Macadamia nut - the benefits and harms of the most expensive and "fatty" nut in the world

Tell me, is such a valuable macadamia nut really, the benefits and harms of this type of culture are especially interesting. I read that it increases hemoglobin, and my daughter has just anemia. He drinks special vitamins, but so far the indicators have not changed significantly. I want to try to buy these nuts, but until I found them here, they say they are very expensive. I will search the Internet if macadamia is really so useful.

macadamia nut benefits and harms Perhaps now you will hear about these nuts for the first time, and there is nothing to be surprised at, because, unlike a walnut, macadamia does not grow in our conditions. But in terms of its value, culture is not inferior, and even surpasses the nuclei we are used to. This is the most expensive of all related species - macadamia nut, the benefits and harms of which have been carefully studied. It has the highest nutritional value of any nut, although the "overseas product" helps to lose weight. But this is not the only thing that made macadamia famous. Due to its rich chemical composition, it is able to positively influence the work of the whole organism.

Macadamia nut - benefits and harms

how the macadamia nut grows

The world's most expensive nuts are native to Australia, where they grow on huge, long-lived trees. Their height exceeds 15 m and for more than 100 years they annually give their valuable harvest. In appearance, the fruits are similar to our hazelnuts. They are spherical in shape, but the top green rind has a sharp tip, and underneath it is an extremely strong brown shell. Its strength is compared to concrete, so getting a core is a very difficult job. First, it is sawn, and only then, with the help of a special device, it is split into two parts. Inside, there is a very tasty white-cream kernel up to 2 cm in diameter.It has a very interesting taste, reminiscent of hazelnut, but with a touch of sweet ice cream.

Macadamia is the most nutritious of all nuts (718 kcal). 100 g of kernels contain almost 76 g of fat, 10 carbohydrates and almost 8 g of protein. Therefore, you need to eat nuts in moderation so that they do not add extra pounds.

Macadamia contains a lot of vitamins of groups B, C and A. Of the minerals, iron, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium are in the lead. It is their presence that explains the positive effect of the nuclei on the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Useful properties of macadamia

calorie content of macadamiaExotic nuts are consumed just like that, raw, or slightly dried. They also make a valuable oil, which is then used for cosmetic purposes or for making shampoo and balms. The shell is not thrown away and they also benefit from it - they prepare tinctures that well relieve various inflammations.

In addition, macadamia:

  • increases hemoglobin;
  • normalizes metabolism and the functioning of the nervous system;
  • strengthens the immune system, heart, blood vessels, nails, hair;
  • improves skin condition;
  • reduces the risk of cancer, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus;
  • lowers cholesterol levels, blood pressure;
  • supports vision;
  • prevents and relieves inflammation;
  • improves memory and performance.

Does macadamia have contraindications for use?

macadamia nut contraindicationsFirst of all, like all nuts, macadamia should not be consumed if you are allergic to this product. And due to the fact that the kernels require additional load and enzymes for digestion, they should not be given to children and nursing.Such nuts will be too heavy for the stomach in case of diseases of the digestive system.

The maximum daily norm of macadamia is no more than 30 g. If there is more, it will provoke weight gain. If it is already available, then only 10 g of nuts can be consumed per day. Then they will benefit, not harm, because macadamia speeds up metabolism and regulates fat metabolism.

Composition and properties of macadamia nut


