Useful properties and contraindications to the use of pumpkin oil

Pumpkin seed oil has medicinal properties The first pumpkins brought to the shores of the Old World from America were a real miracle for Europeans, who had never seen such large fruits before. The non-capricious and well-fertile culture quickly spread throughout the countries of the region and, thanks to the dense juicy nutritious pulp, which is used for culinary purposes, has become indispensable in many vegetable gardens. Pumpkin seeds have not been forgotten either.

The hard-skinned seeds were found to be even more valuable than the pulp. Due to the abundance of fats in them, the Europeans soon mastered the production of pumpkin seed oil, which was extremely valued not only as a food product, but also as a medicine. It is the beneficial properties of pumpkin oil and its use in the treatment of all kinds of ailments that caused the appearance in Austria-Hungary of a decree banning the sale of the product in grocery stores and markets.

For a long time, the oil was sold only in pharmacies at unimaginable prices, which should have emphasized its miraculous power and importance. Today this decree of the European ruler can be perceived as a historical anecdote, but neither the value of pumpkin oil, nor its properties, nor its application have changed. All the same, the product serves to the benefit of human health, helps to heal ailments of internal organs and solve cosmetic problems.

Biochemical composition of pumpkin seed oil

The use of pumpkin oil may have contraindications

Both the beneficial properties and contraindications of pumpkin seed oil directly depend on the substances that make up this active food product.

When listing the components important for a person, one should start with a worthy surprise and respect for the list of vitamins. Found in pumpkin seed oil to date vitamin E, beta-carotene and ascorbic acid, an extensive group of B vitamins, as well as fat-soluble vitamins F and K. The benefits of the oil are not limited to this. In addition to vitamins and essential fatty acids, the dark green, almost black liquid contains proteins, essential oils and pectins, phospholepids and several dozen macro- and microelements. Only iron in 100 ml of oil contains up to 13-15 mg, magnesium up to 4 mg, and zinc, which is necessary for men's health and hair beauty, about 10 mg.

Fatty polyunsaturated acids in pumpkin oil are represented by linolenic and linoleic acids, which are essential for humans.

The color of the oil is due to the presence of chlorophyll in it, which also plays a significant role in maintaining human health and in its metabolism.

Useful properties of pumpkin seed oil and scope

The use of pumpkin oil may have contraindicationsThe Austrian ruler was right in ordering to move the sale of pumpkin seed oil from shops to pharmacies. And although in those days it was impossible to accurately list all the healing properties of pumpkin oil, and its use by doctors was prescribed on a whim, and not on the basis of biochemical research, today experts unanimously speak of the uniqueness of the product.

The impact of pumpkin seed oil extends to the work of the muscular, reproductive, nervous, digestive and cardiovascular, endocrine and urinary systems in the human body.

Regular, competent intake of oil has a cleansing, protective and healing effect.

General support for the body and its immune system is provided by such substances in the composition of the product as vitamins F and A, flavonoids and chlorophyll.The anti-inflammatory, wound healing and restorative effect of pumpkin seed oil has been well studied and used by physicians. Its components directly affect the course of protein and carbohydrate metabolism, influence the synthesis of insulin, hematopoietic function and the formation of enzymes.

Vitamin E plays an equally important role, which is indispensable for the quality functioning of the circulatory system and heart. The removal of harmful, excess cholesterol largely depends on its presence in the body, which, accumulating, contributes to impaired blood flow, increased pressure and the development of atherosclerosis.

Pumpkin seed oil is used to prevent atherosclerosisPumpkin seed oil is a natural and practically harmless agent used in the prevention and treatment of not only atherosclerosis, but also coronary artery disease, hypertension, and anemia. As a preventive measure, the product is useful for the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Pumpkin seed oil is also a natural sedative that not only relieves pain and protects damaged organs, but also relieves nervous tension, headaches and insomnia.

Similar to human hormones phytosterols ensure the maintenance of hormonal balance. Help women during menopause and with painful and irregular periods. These same substances, as well as the ability of the product to gently but actively relieve pain and inflammation in folk medicine, are used to treat various gynecological diseases.

It is recommended to add pumpkin oil to the first and second courses.Not only women, but also men can feel the healing effect of the drug. The oil is equally useful for problems in the male genital area. Pumpkin seed oil is used both for prostatitis and for potency disorders. At the same time, the remedy does not solve only a narrow problem, but acts in a complex way, relieving inflammation, enriching the body with active substances and vitamins, maintaining hormonal levels and raising the tone.

Therefore, a man, taking a little pumpkin, simultaneously cures erectile dysfunction, and gets rid of possible inflammatory and stagnant processes in the organs of the genitourinary system, and even improves the quality of sperm. Taking pumpkin seed oil is indicated for diseases of the bladder and kidneys, prostate adenoma and decreased potency.

Dressing the salad with pumpkin oil makes it taste fullThe properties of pumpkin oil are also applicable in the treatment of diseases of the gallbladder and liver. Here, together with fatty acids and vitamins, phospholipids come into play, capable of adjusting the work of these organs, as well as restoring liver damage and protecting its tissues from the formation of fatty inclusions. The remedy is recommended by physicians for hepatitis, cholecystitis, the formation of stones in the gallbladder, as well as in case of biliary dyskinesia.

The systematic use of the properties of pumpkin seed oil is justified when peptic ulcer and colitis, flatulence and other diseases of the digestive tract and stomach. The agent has a laxative effect, and is also used as part of complex therapy for helminthiasis caused by tape parasites.

The use of pumpkin seed oil for cosmetic purposes should be noted separately.

The healing agent relieves irritation on the skin, has a regenerating, smoothing, bactericidal effect on the integument.

Pumpkin seed oil is irreplaceable for hair. Due to its unique biochemical composition, the agent activates dormant bulbs, forcing even heavily thinned hair to quickly recover. At the same time, the hair from pumpkin oil becomes alive, elastic, there is a beneficial effect on the scalp, especially when it is excessively dry and prone to dandruff.

How to take pumpkin oil: benefits and harms

When consuming pumpkin seed oil, you must observe the dosageThe value of pumpkin oil lies in the complex of versatile beneficial properties that it has on the body. But how to take pumpkin oil with benefit and harmlessness for various diseases of internal organs, skin and hair?

The main way to use pumpkin seed oil is to include it in the menu of therapeutic and prophylactic nutrition. This fragrant and very healthy oil can be added to a wide variety of dishes, from cereals and soups to salads and baked goods.

It is important that the liquid rich in active substances is not exposed to high temperatures, that is, it is better to add pumpkin seed oil to ready-made dishes.

In order to take pumpkin seed oil for medicinal purposes without harm, but with benefit, it is consumed without drinking it, some time before the main meal. The dose, depending on the diagnosis and health condition, can be from 1 to 3 tablespoons per day, divided into three doses. The course of treatment lasts 2-4 weeks, and pumpkin seed oil must be used strictly under the supervision of a physician.

With prostatitis, pumpkin seed oil is consumed a teaspoon three times a day, but the treatment does not end there. In this disease, microclysters with this remedy will be useful, for which they take 25-50 ml. The course also lasts up to two weeks, during which time the oil is also used for local massage of the prostate.

For diseases of the female genital area, tampons soaked in pumpkin oil are used. The procedure is carried out overnight, leaving the healing agent until morning.

When consuming pumpkin seed oil, you must observe the dosageFor allergic rhinitis, pumpkin oil is instilled into the nose, 3-4 drops in each nostril. Supplement the treatment and use of oil orally, spoonful three times a day.

For burns, acne and other skin diseases, as well as for alopecia, pumpkin seed oil is applied externally for the beauty of hair. Dressings soaked in oil are applied to wounds and damaged skin, and in case of hair loss, pumpkin oil is applied to the roots, rubbed in with massage movements, and then washed off. The procedure is carried out up to three times a week in monthly courses.

The harm of pumpkin seed oil

You can feel the harm from the use of healthy pumpkin oil if you neglect the existing precautions, do not take into account your own health and contraindications.

Caution in the use of pumpkin seed oil is necessary for high acidity, inflammatory processes in the digestive system and pancreas. Diagnosed cholelithiasis also imposes its own restrictions. The oil is capable of provoking the withdrawal of stones, so its intake is carried out only under medical supervision.

Individual intolerance to the product cannot be ruled out, especially if there is an allergy to other melons, oils and pumpkin pulp. With the mass of useful properties of pumpkin oil, cosmetologists also have contraindications for its use. Experts do not recommend applying the product on oily, clogging-prone skin, otherwise metabolic disorders, the formation of purulent inflammation and comedones are not excluded.

Video about the benefits of pumpkin seed oil


