We choose the best varieties of lilies for our flower garden

oriental lily hybrids Effectively blooming lilies have attracted human attention since ancient times. The modern classification, describing the species, hybrids of lilies, varieties with photos and names, will help to appreciate the prevailing variety, amaze with incredible brightness and splendor of flowers.

Perennial flowering plants forming a numerous genus have been known since antiquity. References to lilies and images of large flowers can be found in sources from Ancient Greece, Egypt, the countries of the Middle East and Southeast Asia.

Species diversity of lilies

Our ancestors were fascinated by the perfect shape of flowers, their aroma and variety of colors. Today, garden flower lovers have access to varieties of lilies from different parts of the world, as well as hybrids and varieties obtained from their crossing.

White lily (Lilium candidum)

lily white

In Europe, they treated the white or snow-white lily (Lilium candidum) with special trepidation, considering it the standard of divine purity and purity. The plant from the Mediterranean region was valued by the Hellenes, later, with the spread of Christianity, it was revered as a symbol of the Virgin. And then the funnel-shaped flower up to 7 cm in diameter became the prototype for the heraldic royal lily that adorned the coats of arms of many royal dynasties of Western Europe. Today, the species is well known to flower growers, on its basis many wonderful varieties and hybrids have been obtained that differ from wild ancestors in greater endurance and large flowers.

Curly lily (L. martagon)

lily curlyAnother well-known variety is the curly lily (Lilium martagon), which many know as the king's curls or the Turkish lily. The name of the plant up to 150 cm in height is due to the flowers of the original turban-shaped form with petals curved or twisted outward. The color of lilies can be different.

Curly lily Russian MorningMost often they are found with pinkish-lilac flowers, however, thanks to the efforts of breeders, white, wine-red and even almost black lilies have been obtained, characterized by amazing endurance, winter hardiness and regular flowering, which occurs in the first half of summer.

Lily regal (L. regale)

lily regalDue to the beauty of flowers and a mesmerizing aroma, the regal lily (Lilium regale) has won incredible popularity among flower growers.

A plant native to the Chinese province of Sichuan, it forms an erect stem with a height of 100 to 180 cm. Flowering begins in mid-July, and at its height, up to three dozen large buds can be on one plant. Flowers up to 15 cm in diameter are distinguished by a tubular shape, a pinkish color of the outer surface of the petals and a pale yellow spot in the center of the corolla. The stamens covered with bright yellow pollen give additional decorative effect to the flowers.

lush inflorescencesThe popular species is widely used by breeders. On the basis of this variety, many tubular hybrids and varieties of lilies have been obtained, the photos and names of which make the hearts of thousands of garden flower lovers flutter.

Tiger lily (L. lancifolium)

tiger lilyThe tiger or lanceolate lily (Lilium lancifolium) came from Asia to Russian gardens. An unpretentious, vegetatively propagating plant, it is easy to recognize by alternately pointed lanceolate leaves and turban-shaped flowers of orange or yellowish color located on the stem in turn. The petals cover brown or black spots, from which the lily got its specific name.

Tiger lily Flore PlenoPlants up to 120 cm in height begin to bloom in the second half of summer, while up to 15 spectacular flowers can open on the stem. In addition to varieties with common flowers, breeders today offer double varieties of the tiger lily, as well as its hybrids with other related forms.

Hybrids and varieties of lilies with names and photos of flowers

lily martagon

Having fallen into the hands of scientists and breeders, lilies from different parts of the world have become the starting material for obtaining interspecific hybrids and unique varieties with amazing external data.

The emergence of more and more new plants forced experts to seriously engage in a new classification of lilies. In the middle of the last century, such a register was created. Today it includes a dozen constantly replenishing and modifying sections, most of which are devoted to hybrid forms.

Asian lilies: varieties with photos and names

Asian lily hybrid Midnight MysteryThe most numerous is the family of Asian hybrids bearing the features of such species as tiger, spotted, Pennsylvania, dwarf lilies, as well as lilies of David and Maksimovich.

Asiatic lily Aaron with double flowersBrief descriptions, photos and names of lilies of Asian varieties will help you get an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe magnificent garden plants that have an unassuming character, high winter hardiness and a long flowering period. The group numbers more than five thousand varieties, striking with stunning monochromatic and multi-colored petals, simple and double corollas up to 14 cm in diameter.

Depending on the variety, the height of the plants varies from 40 to 150 cm. Flowering takes place from June to late summer. Therefore, it will not be difficult for a grower to choose Asian lilies for any place in the flower bed.

The only drawback is the lack of smell, which is so attracted to king lilies and other hybrid forms.

Lily varieties Nove centoLily Nove Cento beckons with bright yellow petals in the middle of summer. The variety differs not only in the duration of flowering, but also in the size of the corollas on the stems up to a meter high. Flowers up to 16 cm in diameter in the center are covered with a reddish-orange blush, which is emphasized by bright pollen.

Asiatic lily Fata MorganaThe yellow Fata Morgana lily with spectacular double flowers up to 16 cm in diameter is ready to become a bright accent in any flower garden. The petals in the center are strewn with brownish-orange specks, reminiscent of the origin of the hybrid. The height of the stem, covered with tough dark green foliage, is 90–100 cm.

Asiatic lily ElodieAnyone who is not indifferent to delicate pink flowers will surely like the Elodie lily with terry corollas about 15 cm in diameter. Closer to the center of the flower, it is easy to notice black dots and purple-pink strokes. The corolla neck is greenish-yellow in color. In the flowerbed, the plant will not be lost due to erect stems up to 120 cm high. Flowering, like other Asian lilies, lasts the entire first half of summer. With the onset of the cold season, the bulbs do not need to be dug out and can withstand frosts down to –30 ° C.

Terry Asiatic Lily Mystery DreamFlowers of Asian hybrids can be not only monochromatic. A photo of a lily variety with the name Mystery Dream invariably causes a lot of delight among the most sophisticated lovers of garden flowers. The greenish-white petals are adorned with crimson or wine strokes and splashes.

Asiatic lily variety Black EyeAnother spectacular variety is the Black Eye lily, bred by Dutch breeders. Its white petals are framed with a purple border, and in the center of the corolla, up to 15 cm in diameter, a spot of a thick, almost black shade is noticeable from afar. With proper planting and proper care, the flowering of this plant lasts up to four weeks, from June to July.

Lily lollipopLily Lollipop is one of the most famous varieties of this magnificent ornamental plant. Stems 70 cm high are crowned with simple white flowers with pinkish-crimson strokes on the tips of the petals. An unassuming culture grows well in the garden, can be used for landscaping balconies, terraces and for off-season forcing.

Lily of the Lion Heart varietyA selection of such variegated varieties will make the flower bed unique, unforgettably bright. The catchy color of the Lionheart lily combines rich yellows and purple-blacks.Plants grow up to 80 cm in height and in the height of summer are covered with flowers about 10-14 cm in diameter.

Asiatic lily MarleneThe Asian lily Marlene is especially famous. A plant with large, odorless white-pink flowers is prone to fasciation, that is, to fusion of several growth points, the formation of one powerful stem and many buds on it. Thanks to this phenomenon, the florist can observe the simultaneous flowering of several dozen spectacular corollas.

Oriental lily hybrids

Lily Oriental Lilac CloudSpectacular oriental lilies, striking with the splendor of large flowers, bizarre colors and shapes, are the result of painstaking selection work, which was based on varieties from East Asia.

The group of oriental hybrids unites almost one and a half thousand varieties. With all the diversity, these plants can be recognized by common characteristics. It:

  • corrugated edges and colored edging along the edge of the petals;
  • mostly pink, red and white tones of flowers;
  • flowering in the second half of summer and in September;
  • warmth-loving character and exactingness to the quality of care.

Lily StargazerLilia Stargeiser, like other representatives of the eastern group, is equally good in a flower bed and in a vase. On strong leafy stems from 80 to 150 cm in height, very large white-pink flowers with a white border around the edge of the petals and crimson specks are scattered in the center. The flowers are fragrant, their diameter is 17 cm.

Oriental Lily Salmon StarEven taller and more decorative is the Salmon Star lily. Fragrant flowers of this variety reach a diameter of 20 cm and are kept on stems up to 200 cm high. The color of the petals is dominated by pale pink, salmon and golden yellow tones. The central part of the corolla is covered with orange and reddish specks.

Tubular lily hybrids

Trumpet Lily Golden SplendourThe lilies obtained as a result of crossing of Asian species with an elongated corolla shape, an unassuming disposition and high winter hardiness were called tubular hybrids.

These plants rarely get sick, they are not afraid of Russian winters, they bloom for a long time and continuously. In addition to the listed advantages, they have the ability to reproduce both vegetatively and by seeds, and their flowers are unusually fragrant. Today, florists have at their disposal hundreds and thousands of spectacular varieties of a wide variety of colors from pure white to deep pink and bright yellow.

Lily White HeavenThe White Haven long-flowered lily is a white, fragrant flower that gracefully unfolds on one-meter stems. The variety is distinguished by an exquisite shape of corollas, their large size and unpretentious care.

The flowering of tubular lilies takes place during July and August, accompanied by a rich aroma that intensifies in the evening.

Lilia Pink PerfectionThe pinkish-lilac flowers of the Pink Perfection lily rise 120–180 cm above the soil level. The corolla is 13 cm long, and the petals open 11 cm. In the inflorescence there can be from 3 to 7 buds that do not fade for a long time and can be used for cutting.

Interspecific hybrids of lilies

Blooming LA hybrid lily varietiesThe possibility of obtaining not only closely related, but also interspecific forms of lilies inspired scientists to create plants, the appearance of which in nature would be simply impossible. Today, hybrids, named after the first letters of the parental species, are becoming more and more popular.

Hybrid specimens take the best qualities from their ancestors, so flower growers have a real chance to replenish the collection in a flower bed with both spectacular and amazingly easy-to-care flowers.

OT hybrids and varieties of lilies with photos and descriptions

Lily variety Late MorningFrom the oriental and tubular lilies originated the OT hybrids in demand today. Although the first varieties of plants were obtained only 20 years ago, over the years the group has become one of the most attractive to flower growers. Reason for success:

  • a combination of large buds forming multi-flowered inflorescences;
  • a huge selection of colors, including two- and even three-color options;
  • tall stems, allowing these hybrids to be called "lily-trees", such as the lily Pritty Wumen.

The flowering period begins in mid-summer and lasts 3 to 4 weeks. At the same time, the varieties of this group are fragrant, which for many fans of the lily is an indisputable advantage.

Hybrid lily AnastasiaLily Anastasia should certainly be attributed to the number of large-flowered plants. A spectacular OT hybrid strikes with pink corollas with a diameter of 20 to 25 cm. The flower petals are effectively curved, painted in crimson-pink tones and form a wide funnel towards the center of the corolla. The center line on each petal is drawn in a bright carmine shade. The center of the flower and the edges of the petals are almost white. The plant shows its qualities in the best way in well-lit areas with fertile, loose soil.

Lilies prefer neutral or slightly acidic soil, they need regular weeding, watering and feeding, especially in preparation for flowering.

Lily Pretty WomanThe stems of the Pretty Wumen lily grow up to 180 cm high, and the flowers blooming at the top can rival table plates in size. The diameter of the white fragrant corolla is 20–25 cm. The variety is rightfully recognized as one of the most spectacular OT hybrids and other garden lilies.

Large buds and newly opened corollas are painted in white, pale pink and greenish-yellow in the center of the tone flower. While flowering lasts, the corolla gradually turns white, but does not lose its rich aroma.

Flowers for universal use demonstrate durability not only in a flower bed, but also in a bouquet. Despite the apparent fragility, the buds can be transported; when cut, they retain their freshness perfectly and do not fade for about two weeks

Lily LavonOn the petals of the Lavon lily, which also belongs to modern OT-hybrids, you can see the gentle play of cream, bright strokes of a crimson light yellow tone. Expressive flowers with bent petals and spectacular color are decorated with tall stamens with reddish-brown anthers.

With full care, adult bulbs can grow two-meter stems two meters and carry up to 30 large buds. Flowering begins in mid-July and lasts about a month under favorable conditions.

Hybrid lily Exotic SanLily Exotic San is an example of a hybrid with semi-double flowers. The lemon-yellow corollas really resemble the bright sun over the lush greenery of the rainforest. The diameter of the flower is about 20 cm; on a stem 100 to 120 cm high, there can be from 1 to 5 such buds.

Lily OT-hybrid FrisoBred by Dutch breeders, the Frizo lily variety is classified as an abundantly flowering variety. Corollas bear the features of the parental, oriental species, as evidenced by the pink-crimson base of the petals and a wide white border around the edges. The wide throat of the corolla is colored greenish or yellow. Stems, in comparison with fellows in the group, are small. Their height is 120 cm.

The Frizo lily variety is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and winter hardiness. Under a thick layer mulch, fallen leaves or under other cover, bulbs tolerate frosts up to 35 ° C without loss.

Lily OT hybrid Apricot FudgeLily Aprikot Fuji is unlike any other variety. The uniqueness of the plant lies in the original shape of the flowers, which more resemble tulips than lilies. The second feature is the warm, apricot shade of the petals and the pistils towering above them. As the dissolution progresses, yellow nuances appear in the color of the petals, which become predominant.

The stems, in comparison with other varieties of OT hybrids, are low and barely reach a length of 100–120 cm. The diameter of the flowers is 12–16 cm. Lily blooms in the height of summer, is unpretentious, and even novice growers succeed in growing it.

Lily OT hybrid Purple PrinceFans of garden lilies, not indifferent to dark colors, saturated tones, will appreciate the Purpl Prince lily variety. Crowning strong, erect stems, the buds are painted in dark purple, almost black shades. When the corollas open, the color of the petals becomes violet-carmine, iridescent, noble, like aged wine. The luxurious look of 25cm flowers is supported by petals bent outward, as if made of silk.

The family of garden varieties of lilies is constantly expanding and replenishing with new original plants. Hybrids take on the best traits of their ancestors. for example stamina, expressiveness and flowering duration.

Lilies belonging to the groups of longiflorum and oriental varieties, as a result of crossing, gave hybrids called LO. Delicate flowers, painted in yellow, white and pink tones of varying intensity, resemble a short tube or funnel with a diameter of 10 to 20 cm.

The buds are kept on stems covered with dark green leaves up to 130 cm high. As the flowers dissolve, they fill the air with a strong aroma that does not disappear until the flowers wither.

Lily African QueenThe bright lily African Queen instantly attracts attention thanks to its orange and cream colored petals and the elongated corolla characteristic of tubular hybrids. Large buds, united by 3-5 pieces, open up, become flowers, the diameter of which sometimes exceeds 15 cm. With proper care, the stems grow up to 120 cm in height. The variety is suitable for group and single plantings, will not get lost either in a flower bed or in a vase with other plants.

Lilia LO TriumphantThe bright large-flowered Triumphant lily from Dutch scientists and florists will become a real decoration of the flower garden. The variety, created at the beginning of this century, attracts attention:

  • high, up to 140 cm stems;
  • flowers with a diameter of 20-25 cm;
  • coloration more characteristic of oriental hybrids;
  • persistent sweet aroma.

Mass flowering lasts 2 to 4 weeks, from the second half of summer. The persistence of flowers is preserved even after cutting, so the lily is desirable in the most lush bouquets.

Lily variety Royal SunsetThe hybrids obtained from the crossing of Asian and long-flowered lilies by the names of the parental forms received the designation LA. the plants took the endurance and brightness of flowers from the oriental ancestors, and the longiflorum lilies provided the new varieties with outstanding corolla sizes.

An example of such a successful union is the lily variety shown in the photo with the name Royal Sunset. Flowers in a red-yellow range are equally good in the sun and in the shade, the bulbs are not afraid of frost and form buds by mid-June.

Lily OA-hybrid KaveriAnother new group of hybrid plants is derived from Oriental and Asian varieties. OA hybrids are not as tall as the oriental varieties, but they are no less beautiful and, like oriental lilies, are undemanding to care for.

Lilies in the gardens of the Moscow region - video


