Corado from the Colorado potato beetle: pesticide feature, use

Corado from the Colorado potato beetle

With the onset of the summer season, many have a question, how to deal with pests this year. Among the many drugs, Corado from the Colorado potato beetle is the most effective. This is a fairly new remedy which can be used to process not only potato bushes, but also other cultures.

Feature of the drug from the Colorado potato beetle

packaging of the drug Corado

Corado belongs to a group of pesticides that do not fight only with Colorado beetles, but also annoying aphids. The product is produced in ampoules of 1 ml or in the form of bottles of 10, 25 ml. The packaging is sealed, which prevents the spillage of the poison during its transportation.

Since the drug belongs to the 3rd hazard class, it must be kept away from children.

Compared to other products, Corado has many advantages. An important plus is its resistance to moisture, and scorching sun.

Other positive aspects of the remedy:

  • at pests there is no addiction to this drug, since it is one of the new ones;
  • performs its protective properties throughout the month;
  • has a quick effect on pests;
  • low price category;
  • destroys not only adult beetles, but also their larvae.

Consists of a mixture of avermectin complex. It is received on based on mushrooms of the Streptomyces family. The main active ingredient of Corado is imidacloprid.

drug corado in ampoule

You can store the product for 3 years, but provided that the package has not been opened. It is not recommended to keep the printed ampoule for more than a day. In this case, the temperature regime of the room should be observed. The optimal performance is -50C - +250FROM.

Used ampoules must not be burned. Throw them away only in designated areas.

Corado from the Colorado potato beetle: action composition

The components that make up the composition negatively affect the nervous system of beetles. Within 2 - 3 hours after spraying the bushes, the pests stop eating them. Then the beetles become paralyzed and convulsions. As a result, pests and larvae that have been laid will die. This happens after 48, 72 hours.

You can work with Corado in any weather conditions.

Ways of getting the agent into the body of insects:

  • intestinal;
  • systemic;
  • contact.

Also, the drug is used for treatment of plants from aphids, ladybugs, spider mites. Insects do not get used to this product, so it can be used throughout the summer season.

How to use Corado drug

preparation of working solution

To get the best results the first time, prepare the mixture according to the instructions on the package.

The drug acts only on insects and is not able to penetrate the tubers and the stem.

The first thing to do is prepare the container. You need to dilute the liquid in a bucket that is not used for food purposes. Water take only room temperature and dilute the ampoule of the drug in it. All mix thoroughly and you can start processing.

It is necessary to spray the plants with a spray bottle. Also use of a broom or brush is allowed.

It is necessary to process potato bushes at least 20 days in advance before harvest. It is recommended to carry out the procedure early in the morning or in the evening, when the sun goes down. Thus, it will be possible to protect plants from burns. leaves.

Corado is not recommended to be mixed with other types of drugs. The mixture has no compatibility even with the compositions that are included in its group.

Precautions when working with drug

security measures

To get the desired result and not harm your health, you must follow some rules.

It is recommended to prepare the product only in rubber gloves, respirator and goggles. All other body parts required close with clothes.

In addition, you should follow these rules:

  • do not consume water and food;
  • do not use food containers for work;
  • if the product gets into your eyes, nose, you should immediately wash them with clean water;
  • if it gets into the mouth, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the cavity with water, and then drink more than 1 liter of liquid;
  • at the end of the work with the poison, it is recommended to use a glass of water with soluble activated carbon.

Before you start processing plants, it should be remembered that the drug can negatively affect bees and pets. Therefore, if there is an apiary nearby, then it must be moved to a safer place. Corado is a potent remedy for the Colorado potato beetle, which does not addictive pests to the active ingredient. But despite all the advantages of the drug, it must be remembered that it has a number of features that should be taken into account when processing crops.

Effective use of Corado - video


