Plant apricot Lel in a dacha near Moscow

Lel apricot Plant an apricot in your dacha, and this orange miracle of July will more than pay off all the trouble. Apricot Lel has become a favorite of summer residents, the description of the variety will confirm that it is the best. The desire of breeders to ensure that “apple trees will bloom on Mars”, their enthusiasm propel heat-loving plants northward. In 1986, botanists Aleksey Skvortsov and Larisa Kramarenko presented the Lel apricot to central Russia, in 2004 it was included in the State Register, transferred to the Main Botanical Garden of the country for conservation.

Read also the article:apricot Triumph northern variety description with photo

Description of the variety

apricot Lel on the site

Before you apricot Lel, a photo of a young tree variety with a compact crown, not prone to overgrowing. The tree is low, up to 3 meters, grows slowly, gentle molding is required. The apricot is decorated: in the spring - with a fragrant cloud of flowers, in the summer - with the glow of early fruits on the branches, in the fall - with a red-orange foliage mantle.

Plant an apricot Lel in a country garden, or preferably 3 trees, to harvest a good harvest of sunny berries, dry them, make jam and just for beauty!

The description of the Lel apricot variety characterizes it as very early. The tree is winter-hardy, in the Moscow region it is preserved without shelter. In the spring, during the flowering period, there are no frosts in the Moscow region, so the harvest is harvested annually. The variety is resistant to claterosporium disease; aphids are moderately damaged. A tree for pouring fruits needs potassium, and aphids do not like juice with such a component.

Apricot Lel, description of the variety of the type and taste of the fruit is impossible without excellent epithets. “Small, but daring” is about the apricot Lel. Weighing only about 20 g, the fruit conquers with its taste. Not every southern variety will be given 5 points for flavor. And Lel got it. It is noted to have orange tender flesh. The fruit melting in the mouth is a general admiration. In this case, the stone is rather large, the nucleolus is sweet. Fruits contain 16% of dry matter, the whole range of vitamins and biologically active substances that a person needs.

apricot fruit LelThe fruits are very decorative. They say that if an apricot bears fruit abundantly, then its fruits become smaller, but the taste remains unchanged. Orange apricots have a glossy surface, rounded and slightly flattened on the sides. It is important to plant the tree correctly and on time, and in the third year to get the first harvest from the seedlings bought in the nursery. Or you can take the bones, sow them in a trench before winter. But then you can get a non-varietal tree, there is a splitting of signs.

We offer to breed Lel apricots in the Moscow region, because:

  • frost resistance of wood 25-300 FROM;
  • high self-fertility;
  • drought resistance;
  • small annual growth;
  • comes into fruiting for 3-4 years:
  • annual fruiting.

Self-fertility is nature's gift to northerners

flowering apricot LelFew fruit trees have the ability to self-pollinate. It is imperative that you have two varieties in order for the ovary to form in the apple tree, pears, in some varieties of apricots. You can find out whether Lel apricot is self-fertile or not by looking at the structure of the flower. If there are stamens with pollen in a flower and an ovule is a pistil, then self-pollination is possible. It is these flowers that are present on the apricot, but not all. Some of them require cross-pollination. Therefore, the yield will be greater if more than one tree grows on the site. It is even better if there is a pollinator, for example, Aquarius.

Self-fertility is one of the methods of procreation.Apricot blooms early, there are no pollinating insects yet, or few. So nature gave the opportunity for self-pollination. By the way, to preserve the species, not all seeds from the batch will sprout in the first spring, they will remain dormant, as a reserve in case of seedlings death due to bad weather. They will rise in the years to come.

Agrotechnics of apricot Lel

apricot planting siteIt depends on the correct choice of place, competent planting and care of apricot Lel whether it will delight you with a harvest and a healthy look for many years.

A gardener is required to fulfill a number of conditions:

  1. Choose a sunny slope, or create it artificially, pouring a hill of earth with a diameter of 2 m and a height of 70 cm. The flower bed should be gentle, screened from the north wind. In the fall, equip the landing site by digging a hole on top, filling it with light soil with humus and ash.
  2. Root the seedling in early spring, when the buds have swollen on the neighboring trees, but have not yet blossomed. A seedling with an open root system should look the same. If the plant is in a container, it will take root well a little later. It is better to buy a standard plant in a nursery - the difference is that the scion is made at a height of 1.2-1.5 m.apricot seedling Lel
  3. At the stage of seedlings, apricots need to be watered 6 times per season, mulch the soil so that the earth does not dry out and does not crack.rules for planting seedlings
  4. From the first year, the formation of the crown should be carried out. Apricot Lel does not grow quickly, the more accurately you need to form it. Protective measures will help grow a healthy and effective tree.apricot crown formation

It tells about one of the amazing trees bred by Russian breeders. But the apricot has stepped far beyond the Urals, has mastered Khakassia and Eastern Siberia, where in winter the temperature reaches -40 degrees, and return frosts occur in June.

Formation of a young apricot - video


