Arrowroot tricolor - features of the flower and its care

arrowroot tricolor Arrowroot tricolor is one of the most beautiful types of flowers. Despite the original coloring and spectacular decorative appearance, it is not often found. This is due to the rather whimsical nature of the plant, which still needs to please. Not only health depends on this, but also the appearance of the arrowroot. Improper placement or care can cause foliage to begin to lose clarity and brightness. But if you know what you need, colorful bushes will turn the room into a real jungle. What does the arrowroot look like and what does she like?

Description of the plant

Juicy stems are decorated with oval painted leaves. Their width is almost the same as that of other types of arrowroot (up to 6 cm), but the length is slightly less - no more than 13 cm. The main color of the leaf plate is most often dark green, but it can be lighter. Regardless of this, the edge of the sheet is always one tone paler. Rounded spots are fancifully drawn along the central reddish vein on both sides. From a distance, the drawing resembles the outline of a feather. Lateral veins are also pink-red, with vague dark green spots along them. The leaves are no less beautiful from the inside out: their crimson surface is painted with pink veins.

Another characteristic feature of the tricolor arrowroot is pink-lilac inflorescences. Most plant varieties have white or bluish flowers. Otherwise, the tricolor is similar to its relatives with thick fleshy roots and long shoots.

Arrowroot tricolor is also known as arrowroot tricolor, red-filler or Fascinator.

Arrowroot tricolor: cultivation features

This is one of those “comfortable” indoor plants that doesn't need bright lighting. It is much more comfortable for the Fascinator in partial shade, on the eastern or western windowsills. Moreover, excess light negatively affects the bright coloring of arrowroot. The drawing begins to lose its clear outlines, and the colors fade, fading. A similar phenomenon can be observed on the northern windowsills. In general, the daylight hours of arrowroot should last at least 16 hours with diffused lighting.

Arrowroot tricolor is no less demanding to the room climate. She does not like heat, and the temperature in the room is below 18 ° C heat - destructive. In summer, the maximum allowable temperature in the house should be 23 ° C heat. At the same time, the plant prefers to winter in a light coolness (about 15 ° C).

If the conditions of detention are properly organized for the flower, the rest of the care will consist in the following procedures:

  1. Abundant watering in spring and summer and scarce watering in winter, especially if the room is cool.
  2. Frequent spraying.
  3. From spring to late autumn - feeding with a mineral complex for decorative deciduous plants. Moreover, this should be done no more than 2 times a month. In addition, the concentration of the working solution should be reduced by 2 times than is suggested in the instructions.

Arrowroot grows quickly and very soon the pot is filled with fleshy roots. At least 2 times a year, it is necessary to transplant the bush, transferring it to a new flowerpot. It should be wider in diameter than the previous one, but the depth can be left the same.

Arrowroot tricolor - features of growing at home


