What if your spathiphyllum isn't blooming?

Healthy, beautiful spathiphyllum in a pot In order for the spathiphyllum to please with abundant flowering, you just need to pay a lot of attention and care to the plant.

But even so, the question may arise why the spathiphyllum does not bloom and releases only leaves? It is difficult to give an answer, since you need to analyze what mistakes were made in caring for him.

Spathiphyllum does not bloom - what to do?

Spathiphyllum flower does not bloom

Spathiphyllium - belongs to the Aroid family and is evergreen. In common parlance, it has a name - "woman's happiness". Some people argue that if a flower is placed in a house with an unmarried mistress, then she will find her soul mate faster. But if there are quarrels and disagreements in this dwelling, then the flower dies.

In height, a handsome man can reach about 30 centimeters. Sometimes there are varieties that grow much higher or, on the contrary, can be very small (dwarf). There are more than 40 types of spathiphyllum.

The amazing plant is a popular indoor decoration. I like it for the beautiful leaves that grow directly from the soil. Usually they have an oval shape, pointed at the top. The leaves are dark green. Certainly fascinates very beautiful spathiphyllum flower, which will captivate with its snow-white appearance. The inflorescence is a bud, framed by one petal located on the stem. Spathiphyllum will delight its owner with abundant flowering several times a year. The flowering process can begin in mid-spring and last until early fall. With the onset of winter, the indoor flower takes an example from nature and goes into a state of rest.

The result of proper careIt should be borne in mind that the plant is quite thermophilic. The optimum temperature for the growth of spathiphyllum is 22-23 degrees. Temperatures up to 18 degrees, it also tolerates well, but the mark on the thermometer should not fall below.

Spathiphyllum does not like drafts!

But still, the female flower is not capricious and does not give its owner a lot of trouble. But when the plant stops blooming or its leaves begin to blacken, brightness is lost - all these symptoms indicate health problems and improper care of it. So why does spathiphyllum not bloom, what to do? What could be the reason?

Difficulties that may arise when growing

The consequences of improper care for spathiphyllumLet's take a closer look at the care and find the reasons why the handsome spathiphyllum does not bloom at home. Some of them may be:

  1. Incorrect lighting.
  2. Wet air.
  3. Watering the flower is incorrect.
  4. Insufficient or overfeeding.
  5. Incorrect transplant.

Incorrect lighting

Spathiphyllum at homeSpathiphyllium is a shade-loving plant. You should not put the pot in direct sunlight, as they are destructive for it, but the lack of light does not contribute to flowering. It is best to place the pot on the east side or on a table near the window. In bright light, the soil usually dries quickly, and the leaves begin to turn yellow, the edges will take on a dark shade. With a lack of sunlight, the petals will change their shape to a more elongated one. At the same time, flowering may become less frequent or the plant will stop blooming altogether.

Wet air

Since the climate in the homeland of this flower is humid, it is worth spraying water around the plant and sprinkling the pebbles on which the pot stands. This is enough to have the necessary microclimate near it.

Watering the flower incorrectly

Consequences of too much wateringIf spathiphyllum is improperly moisturized, then you should not wait for flowering, it can also provoke the death of the plant.It is imperative that the water be defended before watering, it must be at room temperature. In the warm season and during the flowering period, spathiphyllum must be well supplied with liquid. In winter watering it is recommended to shorten it, while the pot should not be placed near heating devices. If there is a lot of water, then the leaves will drop, and with a lack of moisture, they will bend and become lethargic.

Water spathiphyllium as the soil dries. Spray it twice a week with room temperature water. Without regular irrigation, flower leaves lose their firmness. Wipe them with a damp sponge.

Try not to flood the plant! But if this happens, then let the water drain, and carry out the next watering only after the soil in the pot dries up. Large leaves evaporate a lot of moisture, so it is worth feeding such ornamental plants with water more often.

Insufficient or overfeeding

Spathiphyllum flowersOne of the reasons why spitiphyllum does not bloom at home may be insufficient nutrition. It is necessary to give additional substances for it during all periods of its development. In the spring and summer, feed at least once every 7 days. When it's cold outside, this food should be reduced to once a month. It is best to use special blends that can be purchased in stores. Fertilizers containing nitrogen and a small amount of potassium will be useful for spathiphyllum.

Do not overdo it, the presence of a large amount of substances can poison the flower.

Incorrect transplant

Planting an adult plantThe flower grows pretty quickly, and the roots quickly overwhelm the pot. Be sure to transplant it on time. Spathiphyllum multiplies by the so-called "children". But at the same time he does not like forced separation. For readiness it is better to wait until the "baby" is fully ripe and becomes an independent plant. After that, it is advisable to transplant the formed bush into a separate pot.

Healthy plant with abundant floweringWhen planting or planting spathiphyllum, the soil must be chosen slightly acidic, this will contribute to the good development of the plant. It is worth dwelling on such a mixture: humus, leaf, peat, woody soil. The ratio should be 1: 1: 1: 2. Charcoal is also added for improvement. There must be good drainage. For loosening, it is good to add rotted wood or coniferous soil. If the substrate is dense, then the roots will be poorly supplied with air, and because of this, the plant will develop poorly.

Choose a pot for spatephyllum so that it is not large for the root. Flowering occurs only when the roots of the flower completely occupy the entire space in the pot.

Experienced housewives know the method of making spathiphyllum bloom. They argue that if you cut off the old unnecessary parts, then this is conducive to the early formation of new inflorescences.

If you follow the recommendations for caring for spatephyllum, then in return it will thank you with magnificent flowering.

The nuances of caring for spathiphyllum - video

  1. Tatyana

    Please tell me what is the name of this flower? How to properly care for? How often and how much should you water? Recently, the leaves began to dry out and curl, could this be a disease?

    • Natali

      Hello! I would like to see the flower separately from other plants and from several angles, if you want to know the name of your plant. You have a flower in the photo and some kind of spikelet, which is somewhat embarrassing. The plant is unambiguously sick - this is the state of the leaf.

    • Irina


  2. Elvina

    Please tell me the name of this flower, does it bloom at all or not? For a year now, not a single flower has been missing and how to care for it

    • Natali

      This is a Chinese rose or indoor hibiscus. It blooms very beautifully. The site has an article on growing and caring for a plant.If you have any questions after reading, please contact.

  3. Helena

    Tell me what the name of this climbing plant is. It never bloomed.

    • Natali

      This is cissus from the grape family. in indoor conditions, it practically does not bloom.

    • Larissa

      and we call it a birch, the leaves are very similar. ours is very large and grows rapidly throughout the room.

  4. Yulia

    My spathiphyllum has cracking leaves in the middle. Why?

    • Olga

      This could be due to excess moisture or lack of nutrients.

  5. Christina

    Tell me, please, I transplanted my spathiphyllum into a large pot, and only then I read that the pot should not be large. I took it out, looked at the root, I thought I was ill, and even in a large pot it had already wrapped the whole earth around. Is it possible to cut the roots, or will it kill someone?

    • Natali

      I see no point in trimming the roots if they have almost filled the pot. I think we can stimulate the development of flower arrows. This will require a special fertilizer to stimulate flowering. Buy at your nearest flower shop, use according to instructions. You have a beautiful, well-groomed plant and you don't need to experiment.

  6. Galina

    Hello! More than 5 years ago I was presented with spathiphyllum. It bloomed then. and was immediately transplanted into a large pot. Since then, it has never bloomed. Half a year ago I was seated in two pots. In one it disappeared, in the other, in addition to one bush, three more were formed. But for all the time he never bloomed. This is very upsetting. Watering is regular, standing on the window. The room temperature is normal. Why doesn't it bloom? Before that, just stood in the room

  7. Leila

    Please tell me what these flowers are and are they perennial?

  8. Leila

    And what a flower

  9. Leila

    Wrong with the photo. I wanted to know about this

  10. Christina

    By the way, how my flower has grown since August) transplanted into a smaller pot

  11. Elmira

    My spatics do very well and bloom all year round (except in winter). Periodic hot shower brings to the senses and bright sun rays, although they are contraindicated. You need to love these flowers with all your heart and soul.


