The story of the poisonous wolfberry bush (Daphne)

daphne daphne The wild plant is shrouded in a mysterious halo of incredible legends and myths. Since ancient times, daphne (Daphne) has been famous for its miraculous properties, although in some cases this therapy has been fatal. The heady aroma of enchanting pink blossoms causes severe headaches in a person. And a few scarlet berries lead to instant cardiac arrest, and ultimately to death. Nevertheless, some desperate gardeners ventured to plant a daphne bush in their summer cottage, and did not regret it. The decorativeness of this culture during the flowering and fruiting period exceeded all their expectations. Moreover, the plant remains "pretty" throughout the growing season.

Botanical description

flowering and fruits of wolfberry

The Latin name for this poisonous culture is Daphne, which means "laurel". The foliage of these two representatives of different families is very similar, so Carl Linnaeus decided to call the wolfberry Daphne. At the same time, the botanist used the name of a nymph from ancient Greek mythology, which, fleeing from Apollo, turned into a laurel tree.

Despite such a sad story, the beauty of the wolf is striking in its own:

  • elliptical and rather narrow leaves, alternately planted on short petioles;
  • numerous small flowers of pink, purple, white or pale green shades;
  • spectacular crowns of a cupped or spreading shape;
  • miniature dimensions (height / width 1-3 m).

Representative of the Volchnikov familyThe representative of the Volchnikov family blooms so amazingly that it wins the hearts of even the most sophisticated farmers. Particularly striking is the lemon color (with light notes of greenery and yellowness), inherent in evergreen varieties of daphne. In early spring (or late winter) last year's shoots, usually accrete at the base, are covered with many delicate flowers. Each of them is represented by 4 curved bisexual diamond-shaped petalsflowering of different varieties

The flowering period of the culture is 2-3 weeks, and in cool climates - up to 1 month. Cultivated varieties throw buds in May-June.

lush bloom in MayDuring the fruiting period, which falls on the end of July or the beginning of August, the wolfberry acquires a special decorative effect.

Refined branches with green laurel leaves are covered with contrasting berries of different shades:

  • bright red;
  • graphite black;
  • fiery amber.

red and black wolfberryIn combination with green foliage (leathery or smooth), small fruits of such spectacular colors look more than great. Closer to autumn, the shrub, if it is a deciduous variety, acquires a pale yellow color. However, when the foliage falls off, spectacular berries remain on the shoots, attracting with their glossy overflow. In landscape design, such specimens look exquisite, especially in the company of dark conifers or against the background of the first snow.

Varieties and distribution of daphne

varieties of berryAccording to some estimates, there are 50 to 70 varieties of this ornamental shrub... More than 20 species are used in gardening. The following varieties of an amazing plant are distinguished by frost resistance and decorative properties.

Deadly or Wolf's bast

wolfberry deadlyDaphne mezereum (or deadly / common wolfberry) deserves special attention, as it is considered the most beautiful shrub of this family. When growing a popular variety, you need to know where the wolf's bast grows in nature.

Usually badhovets (popular name) is found in forest areas:

  • Western Siberia;
  • on the North of Russia;
  • middle zone of Eurasia;
  • The Caucasus;
  • Western Europe.

In the Moscow region, the wolf bast variety is listed in the Red Book, although it has a fairly wide distribution environment.

the plant is listed in the Red BookThe variety got its original name due to its very dense and wrinkled bark, the strips of which practically do not break. Nevertheless, if someone tries to break a branch of a plant, then after that it is imperative to wash your hands so as not to get poisoned. You can see all the features of the stunted wolfberry in the photo. Small inflorescences are collected in bunches of 2-5 pcs. or completely cover the shoots.

There are several colors of this variety.:

  • pink and lilac;
  • lilac pink;
  • creamy white.

The smell of wolf bast is more reminiscent of the aroma of wax inflorescences of Lubka. At the end of summer, bright red berries appear on the branches, which give the shrub a special elegance.

juicy wolfberryWhen growing a deadly wolfberry, choose a fairly shaded place in the garden (partial shade). The culture perfectly tolerates peaty soil types. It is quite unpretentious in care, although it prefers fertilized and well-moisturized areas. The wolf is propagated by seeds, which are pre-germinated in a humid environment at a temperature of 20˚С. In the fall, they are planted in a permanent place at a depth of 1 cm, because the root system is too sensitive to transplants. After that, the plant is looked after in the usual way: water, fertilize and loosen the soil. Do not cover for the winter.

Alpine wolfberry (daphne)

alpine wolfberryFrom the name it is clear that Daphne alpina grows in the highlands of the Alpine mountains, sometimes at an altitude of 500-2200 m above sea level. The wolfberry of this variety usually reaches 50 cm, as it grows very slowly. Snow-white bundle inflorescences of the plant bloom towards the end of May. And by the middle of summer, glossy berries ripen on the branches.

The culture begins to bloom only in the second year after planting. The shrub is propagated by seeds, because the cuttings method does not bring the desired results.

Altai wolfberry (daphne)

Altai wolfberryDaphne altaica is often distributed in the western regions of Altai. Also, the variety can be found under the name Crimean (D. taurica) or Sophia (D. Sophia). A shrub 50-100 cm high belongs to the deciduous variety. It is represented by a miniature tree with a fairly strong trunk covered with red-brown bark. In May-June, when gray-green leaves begin to bloom on the branches, it throws out inflorescences of a vanilla shade.

The culture is propagated in several ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • root suckers.

blankNevertheless, the main method is seed. Such seedlings begin to bloom 6 years after sowing. Due to its high toxicity, the Altai wolfberry is planted in separate groups in remote areas of the garden. Single specimens are placed on rocky slopes or near artificial reservoirs.

Under optimal climatic conditions, re-flowering is observed. Budding occurs in September or October, but has a weaker manifestation than in the main season.

Borovoy or Julia

boar daphne daphneIn nature, it is found in southern and northern Europe, especially in mountainous regions. It is listed in the Red Book, therefore it is protected by law. In Russia, it grows in the Kursk and Belgorod regions.

The decorative features of the shrub are some of the best:

  • height - 30 cm;
  • diameter - 200 cm;
  • dark brown bark;
  • long leathery leaves (2 cm) of an emerald hue with a bluish back;
  • bloom pink or cherry, sometimes white (May-June).

ground cover shrubIt is practically impossible to dig up a wild plant, since the rhizome penetrates very deeply into the soil, often 1.5 m. When growing Daphne Julia, a lime soil substrate is prepared, which is very abundantly moistened with water.

Julia's wolfberry practically does not produce seeds, therefore it reproduces only by green cuttings. However, this process is very costly and laborious. Due to fastidiousness, the upland wolf does not tolerate cultural planting.


laurel wolfberry daphneIt is also worth paying attention to the less common varieties. Among them are the laurel wolfberry, which is found in the Crimea and the European Mediterranean. An evergreen shrub (up to 100 cm high) amazes with its greenish-yellow flowers with a heady aroma. Bluish-black fruits give it a special decorative effect in the summer.

Pontic daphne daphnePontic wolfberry is a massive plant, because it reaches a height and width of up to 1-1.5 m. Shiny, pointed and dark green foliage is in perfect harmony with the yellow-green racemose inflorescences that appear in early summer.

The disadvantages of the variety include:

  • slow growth;
  • thermophilicity;
  • irregular flowering;
  • lack of ovaries.

daphne daphne with variegated leavesWhen decorating the garden, other varieties of wolfberry (Daphne) are successfully used: Caucasian, Kamchatka, olive-like and Albova. A branched wolf or Berkwood (variegata) can become an exquisite decoration of a summer cottage. However, they are not suitable for more severe climates, since they are quite thermophilic.

Beautiful flowering shrub wolfberry (Daphne) - video


