A gentle guest from distant warm lands - lapazheria, how to grow a Chilean bell from seeds

How to grow a Chilean bell at home from seeds? I dreamed of such a plant for a long time, but could not find seeds in any way. We don't sell them for some reason, so I had to ask a friend. She went on a visit abroad and brought me a bag of white bell seeds. How to sow them correctly - do you need to soak before planting?

chilean seed bell You will not see this evergreen liana in Russian gardens, and even less so in the wild. The heat-loving and very demanding Lapazheria in our climate can only be grown at home or in greenhouses, where it is always warm and humid. If you also fell under the charm of its gorgeous inflorescences, then the most affordable option is to grow a Chilean bell from seeds. Why from seed? Because getting seed in our time, when there are online stores, is much easier than cuttings. Even mature potted plants are rarely sold. What is the connection between lapagheria and Chilean bell? It's very simple - it's the same culture.

What is a plant


The botanical name of the vine is Lapageria, which it received in honor of the wife of the French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, Josephine. Rather, the plant was named by her maiden name (de la Pagerie). Liana belongs to the philesian family and is the only representative of its genus of the same name. The liana is called a bell for the characteristic shape of the inflorescences. And he received a "Chilean residence permit" for the fact that in natural conditions it grows only in an even, warm and humid climate of Chile.

On the territory of our homeland, Lapazheria is grown mainly as a houseplant. It is a vine up to 3 m high, evergreen, curly, with ligneous shoots. She has beautiful leathery elongated leaves up to 15 cm long, dark green in color, with a glossy sheen. Lapazheria inflorescences are bell-shaped: they consist of 6 dense petals fused in the upper part. In this case, the petals are located in two rows, three pieces each. The color of flowers is basically all shades of pink, but there are also white-flowered varieties.

At home, Lapazheria blooms in February. In our climate, indoor and greenhouse vines bloom in mid-summer.

Chilean bell from seeds - sowing features

chilean bell

Seed breeding method of lapazheria will require patience from you. Seeds sprout for a long time, more than 2 months, seedlings develop slowly, and you can see flowering no earlier than 5 years after sowing. But getting seeds is many times easier than vegetative material.

The basic technology for growing seedlings of the Chilean bellflower is the same as that of other plants. The nuances depend on which seeds you have, fresh or dried:

  1. Fresh seeds can be planted immediately. Prepare the substrate light and acidified (with the addition peat), given that Lapazheria loves an acidic environment. Dip the seeds slightly into moistened soil and cover the container with plastic wrap or a lid. They must germinate in greenhouse conditions.
  2. Dry seeds need preliminary stratification. Soak them in water for 2 days, adding a growth stimulant. Then mix with wet sand and refrigerate on the lower shelf for 2 months. After this time, plant in the same way as fresh seeds.

It is advisable to keep the seedlings of the Chilean bell in a greenhouse until the very transplant. It is carried out 8 months after germination.

The subtleties of growing a Chilean bell - lapazheria


