Unique healing properties of elderberry and their use in medicine

useful properties of elderberry The beneficial properties of black elderberry are known all over the world. Therefore, the plant has found its application not only in the food industry, but also in medicine. The culture is valued for its content of a large amount of biologically active substances. The percentage of vitamins and trace elements that are present in leaves and berries depends on the planting site and climate. Is it possible to eat elderberries in their pure form, and other interesting information is indicated below.

What is the chemical composition of berries and leaves?

black elderberry bush

The plant belongs to shade-tolerant crops. In order for the bush to be healthy and bear fruit well, it is necessary to provide it with fertile soil. Many people ask the question: "What benefits and harm can an elderberry do?" In fact, this is a unique plant. From its berries you can make jams, jams, jellies. Since ancient times, it was from this culture that wines were made, which were famous for their healing properties. But, despite all its advantages, you can only use ripe berries and in limited quantities. This is especially true for those who suffer from allergic reactions.

The beneficial properties of elderberry flowers are lost if they are dried in the sun.

The chemical composition of black elderberry:

  • tannins;
  • paraffinic compounds;
  • various acids;
  • fructose;
  • glucose;
  • amino acids;
  • tannin;
  • essential oils.

vitaminsIn addition, the fruits contain a large amount of vitamins A, B, E, which are simply necessary for the proper functioning of all body functions.

According to research, it has been proven that not only black berries are useful, but also other parts of the plant. The leaves should be especially noted. Fresh plates contain calcium, iron, sodium, copper, zinc, magnesium, selenium. There is also a lot of phosphorus and potassium.

In 100 grams of fresh berries, there are about 73 Kcal. This proves once again that this plant will be useful for everyone, including those who are on a diet.

Medicinal properties of black elderberry

elderberry has medicinal propertiesIn nature, there are two main types of this plant. Between themselves, they, first of all, differ in the shade of berries. In addition to black, red elderberry is no less useful, but when using it, you should be extremely careful, since there are many toxic substances in the composition.

Black elderberry and its medicinal properties are known throughout the world. If taken correctly, the patient's condition can be relieved in a short time.

Its main effect on the human body:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • antipyretic;
  • expectorant.

In addition to the above abilities, the medicinal properties of a plant called elderberry are laxative and diuretic. Because of these characteristics, many pharmaceutical companies around the world are using culture to create drugs that fight constipation.

elderberry syrupDue attention must be paid to the root system. It is in this part that a huge amount of saponins are present, which have expectorant abilities. This microelement helps in a short time to thin phlegm and painlessly remove them from the lungs.

In folk medicine, elderberry is used to treat:

  • colds;
  • genitourinary system;
  • liver;
  • anemia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis.

Elderberry decoction relieves headaches and toothaches of varying strength.

Also, berries are used to restore visual acuity and treat hemorrhoids. elderberry for vision treatmentIncreasingly, juice and fruits are used to combat tumors of various categories. Also, elderberry is good for overweight. The trace elements that are in it help to restore metabolism.

What is the danger of the plant?

black elderberry bloomBefore starting treatment with elderberry, you should be aware of the dangers. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of raw materials. Not only the effect, but also human health depends on the freshness of the berries. Inappropriate raw materials can even lead to death. This is due to the fact that ripe fruits contain a certain percentage of such a substance as sambunigrin. It is a highly toxic compound that releases cyanide during decomposition. It is he who negatively affects the work of the central nervous system.

If taken incorrectly, it can be observed:

  • nausea;
  • increased blood sugar;
  • decrease in pressure;
  • changes in the indicators of the biochemical blood test;
  • dyspnea.

the use of elderberry is impossibleIt is also forbidden to use elderberry and preparations based on it for young mothers who are breastfeeding. Particular attention should be paid to the treatment of children under 12 years of age. In this case, the reception of infusions must be strictly controlled, and it is better to consult a doctor before taking them.

When eaten fresh, vomiting may occur.

You should not eat fruits and drink decoctions for those who have been diagnosed with a stomach ulcer. Elderberry is also dangerous for people who are sick diabetes mellitusElderberry is contraindicated for stomach ulcers

Despite all the medicinal properties of elderberry, it must be used in certain doses. Only in this way can you achieve what you want and not aggravate the condition.

Harvesting plants for the preparation of decoctions and infusions

harvesting elderberryIn order for the medicinal properties of black elderberry to not disappear, you should know how to properly harvest it. Depending on the part of the bush, a similar procedure should be carried out at different times of the year.


black elderberry barkYou need to harvest it only in the spring. If sap flow has begun in the plant, then the procedure should be postponed until the next year. Elderberry bark, which is two years old, has good healing properties. First, you need to cleanse it of the glands and remove the top layer. In this plant, it has a gray tint. Then disconnect the bark from the core. Dry it in the oven. In this case, you need to ensure that the temperature in the oven is in the range of 65-70C. You can store it for three years. During this time, the bark will not lose its quality and it can be used for the preparation of decoctions and infusions.


black elderberry flowersThis part of the plant must be started to be harvested during the budding period. The beneficial properties of elderberry flowers are not found in the peduncle, but in the petals. Therefore, the roots that hold the flowers must be removed. You need to dry them at a temperature of 30From to 35C. The best place is a dark room with good ventilation. You need to spread the workpieces on a cotton cloth or on a paper towel with a thin layer. If this is not done, then the flowers may start to rot or become covered with fungus, which is very dangerous. Dry buds can either be grated through a sieve or grind in a coffee grinder.


dried fruitThe best time to harvest elderberries is from August to September. The bunches must be removed entirely. Before drying, you need to dry them a little. This is best done in the sun. Berries should be dried at a temperature not higher than 65C. It will be good to prepare the elderberry using the oven or dryers... After the fruits are reduced in size, you can begin to detach the stalks. They should be kept in natural fabric bags. The room in which the workpieces will be stored must be well ventilated. If there is dampness in the room, the berries will lose their properties, as they are saturated with moisture and become covered with mold.


black elderberry rootsThey begin to collect them in the last month of autumn.Any part of the root system can be used to prepare the mixtures. The separated areas should be thoroughly rinsed in running water. It is important to ensure that no sand or dirt remains on the surface. Then dry the roots. This period depends on the thickness. As soon as they decrease in size and become solid, you can begin to grind them using blender or coffee grinders. The resulting powder will be usable for 5 years.


This is one of the most demanded parts of the bush. To prepare elderberry leaves with good healing properties, the plates should be collected only in the spring. Dry them exclusively in the fresh air in the shade. The storage period for the workpiece is 12 months.

Popular elderberry recipes

ripe berriesWhen cooked correctly, the berries remain delicious and aromatic. In order for the dessert to turn out, it will take a little time and a minimum of ingredients.

The most delicious black elderberry jam recipe

black elderberry jamBerries prepared using this method can strengthen the immune system. To protect yourself from the development of various diseases in the winter season, you will need to add one dessert spoon of this delicacy to a mug of tea. Elderberry jam is very healthy and is not capable of harming health.

To cook you need:

  • one kilogram of ripe elderberries;
  • a kilogram of white sugar (can be replaced with brown);
  • deep capacity.

Disconnect the fruits of the plant from the stalks. Wash the berries well in water and dry with a paper towel.

Put the elderberry in a saucepan or metal bowl. Sprinkle a kilogram of sugar on top. Leave in this state for 60 minutes. Keep the pot at room temperature. This time will be quite enough for the juice to appear.

Move the container to a small fire. Simmer for 30 minutes. To prevent the berries from burning with sugar, the mixture must be stirred periodically. This is best done with a wooden spatula.

After half an hour, remove the pan from heat and let cool slightly. Pour the prepared jam into clean jars and close the lid tightly. Keep the sweetness from the elderberry only in a cold place. Better, of course, if it is a refrigerator, but you can place jars in the cellar.

Many who are treated with such a jam use another method. To do this, the berries must be grated along with sugar. Put the resulting mixture in a jar and also refrigerate. Raw jam, as it is also called, retains more vitamins and microelements, something that amenable to heat treatment.

Elderberry syrup

elderberry syrupThis recipe is often used to treat coughs and clear the bronchi. This is a unique remedy that has good expectorant properties. Black elderberry syrup is also used for dry coughs.

To do this, you need to wash the berries well and pass them through a juicer. Add the same amount of clean, cold water to the resulting liquid and put on fire.

Put sugar in the future syrup. Keep the pot on fire until the crystals are completely dissolved. As soon as the sugar is not felt at the bottom of the container, the syrup can be removed from the stove. Cool the liquid at room temperature, and then pour into glass bottles. This remedy should be taken one teaspoon after meals.

Knowing about the medicinal properties of black elderberry, you can get rid of many diseases. The correct intake of funds based on berries and other parts of the bush will give the desired result in the shortest possible period of time.

Secrets of the black elderberry - video

  1. Pavel

    Question: can you grind black elderberry with sugar in a blender and then eat it ?!

    • Natali

      Read the article carefully and compare the pros and cons, taking into account the characteristics of your body.Moderate consumption will not do harm if you do not have a personal intolerance to the components that make up the berries.


