We add the best medicinal plants to our piggy bank

medicinal plants Medicinal plants and their use in scientific and folk medicine is a centuries-old tradition. Due to their unique capabilities, they are especially popular among the population of various countries. Their correct use will help to cope with many diseases, and even those that, at first glance, are incurable. A description of the most popular medicinal plants and their photos can be seen in this article.

Medicinal plants that can cure many diseases

medicinal plants in the home medicine cabinet

Medicinal herbs are unique plants that are better than medicines to cope with various diseases. Knowing how they look and their properties can help solve many health problems.

Dandelion medicinal

dandelionIt is a perennial crop that grows in areas with medium humidity. The main medicinal part is the roots of the plant. They contain many useful trace elements: vitamins, choline, resins, protein, oils, about 40% inulin and other useful substances. Used by dandelion for treatment skin diseases, pathologies of the digestive tract, liver, spleen, kidneys. Infusions and decoctions are often made from the roots and leaves of the plant, which are drunk for constipation, headaches, discomfort in the abdomen, gout and allergic reactions. Also, fresh leaves can be added to salads for anemia, hypovitaminosis, anemia and rheumatism. For insomnia, hypertension, dandelion flowers are a good remedy.

Althea officinalis

marshmallow officinalisThe plant belongs to the well-known Malvaceae family.
This type of plant has been used in folk medicine for many years. Marshmallow roots contain more than 35% plant mucus, which consists of polysaccharides and starch. It also contains binders, malic acid, cane sugar and other ingredients. This type of plant is mainly used for inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes. An infusion of marshmallow root is able to protect against irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, bronchi, light. Preparations based on this culture are used to treat cough and other respiratory viral infections.

The infusion of marshmallow root is a good expectorant and analgesic agent.

It is also used for diseases of the stomach and intestines. If taken correctly, you can get rid of gastritis and peptic ulcer in a short time.

Burnet medicinal

burnetIt is the most popular remedy in Chinese traditional medicine and is used to stop bleeding in gynecology. Burnet-based preparations are also used to treat various kinds of wounds and lower body temperature. The root part of the plant contains tannins up to 23% and starch about 30%. It also contains a large amount of essential oils, saponins and ellagic acid. As for the hardwood plates, they are rich in ascorbic acid. Also, according to studies, it has been proven that burnet contains a lot of potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, zinc and other trace elements.

Medicinal letter

initial letterThe plant belongs to the family of Labiaceae. Often, botanists call it in concrete, shrike. The medicinal letter has a rather complex composition.It contains tannins, betaine and other components. All of them have hemostatic properties. The plant also contains a lot of turicin, organic acids, essential oils, carotenoids. For the treatment of diseases, the roots and stems of the plant are mainly used. Infusions from this herb are an excellent sedative.

The herbal medicine is capable of lowering blood pressure, speeding up metabolism.

The medicinal letter is a poisonous plant, so the herb should be used very carefully. But despite this, in folk medicine, culture is often used to treat epilepsy and nervous excitability. Also, lotions from the Drop letter are good for migraines, dizziness.

Valerian officinalis

valerianIf many types of medicinal plants have their own contraindications, then with valerian everything is much easier. This type of herb contains more than 100 types of active substances, which together have a beneficial effect on the human body. A distinctive feature of this herb, from other species, is the essential oil, which have a specific smell.

Valerian's medicinal properties are multifaceted, but most of all they affect the central nervous system and help reduce muscle spasms. Drops based on this plant are often used for headaches, cramps, emotional distress, rapid heartbeat, and constipation. In folk medicine, valerian is often used for worms and flatulence. The main part that is used for decoctions and infusions is the roots.

Asparagus medicinal

medicinal asparagusThis type of herb is a real treasure of useful components. The root system of medicinal asparagus is used in pharmacology all over the world. The fruits of the plant are no less useful. Ripe berries contain a lot of fatty oils, alkaloids and sugars. Thanks to the asparagine in the root, asparagus has a hypotensive effect on the human body.

Mixtures based on it are able to expand peripheral vessels, as well as improve the contractile function of the heart muscles. The plant has a good diuretic effect. Also, asparagus is able to invigorate and tone up. In China, the fruit of the herb is often used to treat impotence and dysentery. Infusion from the stem and leafy plates helps well with hypertension and diseases of the genitourinary system.

Angelica officinalis

angelicaPeople often make alcoholic tinctures and decoctions from this plant. In some countries of the world, angelica is used as a seasoning for many dishes. Also drinks are made from it, including alcoholic ones. Loose grass flowers are considered a real delicacy, from which incredible dishes are prepared in the world's leading restaurants. The plant is rich in essential oils, valeric acid, resins, pectin, wax, carotene, phytosterols.

Angelica is able to stabilize the nervous system, relieve people of arthritis, reduce pain, normalize blood pressure and restore vascular walls.

Periodic use of the herb can strengthen bone tissue and normalize renal and heart function, as well as improve mental performance. All this is achieved due to the presence of a large amount of phosphorus in fresh angelica leaves. An important benefit of the herb is that it is calorie-free, so it does not lead to excess weight.

Chamomile officinalis

chamomileThe beneficial properties of this plant are very well known not only in our country, but throughout the world. This is an omnipotent culture that amazes with its abilities. Doctors believe that exactly chamomile is the medicinal plant that should be in the medicine cabinet of every home. The healing powers of the herb help to get rid of many diseases.

Chamomile officinalis has high antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, sedative, choleretic, anticonvulsant effects. It also belongs to antihistamines and pain relievers. Such abilities are due to the presence of many chemical components and compounds. The main part of the substances is found precisely in flowers, therefore they are often used in infusions and ointments.

With the correct use of chamomile, you can get rid of blood cholesterol in a short time, as well as prevent the spread of cancer cells.

Calendula officinalis

calendulaIt is one of the most effective medicinal plants. Flowers marigold often used not only in folk, but also in traditional medicine. To achieve a greater effect, extracts from this herb are combined with other preparations. Ointments, tinctures, and also decoctions are made mainly from buds that have just opened. They have the most useful components.

Calendula is used to treat many diseases. But its main purpose is bactericidal action. The juice from the leaves helps to cope well with microbes, and also disinfects and relieves inflammation. An important advantage of calendula is that it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and is also able to increase immunity and lower blood pressure.

Funds based on this culture have practically no contraindications, therefore they are often prescribed for both children and adults.

Medicinal lungwort

lungwortThe herb is often used as an expectorant, diuretic, and styptic. Also, the plant is good for bronchitis and asthma. Some doctors claim that it is lungwort that can completely cure pulmonary tuberculosis. The herb is also effective for bowel disease. In England, locals use leafy plates to make vegetable salads.

The plant is absolutely non-toxic, therefore it is not capable of harming the human body.

The roots of this herb are able to cope well with hoarseness and kidney disease. Medunitsa is recommended to be used for nosebleeds, gastritis, as well as for various hernias and toothaches. Lungwort juice works well against many snake venoms. It is also used for the bites of rabid animals. The main habitat of this miraculous plant is the lands of Siberia and the Caucasus.

Medicinal plants that should be in every home

A healthy family is one in which there are not pills in the medicine cabinet, but medicinal plants. Knowing the characteristics of herbs can help you cope with many health problems.

Veronica medicinal

Veronica officinalisTraditional healers pay special attention to the ground part of the plant. The leaves and stems contain ascorbic acid, glycoside, tannins, carotene. The plant is capable of destroying pathogenic microbes. It is also a good disinfectant.

The crushed veronica leaves are used worldwide to heal deep cuts and to stop bleeding.

A distinctive feature of such a herb is the content in it of various types of acids and the most rare trace elements. Decoctions from Veronica can be drunk as an expectorant and anticonvulsant. Herb baths help well with excessive sweating of the feet and various fungal diseases.

Goat's rue medicinal or Galega

goat's rueThe plant is known all over the world. The herb has attracted special attention due to its medicinal properties. It is often used not only in folk medicine, but also for feeding pets. It grows mainly in the Caucasus, Moldova and Crimea. The plant is rich in tannins, vitamin C, carbohydrates, alkaloids, acids.

Goat's rue is used for diabetes of various stages.

A decoction based on flowers is good for lichen and eczema.In addition to its good, diaphoretic and diuretic properties, goat's rue has proven itself as an antihelminthic drug. Compositions based on this herb regulate metabolism well and restore strength after long-term illnesses. Galega officinalis is also used as a lactogone drug during breastfeeding.

It should be noted that the use of herbal tinctures can lead to an increase in the production of glycogen by the liver. It is an important substance that is responsible for the amount of glucose in the blood.

Medicinal walker

walkerThis is a representative of the Cabbage family. You can meet the plant only on rocky slopes. Occasionally, walkers grow in the fields. A distinctive feature of such a plant is its unusual flowers and deciduous plates. The lands of North Africa and Europe are considered the homeland of grass.

The outside walker is very similar to a weed plant, but this is a misconception. It is rich in various nutrients. Leaves, flowers and stems are prized in folk and traditional medicine. The walker has been known for a very long time. The Navajo tribes used this herb to prepare various dishes. A special delicacy was considered to be fried walker leaves. The beneficial properties of the plant are known all over the world. The grass contains a huge percentage of essential oils, vitamins, acids. The petals also contain sulfur, carbohydrates and various minerals.

Quite often, singers use the infusion from the walker to restore their voices.

Avran medicinal

avran medicinalThe plant is distributed throughout North America, Eurasia, Russia, as well as in Ukraine. The main habitats are steppe and forest zones. The herb is rich in various highly active chemical compounds. During the study, scientists found that the plant contains a lot of organic acids. These include: malic, tannic, bitulinic, graciolinolinic acids. In addition, the green mass is rich in potassium, magnesium, cuprum, selenium, vanadium, plumbum.

Due to the presence of such a quantity of trace elements, Avran is widely used in medicine. It is especially used for cardiovascular diseases. Root tinctures are often prescribed to treat hemorrhoids and bowel problems. Avrana herb tea is good for menstrual irregularities and gastritis.

Soapy medicinal

soap-womanThe herb belongs to the Clove family. It is a herbaceous plant that grows in the form of a flower. The main habitat is the lands of the Caucasus, Europe, Siberia. You can meet grass both in fields, forests, and near residential buildings.

Soapyanka is famous for the presence of ascorbic acid and glycosides in its composition.

Thanks to them, it is used to treat bronchitis. For eczema and scabies, baths with a decoction of soapwort are a good remedy. It also helps, once and for all, get rid of scaly lichen.

Blackroot medicinal

blackrootThe first records about this plant were made in the Middle Ages. The healers of the day used the herb for brain disease and pain relief. Ointments and other drugs are still made from leaves and stems. The plant received its medicinal effects due to the presence of alkaloids and tannins in the composition. Besides them, the herb contains resins, vitamin A, essential oils.

Blackroot-based remedies help with cramps, coughs, diarrhea, colds. They are also recommended to be used to stimulate hair growth.

Dymyanka medicinal

medicinal smokeA herb with unusual flowers and beautiful leaves. Dymyanka has been used in folk medicine for a long time, but its beneficial properties have been studied quite recently. The grass contains substances that are able to remove bile and restore all organisms' processes. The plant also helps relieve headaches, nausea, and vomiting. Dymyanka is an anti-inflammatory agent.In medicine, it is used to treat the effects of a mosquito bite. Tinctures, ointments, decoctions are made from this herb, and fresh juice is also used.


medicinal plants eyebrightAn annual herb that belongs to the Norichnikov family. For the preparation of medicines, only the ground part is used. Flowers and deciduous plates are especially appreciated. They contain essential oils, flavonoids, coumarin, glycoside and other important vitamins. Eyebright is also rich in magnesium, zinc. In order to preserve all the healing properties of this herb, you should collect the plant during the period when it blooms. It is necessary to dry parts of the plant only outdoors and in the shade.

Eyebright infusion is used as an anesthetic and sedative. Also, the mixture is able to improve blood circulation in the brain and lower blood pressure.

Angelica officinalis

medicinal plants angelicaThis is a plant that can be found on the plots of many summer residents. The poison is rather large with a huge stem. Angelica blooms throughout the summer. You can distinguish it from other species due to the specific smell that the root emits. The ancient Greeks used this type of herb as ammonia. If you rub the stem, it can also revive a person after fainting.

Monks from Benedict prized Dudnik for its ability to deal with various poisons. Now the herb is often used in traditional medicine to treat many diseases. Despite their unattractive appearance, grains and shredded stems are used in cooking as a seasoning.

Medicinal plants - condiments

In the wild and in personal plots, medicinal plants grow, which are used not only in folk medicine, but also in cooking.

Hyssop medicinal

medicinal plants hyssopThis type of plant is often called blue St. John's wort or bee grass. This is a culture of wide application, but it found its main place in traditional medicine. The first records of this plant appeared thanks to the medieval scientist Avicenna. He assured that products based on flowers and leaf juice can refresh the skin of the face and smooth out wrinkles.

At the present time, an infusion of hyssop is used in the presence of tumors, headaches. The plant is useful for asthma, chronic cough, lung disease.

Also, a liquid based on flowers is used for sore throat to gargle. In combination with pumpkin seeds and caraway seeds, Hyssop is able to expel worms from the body. Such properties of the plant are achieved due to the presence of essential oils, tannins, diasmin, hesperidin, resins, ursolic acid and other equally important components in it.

Medicinal melilot

sweet cloverThis type of plant can be found in many areas of our country. Donnik is not only very useful, but also incredibly beautiful. The flowers are bright, rich yellow. All of them are collected in inflorescences that resemble the shape of a panicle. The plant is very popular for its medicinal properties. Herbal healers in their recipes use mainly the tops and leafy plates of the sweet clover. They include coumarin, coumaric acid, melilotin, essential oils.

Plant-based preparations have excellent expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties. They are also used to restore the functioning of the nervous system and as an antiseptic and laxative. The juice from the leaves of this culture is popularly used for quick wound healing.

In China, local people use plants for diseases of epidemic encephalitis.

Salvia officinalis

medicinal plants sageIt is a plant that has been widely used in folk medicine for a long time. The Greeks and Roman doctors were among the first to use it to treat many diseases. Due to its unique properties, sage got another name - "sacred herb".So he was called by Hippocrates, who recommended the plant to everyone to give strength and prolong youth.

The deciduous plates of the plant contain formic acid, acetic acid, tannins, and flavonoids. Plant seeds that form after flowering contain up to 20% protein and 30% fatty oils. Sage is renowned for its anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. It is also used worldwide to stop bleeding, heal the digestive tract, and to reduce sweating.

From leaves, stems and roots, they make drugs for pathologies of the kidneys and liver. Infusion with sage is great for sore throat, bronchitis, radiculitis, diabetes, skin diseases.

Melissa officinalis

MelissaIt is a unique plant species that has a rich aroma. The grass grows up to 80 m tall. The scent of this plant attracts and soothes bees... Therefore, beekeepers often use lemon balm when collecting honey. In folk medicine, not only the leaves are used, but also the root of the herb. Dry and fresh stems of the plant are used for pathologies of the stomach, heart and in case of high blood pressure. Also, lemon balm is recommended to use for shortness of breath, convulsions and colds. The oils contained in the leaves are able to calm the nervous system and increase appetite. Also, the plant is often used for dizziness and vomiting.

In traditional medicine, lemon balm is used to make medicines for insomnia.

Medicinal rosemary

medicinal plants rosemaryDue to its unusual appearance, this herb is often called sea dew or wedding flower. Rosemary is a branchy plant with a pleasant aroma. In nature, the bush can grow up to 2 m tall. Main habitat rosemary are the dry slopes of the mountains. Due to its weak winter hardiness in the regions of our country, it is very difficult to grow this plant.

Medicinal rosemary was revered by the Greeks, the Romans, and the Egyptians. In ancient times, it was this herb that was considered sacred. The leaves of this plant contain essential oils. It also contains a large percentage of iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc. Thanks to this, the herb is able to enhance the human immune system and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Official medicine tends to believe that rosemary is the best remedy for colic, gout and low blood pressure.

Verbena officinalis

verbena officinalisSince ancient times, verbena has been famous for its various positive properties. It was this plant that was the main one in the treatment of many diseases. Each individual part of the herb is rich in its own trace elements. It should be noted that verbena leaves contain a huge amount of ascorbic acid.

In nature, there are about 200 species of this plant, but only the medicinal variety can be used to treat diseases.

It is actually a unique herb that is the best crop for bleeding and inflammation. With the periodic use of infusions and decoctions of verbena leaves, you can significantly strengthen the immune system and improve the general condition of the body. It is able to cleanse the liver and increase the epithet, as well as restore organ cells.

Knowing medicinal plants and their features in person, you can get rid of many diseases, as well as prevent the development of dangerous ailments. The correct intake of drugs based on such plants is the key to good health for the whole family.

Medicinal plants with immunomodulatory effects

When a person's immune system is impaired or weakened, a variety of diseases begin to develop one after another. To strengthen the immune system, special medications are prescribed, but doctors very often recommend still giving preference to natural immunomodulators. The simplest are raspberries, rose hips, ginger, honey, and garlic.

There are other medicinal plants in nature, from which traditional medicines and homeopathic remedies are made.

Azimina three-bladed

azimina three-bladedAsimina triloba is a prominent representative of the Annonov family. Under natural conditions, it grows successfully in the United States. The plant is successfully grown in personal gardens. Subject to the cultivation technology, the culture will delight the gardener with delicious fruits with unique healing properties. Mexican bananas are high in vitamins A and C.

Due to its unique antioxidant and anti-aging properties, the pulp of the pazimine fruit is successfully used as face masks.

Acetogenin, which is part of the plant:

  • prevents the development of certain types of cancer cells;
  • stops the growth of previously formed cancer.

To protect the cells of the body from the negative effects of stressful events and free radicals, to strengthen the body's defense reaction, an extract of azimines is used.

There are contraindications for the use of three-bladed pawpaw:

  • you cannot eat the fruits during pregnancy and while breastfeeding;
  • in the presence of individual intolerance.

Bryony white

brione whiteThe white cross grows in the Canary Islands, in Central and Western Asia, the Mediterranean. Some plant species grow in the Crimea and the Caucasus. The plant has an expectorant, immunomodulatory, hemostatic and analgesic effect on the body.

Application in homeopathy:

  • the preparation from the roots of the Brionia plant is used for systemic scleroderma;
  • with gout, polyarthritis and rheumatism as rubbing;
  • for the treatment of abscesses, baldness, various fungi on the skin, lichen planus and psoriasis, infusions and decoctions are used;
  • for various neurological diseases, a tincture of fresh roots is used, which is included with the drug "Akofit".

Bryony is white poisonous and has a powerful irritation to the gastrointestinal mucosa. Do not use preparations from the root of the white cross for the treatment of babies, nursing mothers, pregnant women and with individual intolerance.

It is necessary to control the dosage and be careful when using decoctions and infusions containing bryony white root!

Lespedeza bicolor

Lespedeza bicolorLespedeza is safe due to its low degree of toxicity and does not irritate body tissues at all.

The plant has special qualities:

  • anti-stress;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antihistamine;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • antineoplastic;
  • antioxidant;
  • antibacterial;
  • slag removal and others.

Medicines with Lespedesia:

  1. They perfectly remove sodium and nitrogenous surpluses.
  2. They are used to diagnose kidney inflammation.
  3. Dissolve stones.
  4. Prevents the appearance of atheromatous ulcers.
  5. Helps urine excretion without flushing potassium from the body.
  6. Soothes allergic reactions.

The plant is used for people of different ages. Even pregnant women and nursing mothers can take infusions and decoctions of the herb in moderation. The use of Lespedesia is impossible only with individual intolerance.

If the liver is impaired, alcoholic tinctures of the herb must be replaced with aqueous tinctures.

Medicinal plants in the home medicine cabinet are a reliable aid to traditional medicine in solving health problems.

Medicinal plants and features of their use - video


