Natural organic fertilizers - main types, advantages of use

well-groomed beds Today, the market offers an unusually wide selection of ready-made organic fertilizers for different purposes from well-known brands. However, you can make these mixtures yourself, and there are many advantages to this. Firstly, it makes it possible to choose the composition that is needed specifically for your soil. And secondly, a self-prepared mixture can save you a lot of money.

Read also article about mineral fertilizers!

What are fertilizers for?


While in theory a healthy soil should contain all the nutrients needed for normal plant growth and development, in reality, the soil on most home gardens needs fertilization. During the development of plots, the topsoil is often destroyed or compacted, residues of harmful building materials fall into the soil - all this for many decades can disrupt the natural composition of fertile land and lead to a lack of nutrients in it. Taking into account the tendency to impoverishment of soils, as well as taking into account the diversity of plants and their needs, I became interested in the issue of self-preparation of dressings based on organic products of animal and plant origin. To begin with, I decided to find out about the types of organic dressings and their beneficial properties.

Types of natural organic fertilizers

Bone flour rich in phosphorus and calcium. It is used to feed flowering perennials, shrubs and trees, as well as when planting bulbs - for the development of strong roots and early growth.bone flour

Cottonseed meal meal is a rich source of nitrogen and soil acidifier. It is used to feed azaleas, rhododendrons and box trees. These shallow-rooted shrubs greatly benefit from these nutrient-rich dressings - when applied in early spring, they promote active vegetative growth.cottonseed meal

Crab shell meal Is a rich source of chitin, which helps increase the activity of beneficial microorganisms in the soil. Chitin is a compound that contains nitrogen; its structure resembles cellulose. Chitin can be found in the shells of crustaceans such as shrimp and crabs, as well as in the exoskeleton of insects. Crushed chitin applied to plowed soil helps to fight root rot, powdery mildew, Alternaria and late blight, and root nematodes. Nitrogen in chitin promotes active foliage growth.crab shell meal

Feather meal excellent for feeding highly nutritious forage crops such as corn, various types of cabbage - broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and white cabbage, as well as green leafy vegetables. It is one of the richest sources of organic nitrogen.feather meal

Fish flour - a rich source of nitrogen and phosphorus. It can be used to feed vegetables, trees and shrubs, as well as flower beds. Fishmeal promotes the activation of the vital activity of beneficial microorganisms in the soil, the development of the root system and an earlier onset of active flour

Glauconite (green) sand consists of the blue-green mineral glauconite, which contains compounds of iron, silicon and potassium. It has been used as a fertilizer since the early 1970s. Glauconite sand is recommended for loosening heavy clay soils - it is able to absorb up to 1/3 of the water from the soil. It is especially useful as a source of minerals and trace elements for roses - for lush blooms, and for tomatoes - for a rich, intense flavor and high nutritional value.glauconite sand

Seaweed meal Is primarily a rich source of potassium. It is introduced into the soil in early spring or autumn, which contributes to a more active assimilation of nutrients and an increase in plant resistance to stress. However, the main benefit of algae-based dressings is that they contain growth hormones and natural plant growth regulators. All this ensures the rapid growth of healthy and strong plantings.seaweed meal

Soy flour - top dressing of plant origin. The slow release of the nitrogen contained in it promotes active vegetative growth of plants. Soy flour can be seen as a more affordable alternative to feather flour

Shrimp shell flour rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium and chitin. This universal dressing is used for vegetables, herbs, ornamental plants and flowers. In addition, it serves as an excellent bioactivator for compost... A bioactivator is an active ingredient that accelerates the maturation of compost and provides an environmentally friendly fertilizer.shrimp shell flour

Soil sample testing

Test soil samples from your site before applying fertilizers - purchased or prepared yourself. This will give you a complete picture of what you really need. This way, you don't waste money and harm your plants.

What are the benefits of organic fertilizers?

This type of fertilizer naturally slows down when the soil is cold and plant growth stops, and works more actively when the soil warms up and begins a period of active growth.

Another advantage of organic dressings is that they activate the vital activity of beneficial microorganisms in the soil, which ensures a healthy microbiological balance. In addition, they promote the breakdown of minerals in the soil into elements suitable for assimilation by plants. All this makes your backyard less dependent on the constant introduction of additional nutrients into the soil.

fertilizer in the gardenUnlike organic fertilizing, chemical fertilizers are not fully assimilated by plants - some of them are washed out by groundwater. In this regard, plants often suffer from a change in excess and lack of nutrients. In addition, chemical fertilizers have a detrimental effect on the maintenance of the microbiological balance of the soil, deter worms and acidify the soil. With their constant use, the plants become real "drug addicts" who are no longer able to do without constant feeding.

Features of the use of organic fertilizers of plant origin

If you want to avoid the use of animal products in fertilizers, then you should know that plant-based organic fertilizing works best when the soil is warm enough, as their absorption occurs with the participation of microbial populations. It is best to use algae flour at the beginning of the season, and then gradually switch to top dressing from soy flour, cotton cake flour or glauconite flour.

Read the article about nitrogen fertilizers for summer cottages!

DIY organic fertilizers - video


