Photo and description of cherry plum variety Kuban Comet

cherry plum variety Kuban comet The love of planting hybrid varieties of plums and cherry-plums in summer cottages appeared relatively recently. One of the most popular among them is the Kubanskaya Kometa cherry plum, a description of the variety, a photo of which we will describe in detail below. The variety combines high yield and sweet, dessert taste of the fruit, making it the leader among cherry plums. In addition, its short stature makes it even more popular due to its ease of growing and early ripening, which can be harvested in almost any climate zone.

Description and characteristics

harvest of the Kuban comet variety

The cherry plum variety Kubanskaya Kometa originated from the Skoroplodnaya plum and the Pionerskaya cherry plum, and since 1987 has been entered into the State Register. As a rule, it is grown in the central region of Russia, the North Caucasus and the Lower Volga region.

Fruit cherry plums this variety is rather large in comparison with the others, reaching a weight of 45 grams. They are asymmetrical, shaped like a slightly deformed egg with a pointed crown. Covered with a reddish skin, which, when fully ripe, becomes a deep purple color.

The pulp is yellow, and closer to the skin there is a distinct redness, which turns yellow closer to the bone. It tastes like ripe apricots, sweet and sour. The ripening period is from mid-July in the southern regions and at the beginning of August in the northern regions.

Productivity directly depends on how old the trees are. Young trees are harvested up to 10 kg, while adults - up to 50 kg. At the same time, Kuban cherry plum trees give a stable harvest from year to year. Photo and description of the cherry plum variety Kubanskaya Kometa prove that it is not for nothing that the variety has become the most popular of all hybrids.

At the same time, the trees of the Kuban cherry plum reach a maximum of 3 meters in height, and therefore often this variety is formed by a stampless method. The crown is of medium thickening, round and easy to form at your own discretion. A trunk with a smooth bark, begins to bear fruit two to three years after planting. During the flowering period, the tree is covered with flowers, which gives it a particularly decorative look.

Cherry plum of the Kuban comet variety bears fruitIn order for the trees of the cherry plum variety Kuban Kometa to be grown anywhere, two varieties of it were bred:

  • cherry plum Late comet, which ripens at the end of August and is intended for the northern regions;
  • cherry plum Early comet, which bears fruit in mid-July and, accordingly, has been selected for the southern regions.

They do not differ in taste, both are capable of tolerating frost and relative drought.

Advantages and disadvantages

result of careful careThe Kuban cherry plum variety has become popular among summer residents and gardeners for a reason, because it has obvious advantages, namely:

  • high taste of fruits;
  • early maturity;
  • resistance to most diseases;
  • easily adapts to different growing conditions;
  • stable and large harvest;
  • marketable cherry plum: large and attractive fruits;
  • winter hardiness;
  • overripe fruits stay on the branches for a long time without falling off;
  • the variety is highly transportable;
  • does not crack when ripe.

Planting and caring for cherry plum Kuban Comet does not present any particular difficulties and requires compliance with standard agricultural standards, which is another significant advantage of the variety.

Inspect the tree trunk regularly for signs of pests so that you can treat it with insecticides in time.

But still, the Kuban cherry plum has some disadvantages:

  • the bone is hardly separated from the pulp;
  • with an excessively plentiful harvest, the size of the fruits decreases;
  • thinning is necessary in case of excessive harvest.

Despite the fact that the fruits do not crumble and do not crack when ripe, it is still worth harvesting on time. This will allow the rest of the cherry plum to ripen faster.

It should be borne in mind that the harvest time can take up to two weeks. The fact is that, depending on the abundance of the crop, the ripening of the fruits can be delayed. First, the largest and those that are in the sun will ripen, then all the rest.


cherry plum trees are bloomingThe trees bloom early and profusely, and the variety is resistant to frost that occurs in April. Unlike most varieties of hybrid cherry plum, the Kuban comet is almost completely self-fertile. But if you want a bountiful harvest, then she will need pollinators. Any varieties with a similar flowering period are suitable as pollinators for the Kuban comet cherry plum.

planting a seedling of the Kuban cometPossessing average resistance to fungal diseases, the variety requires constant care and anti-fungal treatment. Care methods do not differ from those similar for all fruit trees. The most optimal choice of fertilizers for the cherry plum of the Kuban Comet is nitrogen and potassium, as well as all their compositions containing them. Complexes with phosphorus should be applied sparingly. Cutting cherry plum Kuban Kometa should be carried out not only in the first years, but also subsequent ones, for thinning and as sanitary measures.

Loosen the soil around the tree regularly and remove weeds.

Comprehensive care for the Kuban Comet cherry plum consists of the following stages:

  • abundant watering in June, July and September, young trees and seedlings are watered more often;
  • starting from the second year after planting - regular feeding: in spring with a nitrogen complex, at the end of the flowering period - potash-phosphorus fertilizer, after fruiting - potash;
  • preparing a tree for wintering by mulching the trunk circle with humus or compost;
  • pruning: in the first three years for crown formation, then - for thinning and cleansing the tree from dry, diseased branches.

cherry plum fruits ripenCherry Kuban comet, a description of the variety, the photo of which was given above, is planted preferably on light soil in a lighted place in early spring or autumn. Cherry plum fruits in the refrigerator or basement are stored for no more than ten days. If you want to increase keeping quality, you need to pluck unripe cherry plum. The fruits are good for fresh consumption and for making desserts, drying, freezing.

Video about cherry plum variety Kuban Comet


