The benefits and harms of pears are sides of the same coin

the benefits and harms of pear The benefits and harms of pears are on the same scales and have almost the same weight. It's hard to believe, but once upon a time, people thought these fruits were poisonous. For a long time they were afraid to use them raw and boiled before eating. Meanwhile, the chemical composition of the delicious fruits is so diverse and extensive that it can be used even for medicinal purposes.

Chemical composition

trace elements in pear fruits

The trace elements in the composition of the fruit determine the beneficial properties and harm of the pear to the human body. It is known that regular consumption of fresh fruits significantly reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood, increases resistance to disease and helps to reduce excess weight.

The pear is recommended for women in an interesting position, for small children and is not prohibited for people suffering from diabetes. It is a known fact that the more fragrant the fruit, the more useful it is.

One hundred grams of pear pulp contains:

  • ascorbic acid - about 5 mg;
  • tocopherol (otherwise vitamin E) - 0.4 mg;
  • vitamins of numerous group B, among which B2 - 0.03 mg; B5 - 0.05 mg; B1 - 0.02 mg; B9 - 0.002 mg; B6 - 0.03 mg;
  • potassium - 155 mg;
  • sodium - 14 mg;
  • calcium - 19 mg;
  • iron - 2.3 mg;
  • phosphorus - 16 mg;
  • magnesium - 12 mg;
  • sulfur - 6 mg;
  • silicon - 6 mg.

In addition to the above substances that are contained in the pear, you can find in less significant quantities: molybdenum, vanadium, iodine, boron, zinc, manganese, fluorine, nickel.

The presence of folic acid in fruits is especially attractive for pregnant women. And a large amount of fiber will help improve bowel function.

The juicy pulp of a pear makes up 97%, while the peel and seeds make up only 3% of the total weight of the fruit.

The usefulness of pears for the body is supported by the presence of some organic acids, enzymes, tannins, flavanoids and starch. environmentally friendly fruitsAt the same time, there are very few calories here - only 47 per 100 g of product.

Do not eat fruits that grow near busy highways or in other environmentally unsafe areas. Pear fruits tend to accumulate heavy metals such as lead, which can be harmful to health when consumed.

The benefits and harms of pears for humans

fragrant and healthy fruits

Thanks to its rich composition, the pear can do a lot. The positive effect of the fruit on the body is undeniable. For example, the properties of a pear can lead to the following results:

  • the body's ability to resist infections increases;
  • immunity is stabilized;
  • inflammation is stopped;
  • the psychological state improves;
  • the quality of breast milk increases;
  • digestive processes are normalized;
  • metabolism returns to normal;
  • liver and kidney function is significantly improved.

An impressive amount of ascorbic acid in the fruit helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which restore the lost elasticity and strength.

Regular consumption of pears prevents atherosclerosis by significantly lowering blood cholesterol. The nails get rid of brittleness, the skin is smoothed out, improving its color, and the hair stops falling out and acquires a healthy shine. Even tooth enamel gets stronger if pears are constantly used in food. It is believed that frequent consumption of this fruit even helps in the treatment of cancer.

Not only benefits, but also harm, a pear can bring the body, if you overdo it with its use. The fruit is known to have an antidiarrheal effect, which can lead to constipation if not observed. Elderly people should be especially careful.

Diseases that pear helps to treat

eat fresh fruits

Not only the fruits of the pear have a positive effect on the healing process, but also other parts of the tree:

  1. For skin diseases such as allergic rashes and eczema, a decoction made from pear leaves will help very well. For two minutes, you need to boil one glass of young leaves, filled with half a liter of boiling water. Then sterile gauze or a wide bandage is moistened in broth and applied to the affected skin.
  2. A decoction of the fruit will ease the symptoms of cystitis and remove the unpleasant odor from urine.
  3. Decoctions from dried pears perfectly help with disorders of the functions of the biliary system. The health benefits of pears for the liver are obvious here. Half a glass of dry fruits is boiled in 0.5 liters of water until the fruits become soft, and then insist for about 3 hours. It should be taken 4 times a day, 100 ml of broth.
  4. More about the benefits and dangers of dried pears for the liver. This fruit in dry form perfectly cleanses the liver after poisoning with metals, alcoholic beverages or medicines. And dried pear compote helps to restore the balance of water and salt in case of a hangover.
  5. The high potassium content allows the pear to have a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels. Here, in order to prevent diseases, you can eat fresh fruits, compotes, and fruit drinks.
  6. When so little useful remains in the fruits at the end of winter and spring, you can make decoctions from pear branches. The benefits and harms of a decoction from pear branches are the same as from fruits. A good decoction for diabetes. Here you need 20 g of branches, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist in a thermos for 10 hours. You can also boil pieces of three branches for 15 minutes in three liters of water, cool and strain, and then drink instead of tea for a month. This recipe helps with osteochondrosis.
  7. The beneficial properties of pear flowers are used in the treatment of prostatitis in men. For this, 30 g of flowers are poured with boiling water and insisted for 10 minutes, after which they are filtered and drunk during the day until the symptoms are relieved.

Pear for women

healthy fruit for womenThe use of pears is especially indicated for some categories of people. For example, how is a pear good for women? Recurrent pain associated with menstruation will be greatly reduced if ladies start to eat this fruit more often. In addition, they will not have such strong mood swings, and their performance will remain at their usual level.

The pear can bring benefits and harm when used as a cosmetic product. Masks made from pear mashed potatoes will be useful. If you mix a couple of tablespoons of puree and add a spoon honey with a pinch of cinnamon, and then apply this composition to clean skin for 15 minutes twice a week, you can significantly improve the complexion. The skin will look even tone and look healthy and radiant.

Pear masks should not be used if the skin is damaged.

Pear for children

moderate consumptionThe benefits and harms of pears for the child's body are in moderate use. Then the small person's bowel function is normalized. Dry fruit compote will relieve the baby of constipation and help reduce the temperature in case of a cold.

What else is a pear useful for children? The seeds of a ripe fruit will relieve the child of worms and stop diarrhea. And regular consumption of fresh pears will contribute to good immunity, which will prevent the child from catching the virus.

Harm and contraindications

The pear has several contraindications for use:

  • exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • you cannot eat a pear when the stomach is empty;
  • you can not drink the eaten fruit with water, in order to avoid heartburn;
  • meat should be eaten only an hour after the pear;
  • To avoid constipation and indigestion, the elderly can only eat ripe and soft fruits without an astringent effect.

With a huge number of useful properties, pears have only a few contraindications. This suggests that such a healthy fruit should take its place of honor on every table, in every home.

Calorie content and properties of pear - video


