A swing made of metal with a wooden seat with your own hands is a good solution for children's leisure

swing metal If you are "friends" with power tools and have small children, please them by making a simple swing made of metal. A comfortable wooden seat and a solid metal base work together perfectly to keep your child's safety worries to a minimum. We bring to your attention a simple model of a swing for teenagers. However, she will perfectly cope with her mission and will be able to withstand even an adult.

What is needed

To make a swing, we need to search in the pantry or buy these materials:

  • metal profile 30x20 mm in size;
  • threaded studs;
  • feathers on wood;
  • a piece of metal pipe;
  • bearings with a diameter slightly smaller than the pipe itself (to go inside);
  • nuts;
  • washer;
  • furniture bolts;
  • masking tape;
  • electrodes;
  • wooden bar.

You will also need the following tools:

  • welding machine;
  • Bulgarian;
  • drill;
  • clamps;
  • Miter saw;
  • jigsaw;
  • plane.

Do not forget about a welding mask, gloves and a measuring tape.

Metal swing - step by step production

First, we decide how wide the swing will be. For example, they will be attached to a wooden beam that is available on the summer veranda. The protruding part is 80 cm. This means that the width of the swing will not be more than 60 cm. Now we start making the swing.

Upper part of the swing

To make one of the main elements of the swing, we perform the following work in turn:

  1. Saw off a piece of pipe equal to 60 cm with a grinder. To make the sawing site even, glue it with masking tape, and cut it along its edge.
  2. We make a sleeve: cut off a piece of hairpin 10 cm longer than the pipe on each side. We screw a nut, washer, bearing, washer, nut onto the stud in sequence. The bearing should be in the middle, secured with nuts on the sides. We make the same "sandwich" of the bearing and nuts on the other side of the stud. The distance between the two bearings should be equal to the length of the pipe so that they do not look out of it. Only about 10 cm of the edges of the stud itself will protrude from the pipe.
  3. Now we fix the nuts on the stud, grabbing them a little by welding. This will prevent the structure from spinning.
  4. We close the ends of the sleeve by welding washers of equal diameter from both ends of the pipe.
  5. In order to securely attach the swing to the timber, we make special fasteners. Saw off two pieces of a hairpin 20 cm long and cut off two pieces about 10 cm long from the profile. We make holes in the profile, insert the hairpin into it and weld it. It looks like a double-sided hammer with a handle. We do the same procedure with the second mount. Now we weld them along both edges of the sleeve. We drill holes in the beam itself - then insert the pins into them, securing the upper part of the swing.

Side parts of the swing

This is the easiest stage of the job:

  1. We measure the required height of the swing and cut off two pieces of the profile.
  2. We make holes at the top of the profile.
  3. We put it on the edges of the studs protruding from the sleeve.
  4. We fix it with a nut and washer.

Swing seat

The lower part will also be metal. The seat is based on a frame made of a rectangular profile. To do this, we make blanks and weld them. The seat itself will be made of wood.

To prevent the planks from breaking, we weld a crossbar from the profile in the middle of the frame.

We make a seat by cutting out 3 blocks from a wooden bar, equal in length to the frame. We go through them with a plane and grind off sharp corners with a grinder, putting on a special disk. In the block, which will be in the middle, cut a hole for the sides with a jigsaw. It remains only to lay the blocks on the frame, secure with clamps and fasten them to it with bolts, drilling.

Final assembly of the metal swing

We weld the side parts of the swing to the seat frame. We make holes in the timber and fasten the swing by inserting the studs from the mount on the top. We tighten with nuts. We paint the sides and seat, wait until it dries - and the metal swing is ready for use.

How to make a swing from metal - video


