How does the use of iodine in gardening affect plants, why it is important for them and how it is used

When is it advisable to use iodine in gardening? I remember my mother added a couple of drops to the water and fed her indoor geraniums with this solution. Is it possible to fertilize garden crops in this way? And for what other purposes can this tool be used?

use of iodine in gardening Iodine is the cheapest antiseptic that has been in the home medicine cabinet of every summer resident since Soviet times. But this trace element is useful not only for people, but also for plants. The use of iodine in gardening is no longer a novelty. Thanks to its beneficial properties, it can successfully replace fertilizers, growth stimulants and even fungicides with insecticides. The latter is especially important for gardeners looking to minimize the impact of chemicals and grow an environmentally friendly crop. What is so special and what power is hidden in a small bottle of brown solution?

Why iodine is useful for plants

how is iodine useful for plants

The basis for the development of almost all horticultural crops is photosynthesis, in which iodine also participates. For plants to develop normally, they need a complex of nutrients, including this microelement. With a lack of iodine, and garden, vegetable garden, and flower crops are stunted. They bloom worse and form an ovary, the fruits grow smaller, and the flowering becomes scarce. In addition, crops are susceptible to fungal diseases and pest attacks.

Chernozem is the richest in iodine; there is a lot of it in the soil and in coastal areas. But on light peat bogs, podzolic, acidic soil, there is most often its deficiency.

Based on this, it is not difficult to understand that iodine is an integral element of plant nutrition. It helps them to grow and form fully, and is very important for the buds and fruit ovary. The antiseptic properties of the trace element make it possible to use it also as an effective agent for the prevention and treatment of diseases, especially fungal ones. Even some insect pests can be driven away with iodine without using more serious means.

Of the cultures that most need iodine, it is worth noting:

  • garden plants (tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, cabbage, onions, cucumbers, beets);
  • garden strawberries;
  • flower cultures;
  • herbaceous species;
  • corn;
  • sunflower (including decorative).

The use of iodine in gardening

iodine as a feed for strawberriesThe methods of using iodine depend on the specific task. Trace element can be used:

  1. For the disinfecting treatment of seed (1 drop of the drug per 1 liter of water). In such a tool, seeds are soaked for 2 hours before sowing.
  2. As a growth stimulant and seedling feed (1 drop of iodine per 3 liters of water). The seedlings are watered with a working solution in the early stages. When transplanting seedlings into open ground, holes are spilled with an iodine solution, but already taking 3 drops in a bucket of water.
  3. For prevention and treatment late blight at an early stage of the disease. A solution from a bucket of water, 15 drops of iodine and a liter of milk will be effective. They are sprayed with plants twice with a break of 2 weeks.
  4. As a fungicide for the treatment of ornamental shrubs against powdery mildew (5 ml of iodine per bucket of water).
  5. For the treatment of gray rot in strawberries and strawberries, they are sprayed in the spring and during the formation of peduncles (10 ml per bucket of water).The same solution can be used for preventive treatment of fruit trees from fruit rot.

Not only seedlings, but also adult plants will be grateful for the iodine feeding. Only 2-3 treatments, and their immunity will increase. And flowers, shrubs and other species will become even more beautiful.

How iodine can be used in gardening

  1. Irina Nazina

    I liked this article about iodine, especially about the use of iodine in the treatment of gray rot on strawberries, I did not know that iodine can really help. Thank!


