buds are collected in inflorescences in the form of bunches or brushes. The buds open until the leaves appear. They can be pink, purple, red.

Growing cercis on the site

certsis at their summer cottageIn order for the tree to be beautiful, it is necessary to choose the right planting site and follow the simple rules of care.

Soil selection and planting site

The best area is one that is well warmed by the sun. Also, the area where the tree will grow should be away from drafts. This is very important, as frosty winds can negatively affect the branches.

The plant loves a substrate that allows water to pass through well. The soil should also have lime in its composition and drainage. If the soil is clayey, then a little sand should be added to it. This will prevent stagnant water.

Cercis Canadian is most often grown in the Moscow region. This is due to the fact that he is not afraid of frost.

Plant pruning

pruning of cercisThis procedure is carried out in the fall on trees that are 4 years old. Shoots are removed by 1/3, and the cut sites are treated with a special tool.

It is also necessary to cut off the side branches that have the wrong direction and root growth.

In spring, pruning consists of removing frost-damaged shoots.

Potential pests

Cercis is resistant to various diseases and insects. Very rarely, a tree can infect aphid... In this case, all parts are treated with "Confidor", "Aktara" or other similar preparations.

Correct wintering

Before the onset of frost, the twigs must be carefully tied and covered with burlap.The material is secured at the base with a dense thread.

You also need to pay attention to the soil near the trunk. His mulch sawdust or fallen spruce needles.

Rules for growing trees from seeds

seedlings of cercis seedsThis method is often used by gardeners. Subject to all the rules, it will turn out to grow a beautiful and healthy plant that will decorate the flower bed for many years.

cercis beansSince the beans of the cercis are covered with a thick skin, they need to be lightly scalded with water before planting. Then transfer to a small container and fill with sulfuric acid.

Skeletal branches begin to grow only after the root system begins to develop well.

You can also speed up the process of germination of grains by rubbing them with sandpaper. But this should be done not over the entire surface, but only in a small area.

Planting beans is carried out closer to winter. They are deepened by only a few cm. Then the breast is covered with a small layer of peat, spruce branches or fallen leaves.

For thermophilic species, planting seeds is best done first in containers. This is due to the fact that such beans germinate in the open field, provided that it is not colder outside +3FROM.

The container with soil and grains is kept in a cool room. It can be a basement or a cellar. Young plants are planted only after the frost has completely passed on the street.

The seedlings grow very slowly for the first few years. In the year of planting, the shoots that appear dry up. Full growth begins only in the third year of life. If you care for the seedlings correctly, they will add about 20 cm during the summer season.

Propagation of the cercis tree by cuttings

cercis from cuttingIt is necessary to separate planting material only from strong shoots. It is better to cut the cuttings from twigs that are 2-3 years old. Each of them should have at least two healthy kidneys.

There is no need to process the cutting; it is immediately added to the chosen place. Deepen the planting material by 15 cm, place it at an angle.

The procedure is carried out in late autumn. If everything is done correctly, then before the onset of cold weather, the cutting will have time to take root well and new shoots will appear.

If you follow all the above rules, the cercis tree will certainly delight you with abundant and colorful flowering. It will be possible to admire the magnificent inflorescences already three years after planting.

Rules for caring for cercis - video


