Indoor cryptomeria - a fragrant compact ephedra for your home

Tell us, how high does indoor cryptomeria grow and what is it? My husband brought a pot with a small tree from a business trip abroad, which made me incredibly happy. I love conifers, and I have already given them half a garden, but my home tree is my first. But when I read that cryptomeria reaches 60 m, I was horrified: how am I going to keep it in the house?

room cryptomeria Do you think cedars cannot grow in a tub and their place is only in the open field? But room cryptomeria will dispel this myth. Called Japanese cedar, it has compact dwarf varieties that will fit in a home. Of course, horticultural forms of culture correspond to their nature and are age-old giants over 50 m in height. And this with a trunk girth of up to 2 m! But through the efforts of breeders, many dwarf cedars with a maximum height of 2 m have been bred. They feel quite comfortable at home and will replace a New Year tree. And in order for the fragrant needles of Cryptomeria to remain bright and lively, you just need to properly care for it.

Indoor cryptomeria: what a plant looks like

young cryptomeria

Like most conifers, Cryptomeria is an evergreen crop that belongs to the cypress family. She became popular thanks to her lush and regular forms. The crown of the tree resembles a pyramid, and the well-branching shoots are covered with small needles. They are painted in a dark green color, but under the sun's rays they play in shades, slightly casting blue. If you run your hand over the needles, a fresh, characteristic aroma immediately spreads around.

As already noted, dwarf plant varieties are grown at home. Among them, cryptomeria is worth noting:

  • Elegans;
  • Elegance Compact;
  • Compress;
  • Globe;
  • Vilmoriniana;
  • Bandai sugi.

Conditions for keeping Japanese cedar in the house

conditions of keeping cryptomeriaCryptomeria is an ideal tree for those who are always cool in the house. Perhaps its only drawback can be called intolerance to high temperatures. The maximum values ​​should not exceed 16 ° C even during the heating season, and even better 12 °. If your apartment is hot in winter, but there is a glazed loggia or balcony, put the pot there. In the summer, take it outside, because fresh air is also very useful.

Provide good diffused lighting to keep your home cedar rich in color and lush shape. Direct rays for delicate needles are contraindicated and can cause burns.

How to care for potted cryptomeria

summer maintenance of Japanese cedarIf it is possible to provide suitable conditions of detention, otherwise it coniferous the tree is not particularly capricious. Caring for him includes simple procedures:

  1. Frequent and abundant watering with warm water, especially when wintering in a warm place. Water less frequently in cooler conditions.
  2. Spraying (twice a day).
  3. Periodic transplant into a large container (every 5 years).

Cryptomeria cannot be fed a lot and often so that it does not grow very much. But in the spring and summer, you can add a weak concentration of the mineral complex preparation. In this case, the dose should be reduced by 2 times than indicated on the package.

Japanese cedar can be propagated by seeds, cuttings and layering.

How cryptomeria grows in a pot - video


