Useful properties of ziziphus and contraindications for use

useful properties of ziziphus and contraindications In our time, on the shelves of supermarkets there is an abundance of exotic fruits. One of them delights buyers. To get the maximum benefit from the fruits, you need to know the beneficial properties of ziziphus and contraindications to its use. What is this unique fruit? What useful elements does it contain? How and with what is it eaten? Let's try to understand these issues.

External features of a unique fruit

ziziphus ripens

Since ancient times, people have appreciated the beneficial properties and contraindications of ziziphus when they tasted its unusual taste. The plant was grown in China, Japan, and the Australian continent. Residents of those places ate ripe fruits, and also made various tinctures for the treatment of diseases. Today, ziziphus is actively cultivated in Russia, Asia and the Caucasus.

There are several names for this exotic fruit: Chinese date, jujuba, unabi.

ripe fruits of ziziphusIn its natural environment, the culture grows up to 10 m in height. Its lush branches are abundantly covered with miniature thorns. In June, the tree begins to bloom, donning a mantle strewn with pale yellow buds. Over time, exotic egg-shaped fruits are formed in their place. Outside, they are covered with a smooth skin, under which a delicate pulp is hidden. When filled, the ziziphus takes on a light yellow color. Ripe fruits are bright brown or reddish in color. Today there are many varieties of unabi. Each of them differs in its color and taste.

A hidden storehouse of nutrients

a storehouse of nutrientsThe secret of the beneficial properties and contraindications of ziziphus lies in its chemical composition. Interestingly, almost all parts of the plant are used as a means to combat ailments.

In the fruits, scientists have discovered a number of valuable elements necessary for the life of the body:

  • alkaloids;
  • amino acids;
  • organic compounds;
  • flavonoids;
  • styrenes;
  • pectins;
  • glucose;
  • essential oils;
  • vitamins C, B, PP;
  • trace elements (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, sodium).

In addition, the low calorie content of unabi is striking, which is about 80 kcal per 100 g of fresh product. However, in dried form, its limit increases significantly to 250 kcal.

Useful properties of ziziphus and contraindications for the body

fruits for improving the bodyThe amazing composition of Chinese dates shows the healing power of these exotic fruits. If you eat a few fruits every morning, you can strengthen your immune system. This is achieved due to the high concentration of ascorbic acid in it.

The fetus is contraindicated in persons with increased acidity. Consumption of the product can lead to the formation of stomach ulcers.

The unique healing properties of unabi (Chinese date) help in the treatment of various ailments. In folk medicine, in addition to fruits, leaves, seeds and even the bark of adults are used. trees... Each element has its own value. However, the most useful substances are concentrated in the fruit pulp. Although some don't know what unabi is or how it is eaten, the fruit has gained a good reputation among fans of exotic foods. They love to eat it fresh, dried or dried. Sometimes used as a preservative.

The cultivated fruit - ziziphus has a sweet tender pulp that contains many useful elements.Therefore, the beneficial properties and contraindications of unabi are used to treat and support the body.

Kidney disease

kidney treatmentThe juicy, fleshy fruits of the Chinese date are used in the treatment of the bladder. In addition, it is a wonderful prophylactic agent for kidney stone formations. The product promotes the active removal of excess fluid from the body. As a result, pain cramps are alleviated and the kidneys are cleansed.

Before starting to use the product, the patient needs to consult a doctor.

Ideal laxative

has laxative propertiesQuite often, older people suffer from constipation. Since the fruit of the Chinese date contains pectin, it is used as a laxative. The fruit has a beneficial effect on the work of the digestive tract and "waste products" come out naturally.

The unique benefits and harms of ziziphus are determined by the presence of fiber in it. It removes a number of toxic substances, heavy metals, and excess cholesterol from the body. As a result, the choleretic ducts are cleared, which means that the digestion process improves.

Increased red blood cell count

increase in the level of red blood cellsWhen the body lacks iron, a person feels constant weakness, dizziness and nausea. As a rule, such symptoms speak of a terrible disease that increasingly affects modern society. At first glance, anemia does not cause much alarm, but it is important to replenish the body's reserves with trace elements. Unabi fruits contain essential components that enrich the blood with oxygen. Regular consumption of Chinese dates helps to boost vitality and joy.

Strengthening bones

strengthening bonesThe easiest way to combat osteoporosis is to include ziziphus in your diet. It is especially important to do this for older people. Due to the fact that the fruit contains an abundance of calcium, phosphorus and iron, its consumption leads to the strengthening of the skeletal system of the body.

Beauty of hair and skin

ziziphus for hair and skinFor a long time, healers have used unabi juice in cosmetology. It successfully relieves inflammation and various rashes on the skin of the face. It is often prescribed in the treatment of psoriasis. In addition, such a concentrated liquid delays the appearance of wrinkles and rejuvenates the skin.

The successful use of Ziziphus leaves to make a healing ointment helps fight acne, pimples, and even boils. Prepare it in this way:

  • a tablespoon of dry crushed foliage is mixed with olive oil (5 tablespoons);
  • mix thoroughly and bring to a boil over low heat;
  • the mixture is poured into glass dishes;
  • insist 7 days;
  • filter through cheesecloth.

The finished ointment is applied to areas of problem skin once a day. The procedure is repeated until the problem is completely eliminated.

To speed up the healing process, you need to include the fruit in your regular diet.

Help in stressful situations

ripe sweet fruitsIncreasingly, in modern society, people are faced with unforeseen problems. As a result, they are overcome by chronic restlessness and anxiety. It turns out that with the help of zizyphus, you can get rid of unpleasant emotions. The components that make up the fruit have a calming effect. They interact with hormones, resulting in emotional stability.

It is advisable for people suffering from nervous disorders to carry dried unabi fruits with them. During the next stress, you can simply chew them, which has a beneficial effect on emotions and hormones.

Possible fruit contraindications

zizyphus is useful not for everyone ziziphus is useful not for everyoneSince the Chinese date helps to lower blood pressure, it is not recommended to use it for hypotensive patients. In addition, overuse of the fruit causes severe headaches and even migraines. To test your body's response to the fetus, it is advisable to start with small doses.

Pediatricians do not recommend giving unabi to children under 5 years of age.Decoctions from the foliage of the plant or tincture of the bark should not be consumed by pregnant and lactating mothers.

Minor contraindications have not deprived the exotic fruit of popularity. It is actively used for a healthy diet: it is added to cereals, salads and mixed with honey. The main thing is to approach business wisely and not overeat. Thus, the benefits of unabi are obvious, because it gives the body additional energy, longevity and health.

What diseases does ziziphus fight against - video


