We prolong health with the help of cedar oil cake

ground cedar cake Cedar cake, in other words, meal, is a compressed mass of pine nuts obtained after processing them in the process of cold pressing the oil. It looks like flakes or small crumbs, the ground cake turns into flour. All minerals and vitamins remain in the meal, as well as a fourth of the cedar nut oil. Therefore, in terms of nutritional properties, it is in no way inferior to nuts.eating cedar meal

Cedar meal has a sweetish, slightly resinous taste with a slight bitterness. Its aroma is the same as that of nuts. In general, these are the same pine nuts, only low-fat and very dry.

Pine nut cake is a highly nutritious dietary product

pine nuts and mealThe beneficial properties of pine nut cake do not differ at all from the properties of the nuts themselves. Apart from the amount of fat, the composition of these foods is almost the same.

The meal contains:

  • 25% cedar nut oil;
  • 40% proteins with a high content of 19 amino acids;
  • vitamins A, E and group B;
  • easily digestible carbohydrates;
  • 5% fiber;
  • 5% minerals;
  • 3% glucose;
  • micro- and macroelements: Ba, Ti, Cu, Na, Ca, K, P, Mg, Zn, etc.;
  • some fructose and sucrose.

Of particular interest in the cedar cake is the iodine content. For a person, the daily intake of this element is on average 0.2 mg. In nuts, it is about 0.577 mg / kg.

Such a rich vitamin and mineral complex makes this product useful for humans and necessary for the daily diet.

The healing properties of cedar meal

ground pine nutPine nut cake is considered a storehouse of nutrients. Its benefits for the human body are great. In some cases, oil cake is healthier than whole nuts, for example, in terms of the composition of sucrose, which is much smaller in the meal. This allows it to be used in the treatment of many diseases. The exclusive composition of cedar oil cake, in addition to saturation with a complex of nutrients, helps to absorb toxins and toxins and ensures their removal outside.

It is useful to take cedar meal in the following cases:

  • after suffering serious illnesses as rehabilitation therapy;
  • athletes to gain muscle mass and during strength loads;
  • to restore physical strength as a result of overwork, exhaustion or starvation;
  • in the treatment of the digestive, nervous, respiratory, cardiovascular and other body systems;
  • to raise immunity and improve metabolism;
  • women during critical days, pregnancy and lactation, as it reduces the effects associated with hormonal changes;
  • for the preservation of teeth, improving the condition of nails and hair;
  • in cases of distracted attention, increased fatigue, stressful events.

cedar bath cakeIn addition to being used in food, cake is added to cleaning baths, it is useful with bran. This action has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, especially on painful, diathetic, with pustules, wounds, cuts.

Taking baths with cedar oil is good for the nervous system. The procedure has a soothing effect on both fatigue and increased arousal. Harm is possible only in case of individual intolerance to pine nuts.

Application of cedar nut cake

baked goods with cedar cakeIn addition to medical procedures, meal is actively used in cooking.Due to its pleasant taste, delicate aroma, good compatibility with other products, it is added to baked goods and confectionery products. Often cedar flour is poured into curd masses, ice cream, desserts.

This product is also in demand in dietetic food. This is facilitated by dulling hunger, low cholesterol and the ability to remove toxins. In addition, the regular use of cedar nut cake keeps the body in a strong and healthy state for quite a long time.

Secrets of using cedar oil cake - video


