Magic damn eggs or mushroom veselka - photo and description of the miracle of nature

What is a Veselka mushroom, can you find out a photo and description? I need it solely for medicinal purposes - to make oil against bedsores. Our grandmother had the recipe long ago, but it came in handy only now, when she fell ill. Like most bedridden patients, bedsores developed over time. We have already tried all the medicines, nothing helps, and now I found this cherished recipe in old documents. But where can I find mushrooms if I don't know what they look like? Are they generally edible?

mushroom veselka photo and description Autumn is a quiet hunting season for mushroom pickers, and the luckiest of them bring home baskets full of chanterelles, boletus, and aspen mushrooms. And only the veselka mushroom, the photo and description of which is not even known to everyone, is bypassed by many due to its unpleasant smell. By the way, the appearance of this gift of the forest is also not very attractive, and at the initial stage of development it does not even resemble a mushroom at all. Light eggs lie in the grass under the trees, and even smell as if they are rotten ... However, you should not believe your first impression, because a veselka is a very useful mushroom, albeit not beautiful.

Veselka mushroom - photo and description

Veselka mushroom cutaway

For what reasons the mushroom got such a funny name is unknown. But folk names better reflect its appearance, at least. Judge for yourself: a mushroom is called a witches' egg, a damn egg, a smelly morel or a sham. Indeed, a young fungus is a round-faced egg covered with a white or creamy shell (peridium), and inside filled with a jelly-like mass. The average weight of such eggs is 150-200 g. As the peridium grows and ripens, a long leg up to 30 cm high begins to sprout out of it quickly. Its top is decorated with a bell-shaped cap of olive-green color with a hole at the top. The hat is not high, only 5 cm, and its surface is covered with cells, and a spot forms in the center. The shaf is unpleasant to the touch, slimy - its spores live in this mucus. And it also has a disgusting putrid smell, on which insects flock.

A characteristic feature of the smelly morel is its very rapid growth. The egg itself develops in the deciduous litter for about a week (by the way, it is attached to the soil with only one root). And after the shell bursts, the entire mushroom fully matures in 3 days. For this, the veselka was even included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Veselka mushroom grows mainly in cool regions, in deciduous forests. In the south, the fungus does not survive because it does not tolerate drought. You can collect it all summer until mid-October, depending on the climate. Myceliums are mostly small, up to 20 pieces, but you can also meet singles.

The medicinal properties of the Veselka mushroom

medicinal properties of Veselka mushroomDespite the unpleasant odor and no less pleasant mucus, the fungus itself is not poisonous... Some gourmets even use it in cooking. But the main area of ​​use of the damn egg is traditional medicine. Moreover, for medicinal purposes, it is recommended to collect eggs, since they contain more nutrients. They are wiped with a cloth (do not wash) and then cut and dried.

Infusions, tinctures, juice, oil, powder are made from the veselka mushroom. They help in the prevention and treatment of many diseases, for example:

  • lower blood pressure and prevent heart attacks and strokes;
  • treat psoriasis, bedsores, purulent wounds;
  • restore immunity;
  • lower cholesterol;
  • has a calming effect on the nervous system;
  • restore hormones and potency;
  • help to get rid of pain in case of disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

What does the Veselka mushroom look like and what properties


