Growing Chinese Strict Juniper

juniper chinese strict in the country Juniper Chinese Strickta was bred in 1945 by breeders from Holland. This tree belongs to the genus Juniper of the cypress family. Used in landscaping gardens, parks, suburban areas. Having an attractive appearance, the variety gained great popularity not only in its native lands, but also in other countries, including Russia. find out what is the height of the sequoia?


Chinese Strict Juniper Sapling

The description of the Strickt juniper makes it possible to study the variety even before going to the nursery for a seedling.

The plant is considered a dwarf tree, its growth reaches 2.5 meters. The diameter of the juniper is 1.5 meters. The tree has a lifespan of about 100 years. It is appreciated by Russian gardeners for its endurance and frost resistance.

Straight and thin branches are densely and evenly distributed on the sides. They grow upward at an acute angle. The crown of the tree is even and dense, cone-shaped. The needles are sharp and not rigid, of a delicate bluish shade. Such a juniper bears fruit with cones with a dark blue waxy bloom, which give the tree a picturesque look.


juniper seedlings are ready for transplantingWhen planting the juniper of the Chinese Strict, the following recommendations and rules should be followed:

  1. When buying a plant, you need to pay attention to the fact that the young tree is grown in a box with a closed root system. In the open air, the roots dry out and die.
  2. Planting the variety should be done on the sunny side. Growing in the shade is allowed.
  3. It is better to plant a young plant in April, May or in the first autumn month.
  4. To grow such a crop, it is necessary to use a nutritious, moist soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. The soil is prepared from turf, peat and sand in a ratio of 1: 2: 1.
  5. The size of the pit for planting should be two or three times the size of the earthen ball of the seedling. A pit for an adult Chinese Strickt juniper is dug to a depth of 60-70 cm.At its bottom, it is necessary to prepare a drainage consisting of sand or broken brick, 20 cm thick.
  6. When planting a plant, the root collar of the juniper should not be buried in the soil. It should protrude up 6-10 cm from the edge of the dug hole. After that, the earth will settle, it will rise to the required place.
  7. The distance between young junipers should be about one meter in order to ensure the free development of the root system of conifers.
  8. Shortly after planting, mulch, that is, cover the soil with "breathing" material (pine bark, withered leaves, wood shavings, chips, cones, paper, peat or plain cloth). The layer height should be 10-12 cm.

Young shoots of Strickt juniper can be sunburned. Therefore, at first in the summer, it must be protected from the aggressive rays of the sun.

Watering and care

juniper careIn order for the plant to grow healthy and beautiful, it is necessary to properly care for it. To do this, follow the tips:

  1. Provide abundant watering for coniferous trees. It will be enough to water once a month. In hot, dry weather, spray the crown of the juniper with water once a week. Such procedures are preferably performed in the morning or evening.
  2. After watering, you need to loosen and weed the ground near the coniferous tree.
  3. Strict juniper does not require frequent fertilization.It is enough to feed an adult plant once in the spring by adding 200-300 grams to the soil. nitroammophos.

In winter, an adult coniferous tree does not need special care. You should take care of young trees growing in the open field.

To prevent the juniper from dying in severe frosts, perform several procedures:

  • tie the branches and press them to the trunk so that they do not break under the weight of the snow;
  • cover a tree with burlap, agrospan or kraft paper, secure with a stapler;
  • insulate the trunk circle with pine or spruce branches.

If the tree is growing in a container, then it should be covered or moved to a warm room.

If pests or diseases are found on the plant, action must be taken. From aphids, spider mite and juniper scale insecticide will help.

Not only the affected juniper is sprayed, but also nearby shrubs and trees.

This variety can be subject to the following fungal diseases:

  1. Drying of branches. With such a disease, the bark, branches dry out, conifer needles turn yellow and crumble. The affected branches must be cut off, and the places formed after the cuts must be treated with a solution of copper sulfate (1%) and coated with Ranet paste.
  2. Rust. During such a disease, brown growths with gold and orange patches form on the trunk and branches. Subsequently, the affected areas dry out, the coniferous needles turn brown and begin to crumble. In the fight against such a misfortune will help the means "Arcerida".

At the first detection of a disease or pests, you must immediately begin to eliminate them.

Planting and caring for Strickt juniper should be done in a timely manner. The healthy appearance of the plant depends on it.

Photo of a juniper in landscape design

juniper strict in the countrysideThis type of juniper is often used in landscape design. juniper strict in the parkThey are used to decorate park areas, gardens, suburban areas and much more. juniper strict in landscape designThey are in perfect harmony with the grass, mountain pine, barberry... Photos of Strickt juniper in landscape design are presented planting of strict juniper

The plant looks great both as a group and singly.single planting of strict juniper Coniferous wood is originally combined with stone and wooden buildings, bodies of strickta on the lawn In urban settings, you can see decorated conifers in strict near the house

Interesting about Strickt juniper - video


