Choosing Clematis Ville de Lyon to decorate your site

clematis ville de lyon Each summer resident wants to decorate his site. Clematis Ville de Lyon is an excellent option. It is a unique variety that is distinguished by its colorful and large flowers. How to properly plant and care for a flower, read the article.

Clematis Ville de Lyon: variety description

lush bloom

This is the most popular hybrid that was created by French breeders. With proper care, its vines can grow up to 4 meters long. The leaves are small, oval, reminiscent of a heart.

Clematis Ville de Lyon was developed 120 years ago.

The flowers of this variety are large. Their diameter reaches 15 cm. Each bud consists of 5 petals of the same shape and size. The flowers are bright pink. As they grow, their tone may change. With a lack of light, the petals fade and become pale, almost white.

clematis bloomsAdult vines have small buds. They often take on a purple hue. Shoots are brown, rarely brown. The flowering of this variety is long. The first buds begin to appear at the end of July and delight with their beauty before the onset of frost.

The advantages of clematis Ville de Lyon:

  • annual increase in flower mass;
  • long flowering;
  • ease of care;
  • good disease resistance;
  • fast growing season.

Clematis Ville de Lyon belongs to the group of frost-resistant plants.

This variety is distinguished by its longevity. If you follow the simple rules of care, then the vine will delight with abundant flowering for many years.

Features of planting clematis Ville de Lyon

planting clematisA little attention and the right choice of a place for planting a seedling give an excellent result. A lush bush will delight you with abundant bright flowering and will decorate even the most modest corner of the site.

Landing place

The ideal option is a plot that is in the sun. The flower feels good in partial shade. But if the plant is planted under the trees, then the bush will simply stop growing and dry out.

When choosing a site, it is important to ensure that there is no reservoir... Excess moisture is also detrimental to this wonderful plant.

Boarding time

planting a clematis seedlingIt is best to plant a plant in the fall. They do this from September to October. But, if this is not possible, then the cage is carried out in the spring.

The hole for the seedling is made about 60 cm deep in diameter. This is necessary so that the long roots of clematis can be decomposed well.

Pour a drainage layer on the bottom of the recess. To do this, use broken red brick, pebbles or expanded clay. Then place a small ball of humus.

If the plant is well fertilized during planting, then for two years, you can forget about feeding.

Landing rules

Saplings are planted at a distance of at least 80 cm from each other. Before carrying out the procedure, the roots will need to be soaked in growth promoter... This will speed up the rooting process at times.

The plants are deepened so that the growing point is 8 cm under the ground. This is necessary so that young sprouts that appear very early do not freeze.

clematis on a trellisIn the spring, when the shoots have reached 5 cm, you will need to install a support. Its height should not be lower than 2 m, and its width - 1.5 m. An excellent option is Rabitz... The vine will be able to trail evenly and easily along it.

Plant care

watering clematisIn the hot season, the plant requires daily watering.It is necessary to carry out the procedure only early in the morning or late in the evening. In the middle of the day, it is not worth watering the liana, as this can only harm it.

weedingWeeding around clematis is carried out at least once a week. It is best done immediately after watering. Weeding will get rid of weeds and the dense crust that forms on the surface.

fertilizer for clematisThe first feeding is carried out in the third year of life. In the spring, when new shoots appear, nitrogen fertilizers are applied. Complex preparations are used during the period of bud formation.

Clematis Ville de Lyon: the trimming group

pruning clematisThe plant belongs to the third pruning group. Therefore, in the first year after planting, if buds appear on the vines, they must be removed. It is recommended to carry out all procedures with a pruner or a sharp knife.

Since the growth of new shoots begins at the ends of the old branches, pruning is carried out annually.

Pruning rules:

  1. At the end of autumn, the shoots should be cut almost to the ground (leave a maximum of 20 cm). In areas with severe winters, after this procedure, it is necessary to cover the branches. To do this, use agrofibre or thin tree branches.
  2. In the spring, as soon as young shoots appear on the soil surface, it is necessary to carry out sanitary pruning. In this case, all weak and damaged sprouts are removed. It is also recommended to trim the strong shoots slightly. This will ensure abundant and lush flowering in the future.

If everything is done correctly, then in the fourth year of life, clematis will delight you with lush flowering. This is due to the fact that during the first three years, the vine spends all its energy on the development of the root system.

Disease and pest control

leaves of clematis dryThis variety is quite resistant to various diseases, but despite this, the flower is capable of withering and losing its attractive appearance. In this case, it is important to determine in time what caused the changes.

Rust... This is a disease that affects the leaves. Red spots appear on the surface of the plates, which can combine and form large-scale circles. To get rid of such a problem, it is necessary to spray the plant with Bordeaux mixture.rust on the leaves

Wilt... The first sign of the disease is wilting of the upper part of the shoots. In order to get rid of the wilt, it is necessary to remove all affected branches, and pour the bush with lime milk. A weak solution of potassium permanganate and foundation is also a good option.

Nematode... This problem is rare. A nematode appears as a result of improper care. Small leaves and flowers are a sign of the disease. To get rid of the disease, it is not necessary to resort to chemicals. It is enough to plant dill and parsley near the bush. These are the plants that are great at fighting the nematode.

Butterflies... Signs of the presence of such insects are the twisting of deciduous plates. So that the shoots do not lose their foliage, it is necessary to start spraying the vine with insecticides as soon as possible. Similar drugs are sold in any specialized store.

If you choose the right planting site and observe watering, fertilization, then the flower will certainly delight you with beautiful and lush flowers.

Clematis Ville de Lyon blooms in the garden - video


