Insecticide Actellic - effective and quick help in the garden and at home

insecticide Actellic Insecticide Actellic and its benefits have long been appreciated by gardeners and gardeners who are fighting pests. There is no need to purchase many drugs, because this tool can help everywhere. Actellic can be used both outdoors and indoors against various types of pests. He will destroy Colorado potato beetle, caterpillars - in the garden and greenhouses, aphids and thrips - on indoor plants. What is so special about this insecticide and how to apply it?

Characteristics of the drug

Insecticide Actellic is distinguished by a wider range of pests, on which it has a lethal effect. In addition, the drug can be used for almost all crops: garden trees and shrubs, garden and flower plants. It is also used to treat barns and other premises for storing grain and other crops. Surprisingly, the insecticide does an excellent job with bed bugs, and it is sometimes an impossible task to remove them.

Actellic is effective against such pests:

  • Colorado beetle;
  • gnawing and stem insects;
  • ticks and bugs;
  • ants;
  • cucumber, carrot and other types of flies;
  • sucking insects;
  • mealybugs and other pests.

Actellic is dangerous for bees and other pollinating insects, as it is highly toxic. In addition, the solution has a very pungent odor, which must be taken into account when using a preparation for treating indoor plants.

The drug has an enteric and acaricidal effect. It penetrates deeply into the treated surface, destroying pests even in the most inaccessible places. Insects eat the sprayed plants, breathe in fumes and become paralyzed. They die within 10 minutes, and the maximum effect occurs after 5 hours. The protective effect lasts for 2 weeks on garden and indoor plants. The premises remain under the protection of Aktellik for at least 8 months.

Insecticide Actellic: how to use

The drug is very simple and convenient - just dissolve a 2 ml ampoule in water. The amount of water depends on how many pests there are. If processing is done in the initial stages, 2 liters is enough. In case of mass defeat, the concentration should be increased by diluting the ampoule in 1 liter of water.

The prepared solution must be used immediately - it cannot be stored.

Horticultural crops are enough to spray twice a season. At the same time, it is important to carry out the last processing at least a month before harvesting. Fruit and berry plants (raspberries, strawberries) must be processed 1.5 months before ripening. Particular care should be taken when using Actellic insecticide to kill indoor plant pests. Flowers need to be sprayed in a separate room and kept there for a couple of days so that the pungent smell disappears. Additionally, working solution can be used to spill potting soil, especially if it contains insects. For maximum effect, it is recommended to process plants twice with a week break.

Video review of Actellic insecticide


