Majestic Black Cohosh: Planting and Nursing Outdoors, Growing Techniques and Breeding Methods

black cohosh planting and care in the open field In landscape design, perennial and tall flower crops occupy a special place. Therefore, every gardener is obliged to consider all the subtleties of agricultural technology for growing such a flower as black cohosh: planting and care in the open field, propagation by seeds, cuttings and cuttings, as well as the decorative properties of the plant. Then these luxurious terry candles, towering over lilac-violet openwork leaves, will become a worthy exhibit of the personal plot.

Black Cohosh Roundup

black cohosh on site

The tall flower is called the most interesting names. In Europe, sophisticated flower stalks are usually called "silver candles". But in scientific circles, the black cohosh garden plant is usually called a cimicifuga.

Some varieties of crops reach 2.5 m in height. Thanks to the rectangular section of the stems, they withstand strong winds.delicate inflorescences of black cohosh

A massive bush at the base creates a luxurious cloud of deciduous plates of all kinds of shades:

  • green;
  • red;
  • lilac purple;
  • burgundy;
  • black.

The herb is a medicinal crop. Yet it contains a sufficient amount of toxic substances. Therefore, when in contact with cimicifuga, you need to be careful and wash your hands.

Over the years, the perennial root system increases in volume. The rhizome becomes stronger and more massive, penetrating deep into the soil layers.lush bloom of black cohosh

Thanks to this feature, the flower is long-lived:

  • perfectly tolerates drought;
  • survives in severe frosts;
  • resistant to sudden changes in temperature.

During the flowering period, which lasts almost all summer, a specific aroma emanates from the flower bed. It is caused by the presence of insecticidal substances in fluffy panicles. It is this ominous odor that serves as a repellant for bedbugs, but an attractive aura for scavengers.

Unpretentious black cohosh: planting and care in the open field

unpretentious black cohosh: planting and care in the open fieldSite selection is always of paramount importance. Since the herbaceous plant does not tolerate transplantation, the selected site will serve as its permanent residence for 20 years. For this reason, a shade or partial shade in the garden is chosen for a perennial.

Black cohosh feels great in soil with:

  • relatively high humidity;
  • slightly acidic reaction;
  • good indicators of fertility.fertile soil for black cohosh

Sometimes a transplant may be necessary, for example when breeding. Then it should be borne in mind that the culture tolerates it extremely painfully and may not bloom for the first 2-3 years.

Sandy, clayey and heavy types of soil are contraindicated in cimicifuge. Wetlands are also excluded. The best option for her would be a front garden near a fence, wall or house. The shadow from such structures will protect the black cohosh garden plant from the sultry sun, as well as drafts.

All about landing and more

preparation of the black cohosh landing sitePlanting is most often done in spring or autumn. By this time, the weather should have returned to normal. The air temperature will stabilize up to + 15˚С, and the threat of night frosts will be avoided. Due to the fact that the cimicifuga is a tall and flowering culture, it needs enhanced nutrition.

Digging the site, the following is added to the soil:

Spring is considered the best time to plant, as the black cohosh has about six months to take root in a new location. Then a fierce or snowless winter will not bring irreparable harm to the seedlings.

healthy black cohosh seedlingBefore planting, the seedlings are carefully examined so that they are free of stains, signs of disease, rot and damage.

Further, agrotechnical features are taken into account:

  • the depth (as well as the width) of the planting pit is 40-50 cm;
  • the distance between seedlings is from 60 to 100 cm;
  • the height of the drainage layer made of expanded clay, gravel or broken brick: at least 10 cm;
  • 1/3 of the hole is filled with organic fertilizers and garden soil;
  • a mixture of compost, rotted manure, wood ash and complex fertilizers is used as a bookmark.preparation of the nutrient base

Limestone is not introduced into the soil, because perennials perfectly tolerate acidified soil.

The seedlings are lowered into the planting hole along with an earthen clod. In its absence, the roots are neatly straightened and placed in the direction deep into the hole.

In order for black cohosh planting and outdoor care to be as successful as possible, it is recommended:

  • do not tamp the substrate tightly;
  • spill the area with plenty of water;
  • mulch a flowerbed with a mixture of peat, grass and foliage (you can use sawdust).

mulching black cohoshThe last measure is intended to preserve soil moisture, prevent weeds, and ensure soil looseness. To avoid creating a greenhouse effect, mulch is laid at a distance of 5 cm from the crop stem.

Breeding methods for cimicifugi

black cohosh reproduction by dividing the bushIn most cases, gardeners use bush division and cuttings. For this, a garden specimen is selected, which has reached the age of 5-6 years. The mother plant is dug up, and then the young sprout is very carefully separated in order to injure the rhizome as little as possible. The resulting cuttings are transferred either to a new place or to a container. They are properly cared for at home so that they take root well. As soon as the sprouts get stronger, they are immediately transferred to open ground.big black cohosh bush

Cuttings. The child heel is separated from the mother plant. The cut is treated with a growth activator and an antiseptic. The petiole is buried in a suitable area and covered with a plastic bottle.

Growing from seeds

black cohosh seedsThere are several methods for growing black cohosh from seeds. Sowing is done directly on the garden in the fall or grown using seedlings in the spring. For this, only fresh planting material is selected. In February, the seeds are sown in containers at a shallow depth. The seedlings are transferred to the open ground when the temperature stabilizes at 15-17˚С.black cohosh seedlings

It is imperative to monitor the moisture level of the substrate. Due to too abundant watering of seedlings, the roots can fester.

The subtleties of caring for an unpretentious black cohosh

black cohosh planting and care in the open field, feedingTop dressing of cimicifugi is carried out once a season, most often in early spring. For this, complex mineral fertilizers are selected.

They must contain such components as:

  • phosphorus;
  • nitrogen;
  • potassium.

In the hot season, a bed with black cohosh is watered at intervals of 3-4 days.

If the required amount of nutrients was added during planting, then the subsequent feeding is performed after 2 years. Since black cohosh loves moisture, watering is rarely done, but regularly and abundantly. Withering flower stalks and foliage indicate a lack of water. Weeding the planting is required only if necessary, mainly to saturate the root system with oxygen.caring for black cohosh in the garden

Sanitary pruning is done in summer. Dry parts of the plant are removed. Incorrectly growing shoots are cut to shape.

Wintering of cimicifugi. The perennial perfectly tolerates the climate of the middle zone. However, in areas with severe winters and no snow cover, flower beds are covered with spruce branches or several layers of foliage. Starting from the middle of summer, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are stopped.Then the plant enters the dormant stage better.

Black cohosh varieties - a godsend for the gardener

black cohosh varieties for a summer cottageIn total, there are about 15 types of decorative culture. However, only a few varieties are used in landscape design.

Among them, the following are especially popular:

  1. Racemose or branched. The average height is 120-180 cm. The diameter of the bush: 60-120 cm. Large foliage takes on a rich dark green hue. Inflorescences (50 cm) have a soft creamy tone with a white tint.racemose black cohosh
  2. Mountain wave. A characteristic feature of the variety is the bronze-purple leaves. They give the flower garden a special charm. It reaches 180 cm in height and 60 cm in cohosh mountain wave
  3. Hearty (White Pearl). In landscape design, black cohosh looks original thanks to the unique shape of the leaves that resemble a heart. Beige inflorescences (30 cm) rise above the light green foliage.heart-leaved black cohosh
  4. Brunet. A compact bush of lilac-purple foliage creates a luxurious tandem with lilac flower stalks. This beauty pleases the gardener's eye until cohosh
  5. Plain. A low-growing variety of cimicifuga grows up to 100 cm. White flowers are collected in dense panicles and beautifully planted on flower stalks. However, with an excess of moisture, rainy summer, the culture may not bloom.simple black cohosh

Black cohosh reaches 90-150 cm in height. Grayish-beige flowers appear in the middle of summer and delight with their appearance for only one month.

Bonus plus

For the direct baiting of bugs, a variety of stinking cimicifuga is used. The strong and persistent odor repels pests. Nevertheless, paniculate inflorescences of a lemon shade give the backyard a certain mystery.

In landscape design, popular varieties of black cohosh are often used, such as:

  • Black Neglige;black cohosh black negligee
  • Atropurpurea;variety Atropurpurea
  • Pink Spike;Pink Spike variety
  • Cordifolia;variety Cordifolia
  • Ramos (branched);Ramos grade
  • Carbonella;grade Carbonella
  • Shockaholic;Shokaholic variety
  • Hillside Black Beauty.Hillside Black Beauty grade

Variety Pink Spike cannot be transplanted and propagated by dividing the bush. Moreover, at the first frost, the plant is cut flush with the ground.

The most unpretentious variety, but with original decorative properties, is Black Neglige. Its compactness, carved brownish-brown leaves and snow-white flower stalks look amazing on a flower bed. At the same time, Carbonella is characterized by high frost resistance, as it can withstand temperatures as low as -29˚С.

black cohosh in winterPlanting and caring for black cohosh in the open field takes place according to these principles. Yet a lot depends on the individual characteristics of the personal plot, as well as the weather conditions of the region. Therefore, the cultivation of culture is often called a creative process, because here you cannot do without creativity and observation.

Decoration of the autumn garden black cohosh (planting and care in the open field) - video


