Finding out why broiler chickens are dying can save poultry

Mass mortality of broilers Facing the massive and unexplained death of young poultry farmers, especially beginners, ask the question: "Why do broiler chickens die?" There are many reasons for this phenomenon, but most often the loss of chickens is associated with a violation of the conditions of keeping and feeding, as well as with the spread of infections that are deadly for poultry.

Why broilers are dying: the cause is disease

A prerequisite for a strong beef chick population is careful selection of chicks when purchased or taken from the hatchery. Weak, sickly birds can be seen immediately. They are less active than their healthy counterparts, eat worse, and move less. If we are talking about purchasing poultry from a third-party farm, then there is a risk of individuals with infectious and viral diseases, with helminthic infestations or parasites entering the house. All this carries a danger not only for weakened birds, but also for quite viable chicks.

One of the most formidable reasons why broilers of different ages die are bird diseases. All diseases are especially dangerous for young animals, since chickens still have poorly formed immunity, and it takes very little time to deplete the body.

Therefore, even infections caused by E. coli and in adult birds that are easily treatable, in young animals, they lead to rapid dehydration, weakening, intoxication and death.

Infections are the cause of death of broilers

For example, avian cholera or pasteurrelosis takes the lives of chickens in 5-6 hours, accompanied by:

  • a sharp rise in temperature;
  • the appearance of mucus flowing from the nasal openings;
  • a type of droppings uncharacteristic for healthy birds;
  • discoloration of the beard and ridge;
  • wheezing and shortness of breath.

Death with this disease is almost inevitable.

Treatment and prevention of diseases of broiler chickens

Only disease prevention will prevent broiler deathsWhat to do if broilers die? If the poultry farmer has noticed formidable symptoms, then immediate treatment is carried out with the help of potent antibiotics. Injections are given to all individuals contained in the chicken coop. Dead birds must be disposed of.

In most cases, pasteurellosis and other diseases cannot be quickly recognized. In order to prevent the death of the bird, the main focus is not on the fight against problems, but on their prevention!

Infection with many diseases can be stopped by strictly observing cleanliness in poultry houses. Cages, brooders, chicken coops, paddocks and other places where broilers are kept are thoroughly washed, cleaned and disinfected. All equipment, feeders and drinkers are sanitized. It is important to regularly wash, wash and disinfect the shoes and clothes of the breeder in which he works in the chicken coop.

Broilers can die from worms, fleas, lice and liceIn order to prevent the death of birds from worms, fleas, lice and lice, broiler chickens are periodically treated for these parasites. Contaminated litter is changed, from time to time the herd is transferred to a new area for walking. They give the bird the opportunity to take dusty-ash baths.

Why broiler chickens die: lack of attention and mistakes in care

The largest percentage of broiler chick deaths occurs in the first days of chicks' life. Moreover, this is not due to infections, but to the banal inattention of the poultry farmer.Why do broiler chickens die, because yesterday they were completely healthy and active? The answer to this question of a novice poultry farmer may contain several reasons.

Lack of nutrients, vitamins and minerals can lead to the death of a bird.One of the most common is a violation of the temperature regime inside the brooder with chicks or in the chicken coop, where the grown young growth was transferred. For chicks in the first days of life, an elevated temperature is extremely important, simulating being under a hen. Therefore in brooder maintain a regime close to 29 ° C, and then day after day the temperature should drop to 24-23 ° C. Even short-term hypothermia of chicks, as well as overheating, is fraught with loss of livestock.

The mass mortality and development of infections are promoted by crowded content, as well as the lack of ventilation, which causes rapid multiplication of viruses and bacteria in the warm humid air.

Fast growing broilers can be deficient in nutrients, minerals and vitamins. For example, if vitamin D is deficient, poultry show signs of rickets. Lacking protein feed, birds gain weight poorly. Improper nutrition and maintenance in too bright light can cause attacks of cannibalism in chickens. Stronger individuals pluck feathers or peck at weaker brethren altogether.

Why broiler chickens die: poor-quality and improperly selected feed

If the poultry farmer is tormented by the question: "Why do broiler chickens die at the age of one month or more?"

Many poultry farmers prefer to feed broilers with ready-made feed. With such a diet, it is important that the mixture is fresh, without signs of mustiness and mold, and made by a trustworthy manufacturer from quality raw materials.

When in chicken menu wet mashings enter, they should be given to the bird only fresh, and not eaten removed, so that the chicks do not gnaw on fermented or rotten food.

Broiler feed is age-matchedWhy do broiler chickens die if they are kept in excellent conditions and fed in combination with all vitamins? It is not enough to give the bird a high-quality mixture and vitamin supplements, it is necessary that all the feed received is age-appropriate and can be well absorbed.

Grain for broilers and young stock of other breeds is crushed, vegetables given are chopped or rubbed in order to avoid such a phenomenon as fatal blockage of the goiter and esophagus. To prevent this phenomenon, improve digestion and satisfy poultry in trace elements, small gravel, chalk, ash, crushed shells are poured into separate feeders for broilers.

In no case, especially in the hot season, broilers should not be left without clean drinking water.

Always have clean water in the houseOn walking areas, when distributing green fodder, it is necessary to exclude poisonous plants from getting to curious birds. And here is the grated carrot, cut pumpkin, chopped forage turnips, nettles, green onions and other garden crops are very beneficial for chickens. They will not only become a welcome addition to the menu, but also replenish vitamin reserves, and onions will become a safe and effective antihelminthic agent.

Careful attention to the wards' conditions of their keeping in most cases helps to prevent the death of chickens, or at least prevent the deaths from becoming massive.

What to do when broiler chickens die?

How to find out why broiler chickens are dying, and what to do after the death of a bird?

In case of mass death of birds, it is necessary to sanitize aviaries and cagesIf there are isolated cases of death of broiler chickens on the farm, it is important to find out what caused the sad event. Therefore, especially if you suspect a contagious disease or the presence of parasites, an autopsy is performed with the participation of a veterinarian. The result of the analyzes will make it possible to carry out competent treatment, vaccination or prevention in relation to the rest of the livestock.

A complete sanitization of the poultry house territory, disinfection of chicken coops and equipment, replacement of bedding and treatment of walls and floors with slaked lime is mandatory.

Details about the causes of the death of broilers - video


