Features of planting and caring for budlei in the open field

budley at the summer cottage A budlea shrub, planting and caring for which in the open field is not particularly difficult, can become the highlight of a dull autumn landscape in a country courtyard. This plant blooms in late summer and autumn, at a time when most ornamental crops have long faded.

What is Budleya?

budley blooms

Budleya belongs to the Norichnikov family. Asia, South Africa and America are considered its homeland. The plant got its name from the name of the botanist Adam Buddle.

People call budleya autumn lilac for the similarity of the shape of its inflorescences with the traditional lilac... The flowers of the plant have a strong honey aroma that attracts various insects, including butterflies. Therefore, this shrub is very often called a moth tree or a butterfly magnet.

white budley flowersFlower growers know more than 100 types of budley, both evergreen and deciduous. These can be herbaceous plants or shrubs, sometimes reaching 3 meters in height. The shape, color and size of the inflorescences are also very diverse. Plants bloom for a long time: from mid-late summer to late autumn.

On the budleia bush, you can see simultaneously opened inflorescences, only buds that are forming and already set fruits.

orange budley flowersDespite the fact that the plant is native to countries with a warm climate, in colder regions it is also possible to plant budlei and care in the open field. For the winter, you need to cover the shrub so that the ground part of the plant does not suffer from frost.

How to propagate budley

Reproduction of budley is possible in two ways. Each of them has its own right to use.

Seed propagation

budley seed shootsThis is a very time consuming method. The seeds can be bought at a specialty store or harvested from a bush in late autumn. But whether the seeds collected with their own hands will sprout depends on whether they ripened well enough. The fact is that, for example, planting a budley and leaving in Siberia in the open field behind it is possible. But the seeds do not have enough time to ripen in cold climates. Therefore, it is better to give preference to purchased seeds.

The soil used for sowing must be neutral in acidity. The seeds, since they are very small, are best mixed with sand. They are sown on loose soil and pressed slightly. The container is covered with foil or glass. Watering is done with a spray bottle. The container is placed in a warm and bright place.

The planting material should be regularly ventilated and moistened. The first shoots appear on days 14-21. At the stage of appearance of 3-4 leaves, the seedlings dive into separate pots. Only with the onset of persistent heat in the spring begins planting and caring for budley in the ground outdoors.

Propagation by cuttings

budley stalk for propagationFor propagation by cuttings, you can use young spring shoots 15-20 centimeters long or woody twigs cut in the fall. On the cuttings, the lower buds are removed and treated with a growth stimulant. The branches are buried 3-5 cm in the ground and covered with foil. Rooting takes place over two months. The film is removed only after the appearance of new shoots.

Regardless of which method of plant propagation is chosen, the first stages of germination and rooting are best done at home. Planting and caring for a budley outdoors is possible only after the onset of heat.

Features of planting and caring for a budley

sunny budley landing siteChoose places for planting budley bushes should be sunny and protected from strong winds and drafts.

The plant prefers soil that is moist and well fertilized.

young budley bushThe distance between budleia bushes should be large enough (approximately 1-1.5 meters), as the plant grows rapidly.

When planting and nursing outdoors, the budley should be pruned regularly. In the first year after planting, young shoots are cut to half. The next year, the newly regrown stems are pruned. It is recommended to leave 2 kidneys on them.

Pruning not only helps to shape the bush, it helps the plant to live longer and stimulates active flowering.

Wintering budley bushes

budley bush after winterTo get a gorgeous flowering bush, it is not enough to provide more planting and maintenance in the ground. Wintering in a warm place is the main condition for good growth and vigorous flowering. Budlea is very demanding on wintering conditions, since there are practically no severe frosts in its native halo of growth. In the climatic conditions of the middle zone, the ground part of this southern plant (if it is not covered) completely freezes in winter. Only the roots hidden in the ground remain alive, capable of giving new shoots in spring under favorable conditions.

In order to be able to admire the flowers of the budlea in autumn, planting and care in the ground in the Moscow region involves the creation of special conditions for the wintering period. From about the end of July, all types of plant nutrition should be stopped, including mulching near-trunk circles with compost. Also, from this period, ash and other fertilizers should not be applied to the soil. This is necessary so that the plant has time to prepare for winter.

waking up in a potThe signal that it is time to cover the plant is the leaves that have begun to turn black. This usually happens in October or November. A dry sunny day should be chosen to cover the bush. The shelter should be built in the following order:

  1. Sprinkle the bush with dry soil to the level of the third bud.
  2. Cut off the protruding stems, leaving branches approximately 20 cm long.
  3. Cover the bush with spruce branches.
  4. Cover the structure with a large wooden box on top.
  5. Place roofing material or slate on top of the box to protect the shelter from rain.

There should be enough air in the shelter for a safe wintering of the budley. Therefore, the film and sawdust are unsuitable for insulation. Under them, the branches of the plant, as well as its roots, can trample.

The construction of winter shelters makes it possible to plant and leave the budley in the Urals, and even in Siberia, in the open field. In these regions with cold winters, keeping the plant is much more difficult, but still possible. The main thing is to wait for persistent spring heat without frost, and only then open the bush. Snow also helps a thermophilic plant to winter well. It retains heat well inside the shelter.

When growing budley in harsh conditions unusual for it, you should rely on wild, seed-grown plant varieties. Seeds are also desirable to be collected from bushes grown in the middle lane, and not in hot countries. This fact, combined with proper care and proper organization of wintering, will help you grow a wonderful exotic plant in your garden.

Growing budley from seeds - video


