Effective treatment of diarrhea in chickens with folk remedies

treatment of diarrhea in chickens with folk remedies Treatment of diarrhea in chickens with folk remedies is the most affordable solution to the problem. It is usually identified by the appearance and consistency of the droppings. If the obvious signs of illness are ignored, the animals will be seriously affected and may even die. Understanding the causes of infection will help provide chickens with an effective treatment.

Disclosing risk factors

intestinal upset in chickens

An upset gut in poultry is usually accompanied by frequent watery stools. Experienced farmers are bound to notice the problem. But only by correctly establishing what chickens have diarrhea, they will be able to help them.

There are a number of causes of the disease:

  • parasites;
  • improper nutrition;
  • transportation;
  • various kinds of poisoning;
  • hypothermia;
  • cold;
  • infectious diseases;
  • unsanitary conditions of detention.

diarrhea in chickensViscous droppings mixed with blood, orange streaks and mucus indicate the presence of coccidia. Parasites actively multiply in the body of chickens, causing its depletion. In addition, helminths and roundworms (nematodes) attack poultry.

To rid chickens of parasites, use the chemicals "Fenasal", "Albendazole" or "Nilverma".


dietAcute diarrhea in laying hens causes an unbalanced diet. An excess of protein feed stimulates the production of lactic acid. It forms white mucus on the stool of sick chickens. Fatty foods result in dark, sticky, loose stools. Carbohydrate overload usually results in green, watery droppings.

Diarrhea can also be caused by a sudden change in diet. For example, instead of compound feed, chickens were given a mash or granulated food. Sometimes they even refuse to peck at unfamiliar foods.

It is advisable to change feed gradually, starting with very small doses.

Transportation and poisoning

poisoning during transportationPoultry are stressed over long distances. As a result, they develop intestinal upset. When chickens “settle down” in new conditions, the problem gradually disappears. In addition, chemicals often enter the body of laying hens. So, walking in the garden or vegetable garden, they eat a lot of greenery, which can be treated with pesticides. And crops such as euphorbia, buttercups, and dope lead to metabolic disorders.

Hypothermia and illness

hypothermiaDomestic chickens do not like to be in a cold room for a long time. This causes them to have intestinal upset and colds, resulting in loose, watery stools. To solve the problem, they urgently insulate the room where the layers live.

Liquid droppings also cause a number of infectious diseases. The most popular are colibacillosis, gumboro, salmonellosis, pasteurellosis, and Newcastle disease.

The main signs of the disease

treatment of diarrhea in chickens with folk remedies

As you know, the first manifestation of diarrhea is the appearance of droppings. He has:

  • liquid consistency;
  • acrid odor;
  • bright color.

In addition, excrement is accompanied by food debris. Mucus and blood clots appear on them. Disorder of the intestines also affects the general condition of the birds. They are constantly drowsy. They behave sluggishly. Chickens do not pay attention to the world around them. Refuse to eat and quickly lose weight. Wet litter in the hen house and feathers in the cloaca are also clear evidence of the problem.

green diarrheaYellow, green, white and brown diarrhea in chickens indicates an infectious infection. In such cases, the birds refuse to eat. With an advanced form of the disease, they stop laying eggs. Over time, dehydration sets in, which leads to depletion of the body, and sometimes death.

Treatment of diarrhea in chickens with folk remedies

treatment of diarrhea in chickens with folk remediesThe veterinarian can determine the true cause of the intestinal disorder after examining the bird. He then proposes an affordable treatment regimen. After all, diarrhea is considered one of the most common ailments of pets. However, there are completely different solutions to the problem that can be easily solved at home.

Product quality

we check the quality of productsOften, the treatment of diarrhea in chickens with folk remedies is used if it is caused by an unbalanced feed. In this case, the diet of birds is being revised. The abundance of protein foods is compensated by carbohydrates. The dose of fatty components is gradually reduced. If the animals refuse to peck a new type of feed, it is mixed with the products they are used to.

External and internal factors

walking chickensAnd how to treat green diarrhea in chickens at home? If it has arisen due to excessive eating of grass or pesticide poisoning, then the chickens are temporarily blocked from access to green spaces. The diarrhea will stop in a few days.

Unfortunately, green liquid droppings are often indicative of more serious illnesses.:

  • trichomoniasis;
  • spirochetosis;
  • Newcastle disease;
  • mycoplasmosis.

In such cases, in addition to intestinal upset, chickens have a fever. They lose their appetite, drink water constantly, and move a little. To save pets, they use chemicals that are prescribed by a veterinarian.

boiled egg with hemp seedWhen the question arises, how to treat diarrhea in laying hens, first determine the cause of its appearance.

For example, for gastritis, a simple remedy is prepared:

  • hard-boiled chicken eggs;
  • remove the yolks;
  • grind them with hemp seed.

The resulting mixture is fed to the chickens as an additional feed. Along with this, activated carbon is included in the diet. It is thoroughly crushed and mixed with mixed feed or grain. To relieve nausea, they put wood ash... Birds peck it with pleasure and randomly receive a number of valuable components. If paratyphoid fever is found in layers, sour dairy products are used for treatment. Livestock is fed 2-4 times a day.

Changing the color of excrement

infusion of pharmacy chamomileAnd what to give a chicken for diarrhea if it has yellow stool? Farmers often prepare simple "medicines" from chamomile or St. John's wort. Pour boiling water over dry grass. Insist 30 minutes. Filtered and poured into drinkers.

It is advisable to make the color of the drug obtained unsaturated so that the chickens "do not suspect a substitution."

Often the cause of the disease is a lack of minerals and vitamins. In this case, the treatment of white diarrhea in chickens with folk remedies includes the selection of additional nutritional components. But, if infectious diseases are the cause of loose stools, then you cannot do without medicines.

"Preparations" from the "royal" table

rice waterA decoction of oatmeal, rice groats and pomegranate peels is considered a valuable medicinal drug. The liquid is poured into the drinking bowls, after which they make sure that the chickens must "take" the valuable potion. Young animals are forcibly watered using a special device.

water with white wineWhite wine has a wonderful effect on the consistency of feces. It is enough to add a few drops to the water, and the result will appear the next day. The birds will not get drunk, but they will quickly get rid of the "discomfort". Intestinal disorders are also treated with potassium permanganate solution. The substance is placed in water and mixed thoroughly to obtain a pale pink solution. Manganese crystals have a beneficial effect on the intestines of a sick bird, completely eliminating the problem.

feeding chickens with potassium permanganateHaving become acquainted with the methods of treating diarrhea in chickens with folk remedies, we understand the simplicity of actions.Symptoms are analyzed first. Then the real cause of the disease is identified. If necessary, consult a veterinarian. For treatment, proven recipes for drugs are used that effectively act on the body of poultry.

Treatment of diarrhea in chickens with folk remedies - video


