Power cable vvg - get to know and apply

power cable vvg If electrical wiring is required in a house or apartment, you need to choose a suitable cable. One of the options is a power cable VVG. To determine whether such a variety is suitable, you need to know what characteristics it has.

Vvg cable - what is it

multi-conductor power cable

The cable itself is a special construction: conductors isolated from each other and enclosed in a sheath. Conductors are also called conductors. A cable can contain one core or several. The shell is sometimes enclosed in armor - a protective layer. The cores can be made of aluminum or copper. There are many types of electrical cables. To distinguish them according to their characteristics, marking in the form of letters is used. Each of them has its own meaning.

  • A - the conductor is made of aluminum;
  • B - polyvinyl chloride;
  • G - the initial letter of the word "naked", means no armor.

Now let's figure out what a vvg cable is. Since there is no letter "A" in its abbreviation, the conductors are copper. Two letters "B" - evidence that the conductors and the entire wire are insulated with polyvinyl chloride. The presence of the letter "L" means that the cable is not protected. It looks like this.

Power cable vvg - device features

VVG power cable designLet's take a closer look at the design of the VVG cable, as well as its features. As you can see in the picture, the cable has conductors isolated from each other. The figure shows two veins - white and blue. But this cable can have up to five cores. There are also single core options. If there are several conductors, they are painted in different colors. In vvg power cables, as a rule, the following value goes:

  • yellow with green stripes - ground;
  • blue with a white stripe - neutral conductor;
  • other colors are phase.

The division by types of VVG cables is based on the shape of the cores. They can be done in sections or circles. As a rule, in cables with sections there are several conductors, and if the core is round, then most often it is one.

power cable of different configurationIf we consider the configuration of the cable, it can be flat or round, as well as in the form of a triangle or pentagon. It depends on how many lived in it and what kind of sectional or round they are.

Vvg cable types

types of vvg cableВвг is an abbreviation for normal cable, but it can be modified. This is reflected in the addition of additional letters. For example, the addition "ng" means that this type of cable is non-flammable. It is more used in rooms that have an increased degree of fire hazard. If letters are also added to the vvgng marking, the cable has the following differences:

  1. HF - the shell is made of plastic, in which the chlorine content is reduced. Therefore, the smoke that comes out during combustion has less toxic effect. Accordingly, when such a cable goes into a fire, it will do less harm.
  2. LSLTx - insulation of conductors and the entire cable is made of plasticizer, which practically does not burn and does not form smoke. Although there is minimal smoke, it has almost no toxic effects on the environment. This type of VVG power cable works even in case of fire. Its application: AC lines (voltage - not higher than 1000 V) or direct current (voltage - not higher than 1500 V). It is used for posting in social organizations.
  3. FRLS - conductors have an additional protection system: two tapes, which include mica.Thanks to this, the cable is very reliable, therefore it is used where there is an increased degree of explosion hazard.
  4. LS - the insulation is made of a material that produces almost no smoke when burning.

When the electrical wire is laid indoors, single or group laying is done. If we consider specifically the VVG power cable, it is better to use it for a single installation. In this case, it also practically does not burn. IMPORTANT! When a group gasket is required, one of the types of VVGNG modification must be applied here. Which one depends on the degree of fire hazard of the room.

Vvg cable - specifications

To apply a wire in a specific situation, you need to know what parameters it has. The characteristics of the VVG power cable are as follows:

  1. The minimum laying temperature is 15 ° frost. If the temperature is lower, you need to heat it up. But it is better not to do this, because the procedure is rather complicated. Without heating at low temperatures, the cable is very rigid, so it practically does not bend.
  2. The comfortable temperature at which the wire can be operated is from 50 ° frost to 50 ° warm.
  3. Heating of conductors up to 70 ° C is allowed. In this mode, they can be operated for a long time. It is possible for the temperature to rise to 90 degrees, but this is short-term. This mode is already considered emergency. If a short circuit occurs, some types of VVG cable continue to work normally when the conductors are heated to 250 °.
  4. Service life - 30 years, 5 years warranty is given.
  5. The minimum fire resistance time is 3 hours.
  6. The smallest bending radius when laying: single-core cable - tenfold diameter of its cross-section, multi-core cable - 7.5 diameter.
  7. Mains voltage - 660 V, 1000 V.
  8. The frequency value is 50 Hz.

Since the vvg cable is produced by different manufacturers, these characteristics may vary slightly.

Long-term permissible current of the VVG cable

permissible current tableEach cable has the highest electrical current that it can conduct during normal operation. Moreover, its temperature will not exceed the maximum possible. This value is variable because it depends on several parameters. The main ones are the size of the conductor section and the number of cores in the cable.

Also, the value of the long-term permissible current of the VVG cable is calculated based on how the wire will be laid - in air or in the ground.

It is better not to lay this type of electrical cables in the ground, as its sheath is not protected.

If there is a great need for this, you need to place the cable in a pipe or corrugation. Here are some figures for the permissible current for different types of laying.

Where and how is the vvg cable used

power cable for power distributionThis cable works well in rooms with high humidity, withstanding even 98%. It is best to lay it on surfaces that do not burn: concrete, brick, gypsum panels. Also, the bases must be such that they exclude the possibility of mechanical deformation of the wires. However, the VVG power cable can also be laid in the form of an overhead line. It is only necessary to ensure its reliable fastening.

The cable is suitable for wiring in any kind of residential buildings. True, in wooden houses a special approach will be required. Here you need to take into account two points: choose one of the types of VVG non-combustible cable, and lay it in a special cable channel, protected from fire. You can also use a metal sleeve.

This cable is also suitable for industrial enterprises. It is used in power plants, and even at nuclear ones. With its help, they make wiring in lighting fixtures, mines, collectors, channels, tunnels. The cable has good characteristics and a fairly low price, therefore it is widely used both by individuals, there and in production.

Vvg cable quality - video


