We use apple waste in cooking

A good hostess does not lose anything. Even apple waste can be put to good use. Moreover, make such an amazing jelly out of them that will delight the most pampered gourmet. And marmalade. And also marshmallow! And also ... But let's not rush and return to our apples.

Apple waste jelly

Apple peel jelly

Jelly harvesting for the winter

Benefits of Apple Peel and Pith

There is hardly a person who does not like apples or does not consider them a storehouse of vitamins.

Apple harvest

It is known that the most useful in vegetables and fruits is not concentrated in the pulp of the fruit. The peel, which we often cut off and throw away, is a store of vitamins and minerals that are extremely useful to the human body. And as for apple seeds, there are legends among the people that they are able to prevent cancer. So how can you be negligent about what the sorceress nature gives us? No, you need to use everything to the maximum!

Apple peel

In addition, the peel and core of apples are known to be very rich in pectin. It is not just a valuable item. It is the pectin that helps to solidify the jam, jam and jelly.

Apple peel

That is why it is recommended to use all the remnants of apples after processing, as well as discarded fruits, to make jelly, marshmallows, marmalade, marshmallows, confiture and other delicious desserts.

Master class "Natural apple jelly"

You can, of course, make jelly from the fruits themselves. But to ensure its density, the cook will have to add gelatin to it. The proposed recipe is based on the use of exclusively natural products grown in their own garden, with the exception of sugar.

Jelly from apple cores and peels


So, it was decided: we cook jelly from apple waste!

Apple waste jelly recipe

Here's what the hostess will need for this dish:

  • cleaning from apples;
  • cores of fruits;
  • small underdeveloped apples;
  • water;
  • sugar;
  • optional natural flavors: cloves, ginger, lemon or orange peels, you can have a little strawberry or raspberry, lemon balm leaves, peppermint, lemongrass.

The process of boiling apple decoction for jelly

Before cooking, small apples need to be sorted out, rotten places removed, washed, cut. Also iterate over the leftovers applesremoving the rotten parts.

Waste from apple processing

Then all this is put in a stainless steel pot or enamel dish.

Now the contents should be filled with plain water. Its level should not exceed half of the original product.

Cooking a decoction for jelly

Jelly is boiled for a couple of hours on very low heat. The best option would be a Russian stove. But today, for most housewives, this item is almost a museum rarity.

It is very important not to allow the liquid to completely boil away! If necessary, it is better to add a little water to the pan and stir the contents so that the mass does not boil down in a tight lump and does not burn to the bottom of the dish.

Separating the broth from the grounds

Next, a colander or sieve is placed in a clean vessel (preferably a stainless steel pan or an enamel container), and the bottom is covered with gauze. This is necessary to obtain a product without small apple particles, clean and transparent.

Straining the jelly decoction

The resulting mass is poured onto cheesecloth and left to drain. From it you need to get everything useful that is available. Some even additionally squeeze the mass through cheesecloth.

Decoction of apple leftovers

After settling, you need to carefully pour the honey-colored liquid into a clean vessel.

Ready-to-boil apple broth

The sediment can be used for the production of marmalade, adding to apple jam and jam, making wine or fruit kvass, or roll up in jars in order to use in the future at your own discretion.

Apple jelly for breakfast

Boiling jelly with sugar

The volume of the resulting pure broth should be measured in order to determine the required amount of sugar. Usually, 2 kg of sugar is added to 3 liters of liquid.

Boiling jelly decoction

There are two options for boiling jelly. The first is that the broth is boiled over low heat for about half an hour, then the already measured sugar is added to it. After stirring, boiling is continued until the mass thickens and begins to fall from the spoon in a large heavy drop. The mass itself will take on a pinkish tint.

Sugar and jelly decoction

The second option involves adding sugar immediately. Further, the algorithm does not change.

Jelly syrup

At the same time, you can add the odorants and flavors mentioned above. In the course of cooking, the resulting foam should be removed.

Foam on jelly during cooking

We prepare dishes for rolling jelly for the winter in advance. Banks should be rinsed with baking soda and heated over steam.

Sterilization of cans

The hot mass is poured into sterile jars and sealed.

Preparation of jelly for the winterIt is worth remembering that the jelly will thicken, so putting it in a tall dish, especially with a narrow neck, is unprofitable.

Cooking marmalade

If you add gelatin diluted in syrup to the resulting broth, then delicious and healthy marmalade can turn out from it. After hardening, it will need to be sprinkled with sugar, and wonderful sweets are ready!

Apple marmalade

And some use plastic inserts from candy boxes for molding. Then the gummies are even more beautiful. You can also use a curly knife for cutting.

Apple marmalade

Apple waste pastilles

The mass that was squeezed out after cooking can be used to make marshmallows. You just need to pass it through a sieve to separate solid particles, add sugar to taste and spread it in a thin layer on a plastic wrap. Place the layer to dry in a place where there are no flies, but there is an influx of fresh air, low humidity and warm enough.

Apple pastila

Some put the pastille on a baking sheet on a baking sheet and dry it in the oven over very low heat. But this option is fraught with the fact that the marshmallow sometimes burns, acquires an unnatural taste, becomes fragile. Natural shrinkage is the best way to make marshmallows.

Video recipe for making jelly from Antonovka


