How to build a well in the country with your own hands

finished well The presence of a well in the summer cottage will allow solving a number of problems in the arrangement of the economy: providing the house with running water, watering the garden. There is a whole science on how to build a well in the country with your own hands.

A very important nuance in the construction of a well is the season. The autumn period is considered the most favorable. In the fall, the water level drops to the lower marks, which facilitates the work of arranging the well from the inside. It also makes it possible to dig a deeper well.

It is not recommended to start construction of the well in the spring, when there is a lot of melt water, or in a very rainy summer. This will significantly complicate the work.

The first step in building a well in the country with your own hands is the right choice of place. It depends on the location of the aquifer inside the earth, which can be found by special experts - geologists. They will determine the depth of water resources with an accuracy of up to ten centimeters using special geological research equipment.

Old reliable and proven methods of determining the location of fresh groundwater deposits are also used.

water search

One of these methods is the use of vines. Water deposits are determined with an accuracy of one meter. The branches of the vine are folded in such a way that an L-shaped structure is obtained. It is taken in the palms of both hands bent into a fist. When a person approaches the groundwater reserves, the vines begin to either diverge to the sides, or come down to each other. This method is based on the principle of the relationship between water and plant. They are united by a kind of energy, due to which the vines, when approaching water, behave in a similar way.

A person needs to start building a well in a place where the behavior of the vines is more active. You can also use brass wire instead of grapevine.

Several superficial signs that the place for the well has been chosen correctly:

  • The presence of dense, juicy, green grass during dry periods;
  • Moss on the surface of the earth;
  • The presence of other wells in the vicinity (you should check with your neighbors for information about the structure, depth, arrangement of the well);
  • There is a natural lake or reservoir near the summer cottage;
  • The presence of dense fog in the absence of reservoirs near the dacha;
  • Raising the water level in the basement of the house or in the cellar during floods (melting snow in spring).

water search In some regions, to equip your own well, you need a permit from a geodetic service. You should find out about this nuance from the local authorities.

All these details must be taken into account when choosing a place and building a well in the country. After analyzing all the nuances, you can choose a good place for a summer cottage well.

Well in the country of concrete rings

Do-it-yourself digging of a well is carried out only with the use of a special tool, which is prepared in advance:

digging a well

  • Two types of shovels (with a short and long handle);
  • Several metal buckets for 15 liters (preferably three units);
  • Long metal ladder for the initial digging process;
  • Rope ladder for deeper diving;
  • Reliable equipped device for lifting buckets of earth from the depth of the well;
  • A pump for pumping out water so that it is possible to equip a water collector;
  • An extension cord with a bulb or lamp at the end;
  • Additional equipment (hammer drill) for overcoming more difficult obstacles.

Usually, the walls of the well shaft are reinforced with special concrete rings. It is best to equip such wells in a dacha made of concrete rings using groove structures. They are more reliable and convenient to work with, they are also easier to install.
There are two options for mounting concrete rings:

  • Mine, deep-submersible;
  • Typesetting surface.

well pit In the first variant, a shaft is completely pulled out - round, 1.25 m in diameter, or square, 125x125 cm in size - until water appears. Then the rings are immersed in the well in order. When using the mine method, one must take into account the high risk of ground collapse. Therefore, it can be used mainly on stable soil. In case of the slightest spillage of the earth layer, they immediately go to the second method.

The second method, typesetting surface, is safer. The concrete ring is installed in a pit, up to one meter deep. Then they dig another meter. As a result, the first ring plunges down on its own, using the pressure of its weight, freeing up space for the next. Then the second ring is placed, undermined, freeing up space for the third. The third ring is installed. Thus, the entire structure is dug in and installed to the desired depth.
laying concrete rings in a well After the well is dug, it is necessary to create a filter layer so that a ball of silt does not form, which can subsequently stop the renewal of spring water. To do this, the bottom of the well is covered with small pebbles or rubble with sand.

Important to remember! The deeper you go while digging the well, the less oxygen will become. Therefore, when working at depth, an oxygen mask with a long tube extending outward should be used.

Well in the country made of wood

Despite the trends in the development of technologies for arranging the upper part of wells, the classic tree does not give up its leadership, occupying the previous positions of popularity among summer residents. Pine and linden are widely used materials for the top of the well.

country well made of woodA wooden well in a log house is quite an expensive pleasure. Not every summer resident can afford such wells. In addition, the installation of a log house itself is a very difficult task.

To build a well from a log house, you first need to dig a hole equal to the average human height.

Then the following work is done to equip the well:

  • Larch crowns are installed at the bottom of the pit.
  • The prepared log house is assembled in order. Joint slots must be treated with a sealing substance using tow. This should be done for lower layers up to 3 m high.
  • After laying out the first part of the well, you need to dig out the earth from under the middle of the beams of the resulting structure.
  • When all the ground is cleared, spacers are installed and the ground is cleared from the corners of the well.
  • After clearing the well from the ground, you need to fix the safety cables to the base of the frame in the well. You can use a winch for this.
  • The spacers are removed, as a result of which the structure begins to sink into the well under its own weight. If at the same time distortions are formed, you can knock on top with a sledgehammer to level the structure.
  • Thus, the frame is built up from above and lowered to the bottom. So you can install a log house to a depth of 6 meters. At this level, the structure is wedged by spacers, which are made 50 cm longer. They need to be inserted into the prepared grooves from below.

wooden well If the well is planned to be made below the 6-meter mark, it is necessary to select the land before the first water appears. The first signs that the aquifer is close is the increased humidity of the air and the soil itself (it becomes more and more saturated with water).

Specially treated and prepared wood is used to equip the wells.The construction of such wells does not require additional reinforcing elements. The wood structure is quite strong and durable. Solid woods are used as the material for the beams (mainly oak, alder, aspen, elm, hornbeam).

It is highly not recommended to use birch, spruce, and a number of other coniferous trees that have water-absorbing properties for arranging wells. Their use will subsequently lead to the appearance of bitter water. They will quickly lose their strength and will soon begin to deteriorate.

Wells made of wood in the country house are an excellent element of the yard decoration, emphasizing the delicate taste of the owner. A wooden well acts as an excellent protection against dust, dirt, foreign objects, storm sewage. Summer residents who have such wells should remember that from time to time they need to be serviced (treated with a protective layer of waterproofing materials).

Well water supply

The presence of a well in the country allows the owner to think about bringing water into the house. The arrangement of the water supply system is best done together with the installation of the well itself.

First you need to lay a highway from the well to the house. To do this, a trench is dug, at least 80 cm deep, a shovel bayonet width.

At the bottom of the trench, a 7-centimeter sand pillow is poured out and a pipe is laid (plastic, metal-plastic, metal can be used). Experts recommend laying a plastic pipe with a cross section of 32 mm. After laying the pipe, a 5-centimeter ball of sand is poured, then you can fill the entire trench.

arrangement of water supply

A hole is punched in the ring of the well, into which the pipe is inserted. In the house, the foundation is broken through and the pipe is also started inside, where it should be connected to pump station... In a well, a pipe joins another pipe that reaches the bottom of the well.

As a power unit for supplying water from a well in the country, you can use a submersible deep-water pump, the power of which must be calculated depending on the length of the water main.

Arrangement of a well in the country - a source of fresh water - is one of the main elements of life support and comfort of the summer resident. It is quite possible to make a well in the country with your own hands, only you should remember about safety measures and, in no case, neglect them.

How to make a well in the country (video)

  1. Cyril

    Yes, indeed, having your own well in the country helps to solve a number of problems. We bought the cottage many years ago. There is no centralized water supply there. For several years they suffered, carried water for the garden and household needs from neighbors. And then they decided to dig their own well. They invited specialists, but they dug by hand. It turned out to be a wonderful well, the water is always clean, cold and never disappears. The depth is 8 m, the shaft is reinforced with concrete rings, the top is wooden. A year later, they brought water into the house, now there are all the amenities. I recommend everyone to build their own well.

  2. Yuri

    In order to be able to deliver water to the house, you need to immediately think about laying pipes for the pumping station when building a well.

    Therefore, it is worth digging an introductory trench from the well into the house, and provide a hole in the rings or frame for entering pipes. If this work is done later, after the installation of the well, then punching rings or sawing logs in conditions of lack of space can lead to certain difficulties.

    It is worth laying asbestos-cement or plastic pipes of such a diameter in the trench, so that you can then mount water pipes and a heating cable inside them.


