PhytoDoctor: instructions for use, composition, action and effectiveness of biofungicide

phytodoctor instructions for use Biopreparation FitoDoctor (instructions for use will be discussed below) is a unique agent against bacteria and fungi that infect agricultural crops. In pest control, fungicide is used both for the prevention of plant diseases and for their treatment.

Composition and properties

phytodoctor drug

The biofungicide FitoDoctor contains a live bacterium Bacillus subtilis and its cells (strain LZ 12, improved through selection).

The hay bacillus is a bacterium that metabolizes antibiotics, biotoxins and phytohormones. They prevent phytopathogenic microorganisms from settling on plants, preventing their reproduction. At the same time, they help to strengthen the immune forces of crops, stimulating plant growth.

As a result, there is a significant improvement in yield, and the risk of re-infection with pathogens such as:

  • Verticillium,
  • Erwinia,
  • Septoria,
  • Pyrenophora,
  • Phytophthora,
  • Pythium,
  • Fusarium,
  • Rhizoctonia,

The biological activity of the drug, aimed at combating pests, is completely safe for people, animals and bees... This allows you to treat plants with an environmentally friendly preparation even during the ripening of agricultural products and their collection.

Indications for use

phytodoctor for the prevention and treatment of plants

Biofungicide FitoDoctor protects plants from:

  • late blight - fruit rotting and damage to the green parts of the plant with brown spots;
  • rhizoctonia or black scab - the appearance of black spots that affect foliage, fruits and roots;
  • coccomycosis - the formation of small black marks on the foliage;
  • bacterial cancer, characterized by the formation of growths on plants;
  • fungal infections of cereals and legumes;
  • rot and scab affecting fruit crops.

The ability of the fungicide PhytoDoctor to prevent and treat fungal and bacterial diseases of crops is not the only purpose of the drug.

In addition to plants, the product treats:

  • seeds and shoots of plants before the development of their safety data sheet;
  • pest-infested soil;
  • compost;
  • greenhouse land;
  • soil before planting seedlings, as well as the seedlings themselves - bulbs, roots and seeds.soaking the bulbs before planting

Processing premises for storing agricultural products, as well as crops before placing them in a basement, cellar or refrigeration units, significantly increases the duration of its quality condition.

According to the Instructions for use of PhytoDoctor, it is recommended to spray all parts of the plants from mold and gray mold for prophylactic purposes. After such treatment, plant growth is activated, the likelihood of developing diseases is prevented. As a result, the yield and product quality are significantly increased.

FitoDoctor - instructions for use

phytodoctor instructions for useThe safety of the drug is not a reason to ignore the important recommendations set out in the Instructions. Their violation leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the drug or its complete absence.

The protective effect of the biofungicide declared by the manufacturer is preserved at all stages of crop cultivation (planting, maturation, harvesting and storage).

Good performance is observed if important rules are followed:

  1. Preparation of the solution 1.5 - 2 hours before processing the plants.This approach is necessary for the revitalization of spores and bacterial cells, that is, their activation.
  2. The ready-made solution of the drug is suitable for use within 3 hours.
  3. It is recommended to process the planting material in a place protected from direct sunlight. Spraying trees should be carried out in cloudy weather.

An important condition for the effectiveness of PhytoDoctor is compliance with the dosage when performing different types of treatments.

For instance:

Types of processing Recommended dose
Soak cucumber seeds, cabbage, corn 1.5 g of the drug per 1 l of water (0.5 tsp)
Strengthening the root system of seedlings before planting in the ground 3 g per 1 liter
Processing potato tubers before planting 150 g of product for 10 l of water
Spraying vegetables, trees during the growing season 20 g: 10L
Treatment of potato tops from Alternaria and late blight 40 g: 10 l
Root processing for long-term storage 30 g: 10 l

1 teaspoon (without top) contains from 3 to 3.5 g of biological product, in the dining room - from 8 to 10 g. Compliance with the dosage is a guarantee of safety and benefits for plants.

The advantageous characteristics of the drug

advantages of using phytodoctorInstructions for the use of PhytoDoctor emphasizes a number of properties of the drug that have a detrimental effect on plant pests. And also notes the beneficial effect on all vegetative processes.

Among the benefits of using biofungicide:

  1. High efficiency in the fight against fungal and bacterial pathogens.
  2. Protection of crops throughout the growing season.
  3. Possibility of processing during all seasonal work.
  4. Rapid germination, development and maturation of crops.
  5. Compatible with other biological products and chemical fungicides. No contraindications to the parallel use of pesticides, herbicides, insecticides.
  6. Increase in yield by 25 - 30%.
  7. Increased shelf life of products.

The main advantage of the fungicide FitoDoctor over similar preparations is absolute safety and the absence of toxic substances in the composition. Therefore, the treatment is harmless to the plants themselves, people and animals.

Storage rules

Storage of the drug provides for certain conditions that extend its shelf life and preserve the biological activity of bacteria Bacillus subtilis:

  • store PhytoDoctor fungicide in a specially designated place out of the reach of children and animals;
  • prevent the penetration of sunlight, which can negatively affect the effectiveness of the product;
  • the drug retains its antifungal and antibacterial properties for 2 years;
  • the permissible storage temperature is no more than 30 ° C (at higher rates, the effectiveness of the drug decreases;
  • storage near open packages of pesticides is not allowed.

Compliance with the shelf life and storage conditions of fungicides is a concern for plant health. In this case, one should not forget about safety measures when working with drugs.

site treatment by phytodoctorThe use of the biofungicide FitoDoctor, subject to the instructions, contributes to a significant reduction in the cultivation and ripening of agricultural crops, as well as to an increase in yield and shelf life of products.

PhytoDoctor: instructions for use for plant protection against diseases - video


