Planting and caring for flowers on the stem: choosing a place, soil, watering, fertilizing

planting and caring for flowers

Planting and caring for flowers of the stethoscope is quite simple and easy. It is amazingly beautiful and non-capricious plant. If you follow fairly simple guidelines for caring flower, then it will delight with lush flowering for a long time.

Landing dates, seat selection

places about the planting of the steep

The correct choice of planting time for the purchased plant depends on the form in which it was purchased. If these are rhizomes, then their planted in the beds in April. During this period, on the roots of the steeple shoots appear, which means there will be no danger of damaging them when landing. If a ready-made seedling of a flower was bought, then it is best transplanted to the beds with the arrival of summer, when there will be no cold weather.

For the steep, it is necessary to equip the beds in well-lit places. Otherwise, with a lack of sunlight, including in partial shade, the plant will not form inflorescences.

The soil is suitable for him with a high content of nutrients, as well as with good drainage. If the soil on the site is poor, sandy, then before planting it must be fed with manure... All pebbles are removed from the garden so that they do not interfere with the roots to grow, they are carefully dug up. If necessary, bone meal is additionally added to the soil.

Planting and caring for flowers

it's time to plant the steep

When arranging a flower garden from several specimens of a steep sap, at least 0.4 m is left between its bushes.When planting the rhizome, it is buried to a depth of 5 cm, and so that the plant does not freeze, the roots are mulched, this also contributes to the conservation of moisture in the soil. Peat, humus, sawdust are suitable for this. The steep is watered quite often while it is actively rooting.

Mulching has one important plus - it protects flowers from weed germination.

Before planting seedlings of the steep, it is necessary to dig holes and fertilize them, since young plants are much more whimsical than rhizomes when planting. In the role of feeding, a mixture consisting of 1 volume of bone meal, 3 volumes wood ash, 6 volumes of humus.

Spotted Bone Bone Care

care for the sap

This is not a moody plant at all, but for a beautiful flowering. nevertheless, it should be taken care of. Bone sap loves to grow on loose soils, therefore, the soil must be regularly loosened and then mulched. But you should not fluff the soil too deep so as not to damage the roots.

Basic rules of care:

  1. Watering plants. Since the plant loves moisture, it must be watered regularly. If the landing site is arranged correctly, with drainage, then overflows are not terrible.
  2. Feeding flowers. Fertilization of the steep is carried out twice a season, during its growing season. The first time they apply top dressing in early spring, and the second time at the very end of June or when the plant is laying buds. You can use mineral mixtures, for example Nitroammofosk, Kemira Lux, Zdraven is also suitable.
  3. Pruning. The plant is wonderful in that it does not need systematic pruning while it grows green mass or blooms. Its branches die off by themselves, with the onset of autumn.
  4. Preparing for the winter. With the onset of cold weather, the bushes are cut in such a way that about 15 cm of stems are above the soil surface. This flower tolerates subzero temperatures well, therefore it does not require additional insulation.The youngest specimens are covered with spruce branches. The sapwood begins to release new shoots only when it is already quite warm. Finally, the flower wakes up towards the end of spring, and then actively grows.
  5. Transfer. The plant does not really like when it is often disturbed by transplanting. From this, it greatly loses its decorative effect. The flower should be planted in the spring before it releases shoots.

If you follow all the rules of planting and care, then the first flowering can be observed already in the third year of the life of the steep.

The flower forms tall bushes that need a garter. It is especially important to do this after heavy rains, when the stems with large inflorescences heavy from water begin to slope strongly. To make it easier arrange, it is better to plant the plant along the walls of the house or near the fence.

Propagation of stethoscope

breeding of steep

By the way of reproduction, the flower is no different from other garden perennials. Cutting suits him, dividing a bush, and also propagation with seeds.


steak seeds

To obtain seedlings, the seeds of the stethosis are sown at the very beginning of spring, they are kept in the house on the windowsill or in greenhouses. It is enough just to lightly sprinkle the grains with soil and moisten well, cover with foil. Shoots must be expected in 15-20 days. As soon as they appear, the film is removed and grown until 4-5 leaves are formed. After that, the seedlings need to be dived, seated in separate containers.

On the flowerbeds, the steep shed is planted only with the arrival of summer, when there are definitely no frosts and cold weather.

Dividing the bush

dividing a bush

Only bushes older than 5 years can be separated. Will fit like spring and autumn, although it is more favorable to plant them in the spring months. Then delenki will take root better, will grow more actively. The rhizome of the bush is divided so so that there are 3 or more buds on each piece. Planted in the ground immediately after separation, water well.

root division reproduction


rooting cuttings

For grafting, branches are chosen so that each one has 3 buds, cut in the middle of summer. The prepared planting material is rooted, placing in a greenhouse. The soil in pots must always be moist. When in In August, roots are formed, flower cuttings are planted in the beds. This is not the most a simple method of reproduction, it is used to obtain a large number plants.

Possible diseases and pests of stethosis


Another advantage of the steepless is that it is quite resistant to garden pests and diseases. This is due to the toxicity of the culture. The flower sometimes hits the miner. To get rid of it, the plant is treated an insecticide, for example, Aktelik, after removing damaged leaf plates.

varieties of stethoscope

Gardeners are afraid that the sprouts appear quite late. But this is normal for the steep. Another common problem is lack of flowering, which can be caused by a small amount of light.

In order for the plant to be beautiful and blooming, one should not forget about the rules of winter care. This is an important point on which the appearance of the bush depends.

Disembarkation of the steep shed on the site - video


